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The ancient scriptures of spiritual science was never from the origin of English language and was not in our mother tongue to put it in its actual words. The terminology of some spiritual forces are rather vague to describe it in full comprehension. Cognitive dissonance is one area of the mind where this literature could cause a major breakdown of understanding. Unless you could compromise some flexibility to argue for the right usage of interpretations or having some basic knowledge of spiritual science. We have to spell out some words to tell the energy of these "spirits" to describe the mystery of supernatural events. The "desire" (naf) is the real energy in this main character of our own doing and our "belief" which store all our "knowledge" is the result of such understanding.

This literature is not about the use of English language to its full perspective or to promote its usage as a medium. We are trying to share the "knowledge" of spiritual science with some readers to explore about the unknown frontiers of supernatural event. You may be an expert in your your own mother tongue to command for the right perspective but you should also give us the same respect to interpret it in our own words. The philosophy of linguistic words has no jurisdiction to claim for its own superiority. We should not command "words" to be the only source of understanding. The metaphor of understanding came from your own ability to produce intelligence in its real meaning.


Spiritual Science, Mystical Adventure, Pontianak, Penanggal, Oily Man, Water Spirit, The Morgue, Demonic Disturbance

Friday, 21 December 2012

Walking Dead

Death is still a mystery that can never be unraveled. The legal and medical communities have determined "death" through the end of bodily function of respiration and heartbeat.  But this observation is not conclusive to cease an individual person to be dead. A person with no respiration and heartbeat or other external signs can be resuscitated. Organs transplantation and donation is part of this hasty conclusion to declare a person dead.

Walking dead may not be a supernatural event. We have wrote many stories about these amazing energies of the walking dead. Resuscitation of respiration and heartbeat can be interpreted in many ways. Medical ability to sustain life has so much to do with electrical energy that they used. Our consciousness is an electrical activity. This energy of our "life" can never be destroyed.

Resurrection of a dead body is not a myth or science fiction. Spiritual science of our studies have found many clues of its possibilities. The theological and theoretical concept of this amazing "energy" need to be fully declared. The "sentient being" which we have made to become the "identity" with the person on what we are is still outstanding. Our consciousness and memory of "life" on board the body during our living period will not disappear into thin air. Nothing is put to waste and energy can convert to change form.

Most of us are still at a lost on the "life" that was given to us as an energy to live on this earth. The "tree of life" on our body has not been fully understood. The "leave" that grows and falls has a lot to do with our chemical energy of "desire" which is responsible for the sustenance of the body and electrical energy of "belief" which is responsible for the well being of our "soul" for the "identity" of ourselves. This "aura" has not been taken noticed by us to give special attention to it.

Our "life" was given with a "single breath" and need to be recycled or exchanged at every interval with our respiration for the heartbeat to pump the blood circulation through out the whole body on the "tree of life" with the oxygen intake. That blood carries the "qursani" or iron for us to stand on this ground of earth with a stable balance or "vertigo" on a perfect equilibrium. Now, our body was made from this earth as it nucleus or origin. What keeps the body intact from falling apart is the gravitational force of the "desire" chemical energy and what keeps it moving is the quantum mechanics of the "belief" electrical energy.

Inertia of this body or entropy of its energy will result to the body to be pronounced "dead" with no respiration and heartbeat. Resuscitation is a real subject to discuss.
Read our stories about the Pontianak and Penanggal. Email us at :

Monday, 29 October 2012


Women were given the highest dignity in the history of mankind. No other species in this universe has ever been given such a special privilege. A womb of a woman is a place where many mysteries began. Women may not realize that they are having the most sacred monument of "life" on board the temporal host. To be able to produce "life" is the highest authority given to every woman. This special privilege to breed and spawn the genetic genome is a special "trust" to bear new generation to come.

Mankind must prevail on this earth and good pedigree of human eugenic descendant is totally on the sole jurisdiction of any women. Producing good able "human" on this earth for our generation to come has been left for women to undertake the solemn oath. This is a sacred vow that most women must really understand. Sexual orientation may be a natural order and is not a choice of natural attraction. This is the basic instinct of animal nature that was given to the "desire" inside us. The "heat" that was burning in the thermodynamic to do the work.

Natural attraction is a "chaos" that must be put in "order". We are not animal that breed with any people on the street. The "choice" to choose a good genetic genome for a baby to be born on this earth is the sole responsibility of a woman. Human babies are not animal fetus to be discarded on the street and left to live or die with survival instinct. Sexual partner must be made with a "choice" and must be made to take the burden of responsibility.

Human babies have been thrown and dump on rubbish bin to relinquish that responsibility. What kind of a mother will do such a horrible thing? Babies have been thrown from high building to die in horrible death. What kind of cultural activity is behind this horrible tragedy. This chaos must be put in order to end the barbaric act.  

Friday, 17 August 2012


There is something in the heart that gave us the feelings from the conscience of our thoughts. These "thoughts" are actually "timeless" where it could come from the past or the future. The space where our consciousness prevail, surfs on the broadband frequency of electromagnetic field. The "mind" has no control of the memory either to "remember" or "forget" about the information that apply. Our conscience is a substance of "weight" and the "deeds" are the gravitational forces of our "desire" that gravitates on the core of our body which is the heart.

The "action" of our biological body will always become the burden of "guilt" where our feeling and conscience will take notice. Nothing could be erased from the memory of our brain. It can only pass away to accommodate the future event while we sink to "forget" to attend on the current affair. We would soon "remember" due to the "weight" of our conscience of "belief" to evaluate the past action. Memory is a solicited affair of cause and effect like a shadow that follows and only the conscience of our "belief" could drown the "guilt" of cause and effect.

The burden of "guilt" is the "weight" of gravitational force of our "desire" on cause and effect. The weigh of cause and effect on such "guilt" is the justification of "knowledge" from our conscience of "belief". It is not a virtue of right or wrong to justify our action on its real purpose. That purpose has its own reason of our  real "intention". Every affection or hatred carry the "weight" of its own substance. Not all "love" is sacred and not all "hate" is evil. The balance on the scale of that weigh is the substance of our "knowledge" to apply the "weight" of cause and effect.

The equilibrium of "fate and destiny" has been predestined to react on its attributes. "Guilt" is what we think to "belief" to that effect. Some people are proud of their own sins and some do really feel the burden of "guilt" due to its own "weight" of salvation. Making redemption is a way to lift that burden of "guilt" for the sake of our peace of mind. The conscience of "guilt" will come popping up to haunt those who try to hide and run away from paying their dues. No matter where we run or hide, that real culprit is always inside us. That "person" who we called ourselves is not alone to take his own action. There is always another who will questioned our reasons. 

Moral values has been placed inside us as a natural instinct of any human. The proclivity to do good come naturally until the scale was tilted by our "desire" gravitational force with the "weight" of our "belief" in volition of our knowledge to sway away from its natural course. When you stray away from the natural moral track, that "guilt" of cause and effect will come like a shadow to follow us eventually. The "mind" will keep reminding us about our past action to test the "weight" of our conscience of "belief" to relinquish the animal nature of the "desire" gravitational force.When we were born in this animal nature, we have to evolve to become real "human" that we are suppose to be. The basic capacity of moral values inside us must be placed on its right perspective and remain to be seen. 

Friday, 27 July 2012


Trust is a word we human use to tell the notion of faith. We have to trust our biological mother or parents, perhaps due to their natural instinct for the source to the care giver of love. It was a natural instinct to trust someone we thought will never do any harm to our own best interest. It was part of that "believe" that we have always kept as a faith that they are the saint of God. We have to give people that "trust" until they prove us wrong. So, "trust" is a token we have to place on the table of chance. This was  where we started to be a nice person to be with.

But having to face the world outside where most strangers were there to test our best judgment. It was some kind of a trade fair where we need to evaluate the degree of that trust. Presentation was the first to be scrutinized before any words could be spelled out to enter into any agreement of trust. It would usually end with a "promise" to keep that contract of trust. When there is no evidence of guilt to tender the cause of suspicion, we have to give that trust and hope it will be delivered with a faith.

Breach of trust has always been the pain in the heart. No human should make any "promise" on something that they could not fulfill. But if there was a scam in disguise to deceive us, we will always fall into that trap undetected when we had to offer that trust well in advance to see the result of miracle. Having no control of the outcome is a horrible ordeal. This was where all the conflict started. Tension began to build when we felt cheated. This drama of trust will never end until we could find a perfect solution. We will always become the victim of circumstances and started to be more reserved in giving that trust again. This will change our perspective in life.

Losing that strength in the power of trust, may drown our self esteem. Having to face those smiling faces with some suspicion is the only best move. Their words should be evaluate to see the substance of truth. This will change us to be a different person from the start. We will not be that accommodating anymore and that pleasant smile will not sparkle than before. The innocents will be badly mistreated.

Friday, 4 May 2012


This energy of "faith" is something that we human need to use to evaluate some knowledge of information that we received from our five senses. The "desire" is the body chemical energy that gravitate substances from the five senses with its gravitational forces. The "belief" is the energy that evaluate the "weight" of that substance to be the "faith" as an anchor of our understanding.

The "desire" chemical energy will always gravitates for the body to gain some sensations. That gravitational force will leave the energy of "belief" to sustain the "weight" with our understanding. Knowledge that the "mind" produces is for the "belief" to substantiate and the "weight" of that substance of information will be the "faith" to be kept as an understanding. 

The core of our body is the "heart" where the feeling infiltrates from the gravitational force of the "desire" after the "belief" took it as a "faith" of understanding. The "mind" that kept all the memories of understanding will produce the knowledge when it apply. To take the seat of understanding with our consciousness is not something that everybody could do as a natural process. Intelligence is not a basic capacity that was kept by the "mind".

The ambiguity of true and false is a mirage for our "belief" to secure it with a "faith". To choose is a choice of the "desire" where the "belief" explore the chances of possibility. Sight is a tool of perception of our five senses. The information we heard could influence us to "belief" it with a "weight" of understanding. But nothing can be called the "truth" before reality proclaim it with some evidence. Even evidence can be circumstantial to leave us on the fence of ambiguity. 

Most of us would be the hypocrite to take side for the sake of popularity. Having some "faith" which has no substance of "weight" is like a shadow of some followers. Are we that easy to be manipulated? Or was it a chance we took to wait for the truth with some "faith" of a believer.

The "desire" and the "belief" are the only token we use to stake a claim with our "free will" to make choices and take chances. "Cause and effect" are the attributes that will decide on the "fate and destiny" of our "lifespan." We create our own destiny with what we did yesterday on the result we receive today. And today is the day we will be making our "choice" on what will happen tomorrow as a "chance." We are living on this earth to take the risk and face the consequences. That "life" is actual a gift of opportunity to taste the result of our own making. However, "knowledge" is the fundamental substance of our "life" on board the biological body. We need to gravitate it with our "desire" of choice and "weight" it with our "belief" of chance to be the reality in the making. The truth can never be established to claim it as a fact. So "faith" is a necessity on our system of living. 

Saturday, 10 March 2012


Maybe science of today has all the proper medical tools to probe into a human body. But this surgical procedures has been put on display a long time ago. The demonic culture of the jinn civilisation have done a lot to contaminate and consume the human body until this very day. We human are living in two stages of biological and spiritual hemispheres. The "waking" and "sleeping" period have its own separate adventure for the body and soul. 

While waking up in full alert is for our "desire" to fulfil the biological body needs with it chemical energy, the sleeping period is for our "believe" to fulfil the spiritual soul needs with it electrical energy. When these two forces were used to realise the "identity" of a human with its consciousness, the real adversary of human survival came from some "foreign forces" that have a very high interest on the human body. The demonic culture of the jinn civilisation have always played a part to do some making.

There is such a demon of the "Penanggal" that was used to do the job of the "abortionist". The human blood and internal organs have been the demons most favourite delicacy to lavish. They can always enter our body to do some mischievous act of diabolical plot. We have wrote about this demon in our story of the "Penanggal" to tell about its mystical adventure. This demon can be "owned" by any evil practitioner with the right mystical formula. "Busong" or "Mystical Pregnancy" is also part of this demon mystical know how. This demon is hermaphrodite and can take any gender to spawn its genetic breeding.

It is not easy to explain in great details on how this demon "modus operandi" go about. But is was almost certain that the body gravitational force from the energy of our "desire" has something to do with gravity. The body is the earth and gravitational force of this "desire" is the operative inside us as an agent working to get some chemical reaction for the biological body. This was where the demon came to stake an alliance. The body sensory nerves of the "believe" electrical energy on the body is detachable in the absence of "radioactive radiation" from the soul satellite connection.

Pain and suffering on any human body has been caused by high temperature heat from the origin of "fire". Inflation and burning sensation of the human tissues can be deployed by this demon to stake its interest of mystical investment. This demon of the abortionist is the real "scientist" at work. They can come in to stay inside our human body to do some surgical procedures to "put" or "take" what is necessary for their own benefits. Human blood has this sacrosanct that they need in high priority. It was their daily beverage.

Making women in labor lose their fetus inside is not a complicated thing to do. The demon of this "Penanggal" may not come in today reality with the mutilated head dangling around like in the medieval time when no hospitals were on site. But today there are many medical experts to do the job for them and they can always stay in their ectoplasm to tune in the frequency of electromagnetic field in today real time. The hydrogen and nitrogen content of their breath are harmful enough to our human body. They can adapt to the current modern society without having to cause an apparition.

Their diabolical plot has reach the sophisticated part of modern history. They now make human themselves do the making of any mischief just to collect the reward at the end of the occult. The human fetus may or may not be taken as a love property by its biological mother. The absence of such "affection" on the fetus inside can be the only reason for the demon to take notice. These demons of the jinn civilisation are using human as their genetic breeding. One way to do it is to make human having a secret affair to make love and got pregnant.

It was rather sad to see some of these babies were thrown away just to hide their secret affair. Some have to abandon it on the road side or even rubbish bin just to get rid of it. This "desire" inside that biological mother has been contaminated by the devils satanic verse. The demon has to play their part to accomplish their diabolical plot. In fact most terrible accidents came from sudden "absence" of the mind in the spur of the moment. We are not alone living on this earth.    

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


The blood of a human contain a very high level of sacrosanct that demons need to have for the sake of their survival. Most terrible accidents happened with the cause of their diabolical plots. These devils were there to drink some bloods. Our blood and bones are their beverage. Our body secretions are their daily nutrition. They will have to make our body bleed and fall sick to cultivate their domestic needs. Germs and diseases or even viruses, plague and pandemic are their biochemical weapons. We are caught in this stigma that it was some kind of a natural course of tragedy.

No human have planned for any unfortunate event to happen to them but it did happened to us with pain and suffering or even cuts and bruises to make us lose some body strength of sacrosanct. If only we could watch them taking a sip to quench their thirst on every drop of our blood that was spilled. Dark energy on this universe has not been taken too much noticed. They were the one controlling the speed of light and gravity is in their full authority. Nitrogen and hydrogen may be some industrial chemical agents to give human some development projects to progress. But using these gases of their breath will benefits them as a partnership. When human progress, the devils benefited from our activities.

No matter how peaceful  this earth could be, there will always be some danger and hostility around. Conflict and hostility will happen some how or rather somewhere. Accidents and tragedy will happen to make people suffer in pain and die. Human will die sooner or later and it will be their meal to feast on our dead body. God has never intended to do harm to any human but these devils and demons were there to play their parts to cause pain and suffering. Only when in pain and suffering most human will seek divine salvation or intervention. The sacrosanct of blood and oxygen must not be contaminated. But it was due to human own negligent that most tragedy happens on this earth. The killing and slaughtering of human being were mostly done by among human themselves when their sacrosanct have been contaminated.

No human will kill or harm any fellow human on any reason of a kind. When the body was made to cheat and lie and when the "desire" was burned to rage in anger or in greed and pride, that body is no more human as a person. We are not animals that kill for food or survival. The better judgment for best practice can easily be found anywhere on our conscience of 'belief" but it was never used as a proper working tools of living. Hostility may be a necessity to claim for survival but it must bear some fruits of harmony at the end of the road to bring prosperity.

If the suffering persist, it must be the work of the devils.

Edit 9.8.14

We may not realize the adversary behind the scene. When our mind relied so much on evidence of facts and logic, reality was put on display to please the eyes. We should realize that about the symmetry of conservation. Without the symmetry, no object can be seen in reality. These devils and demons are part of that symmetry. They could show and hide anything to deceive us with facts and evidences. Our perception is subjective in any objective reality. What is shown on purpose has its own reasons of motivation. No matter how high our intelligent quotient is and how reliable our physical ability could be, we can never guarantee a safer environment from any hazards of harm. The tools and equipment that we have invented are just toys for us to play with. Pharmaceutical medicines could only give us a temporary solutions for a cure. But the real battle on a body is its anti body of immune system that the blood produce with its sacrosanct.

Our human blood is all it takes to contaminate it with some bacteria and germs for the infection. The air in the atmosphere have different gasses beside oxygen that we breathe. This is where these devils and demons lived for a living. Our only survival is the sacrosanct inside us. How reliable are we to ensure the blood stays in full purity. The chemical nutrition that we consume could only supply us with some artificial resources for the survival of our biological body. Immortality is a losing battle that we fought to stay alive and healthy. Every living thing and creature has its own body defense system. Our human blood is what makes these living things survive on this earth. Without our human existence in this earth nothing else could survive in this universe. The carbon dioxide that we human breathe out gave the surrounding environment their basic reason to exist in reality. This is what the devils and demons is after for our human blood.       

Saturday, 25 February 2012


There is such a nymph in the occult of supernatural event. Puberty is a stage of maturity for a woman to step into the nubile of motherhood. The sexual desire to mate on sexual intercourse is a basic capacity of animistic nature. We human may be animal in nature from birth but will have to gradually evolve to become the real human for its purpose. The stage of puberty is the metamorphosis of our spiritual self to invest the genetic structure of ancestral heritage and descendant. The "mind" that came during puberty is like a driver on the road with so many rules to obey. The dual passage way of good and evil  was divided with a thin line to cross over on each lane. The body is the vessel for the "mind" to drive with the "desire" and "believe" as passengers. 

The deoxyribonucleic acid is the structure of our genetic genes to spawn with a sexual partner. This sexual partner is not something you should pick on the street for sexual pleasure. The "temporal host" of a woman is not a swimming pool for everybody to dive. Virginity is a sacred wall to the monument of modesty. Chastity is a divine obligation to ensure its purity. The "soup" in the ovary for the zygote to clinch on a secret recipe of matrimonial contract must be meticulously observed to ensure the genetic structure came from the right resources.

We are not animals to breed with our own flesh and blood. This deoxyribonucleic acid of the same genetic codes may jeopardize the genetic structure to be infectious with the demonic cultural heritage. The female nymphomania is not truly of a human nature. The mutation of genetic contamination will result to abnormality to deform the biological body or spiritual realm of an identity. This was where the deadly viruses and diseases of cancerous and chronic illness were spawned. The symmetry of conservation may tell a different story from its shapes. Metamorphosis is not only about biological body. The spiritual side of the body may have a different identity. The body is only a vessel for us to ride once in a life time.

The body defense system has been set to ensure the genetic spawn was kept in a separate vacuum. The menstrual period was meant to purify the female eggs in its individual structure of sexual partner. However the zygote from the male eggs will have to clinch on the female eggs during hibernation. This period of hibernation is where the mystery began. Contamination is a great hazard to biological progress. The first few weeks is where the congregation of investors came to bit for their share.The fetus became a commodity of trade to evaluate its share value. There are a lot of interested parties wanting to spend their hope for the future that even the mother may not have that high interest in mind. 

The baby may be born in perfect condition to please the mother or biological parents. And may have the best feature to claim for an "idol". But the purpose of that "life" for the baby to live may not serve the biological parents in the future. The investors must make their share value increases in the market demand. These "investors" have cultivate the progress of genetic breeding to serve its purpose. Fully equipped physically as a human will blind the eyes to take it at face value. An innocent child will be made to serve the illegal tender.     

Our offspring must be treasured with great care. Having the purity of a descendant from a rightful source must be taken into great consideration. The devils and demons were out there waiting for these opportunity to breed inside us. Once they took ownership, we will be having their cultural heritage forever inside our deoxyribonucleic acid of the soul. The genomes and chromosomes of human genetic can mutate with other genetic carriers. The characteristic pattern of an identity may be compromised.   

Serving the purpose of this "life" is what we are here now. There are many choices to make and chances to take. Every step we made will be accounted for to serve a purpose which has been placed as a preference of choice. That choice was never for free without any real hard work to achieve our objective. Getting it was where the real "life span" was used to please the investors. This was where we cheat and lie. Greed, envy, pride, sloth, gluttony anger and lust will be traded as commodities. Many hearts will be broken, many tears will be shed, many feelings will be hurt or even worst that many lives will be killed.   

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Mystical Pregnancy

The mystical occult of black magical curse set upon some victims were made in a very mystical ways. The soils from certain grave was used to perform the mystical ritual to ground the victims body under duress. It was not known as a fact to put someone under this black magical curse called "busung". The victim was said to suffer an acute intestinal disorder with the stomach getting inflated on a bloated belly. Nothing was found inside when it was scan with best medical equipments. The victim could be either man or woman. This was due to the origin of this demonic energy that came from an entity of hermaphrodite.

Seven effigies were later known to have been written with the victim's name on it bundled up with the soils from the graveyard. Demons were used as "courier" to activate such a mystical occult penetrated on the victim's body through the anus by inflicting a sharp painful burning pain. The turmoil started inside her intestinal passage with sudden whirling wind entering her stomach. The pain was unbearable when the stomach became inflated to a ninth months pregnancy stage within a few days.

The victim herself gave the true life story of her suffering that took years to eliminate the curse. It started with a food poisoning that was deliberately done for her to consume the deadly toxic waste of menstrual blood. Her gut near her navel was contaminated with some mystical property to spawn such a black magical curse. These demons that carried the deadly mystical curse were there to destroy. They entered the victim's body and sat inside her gut to carry out the attack. Mystical occult would usually use the heaven and earth doors to complete the curse. The mouth was to consume some poisonous toxin and the anus was where the demon came in to wait for blood contamination.

The seven effigies of grave yard soils with her names were to ground her body immune system of antibody. The seven doors of the victim's biological doors were shut closed to deny any access of pure oxygen. Sharp nails, needles and razor blades were found inside her stomach when it was later dispensed out after an intensive exorcism to relief the victim suffering. Getting rid of these demons inside her body was a spiritual event. The spiritual medium doing the exorcism will have to use a much stronger "counterpart" to lead the spiritual mission of traditional cure.

To get rid of this mystical curse is not an easy game to play. We do not want to speculate further about this mystical mischief. Hybrid mutation on a human biological body came in many shapes and sizes. The electrochemical energy of this demonic forces of atomic fermion and boson will need to spawn on a biological vessel to express its existence. Our minds may ignore them with convenience of choice, but they will keep coming back to make a stand until we could feel the pain of suffering. Fighting an evil insurgence will lead to a split of two parties with one having an alliance to manifest its stay.

Iron in the blood where the "desire" gravitates will flow in our veins undetected. Cancerous growth of any kind begins somewhere in the body with a reason. We could either cure it with chemical reaction or perhaps radiation. Radiation as we have known today may sound scientific in nature but in spiritual science it was put in a different nature. We human have atomic energy to be used on a right perspective. The glow of our auras and the "chi" of our sentient being are not myth of any fictions.