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The ancient scriptures of spiritual science was never from the origin of English language and was not in our mother tongue to put it in its actual words. The terminology of some spiritual forces are rather vague to describe it in full comprehension. Cognitive dissonance is one area of the mind where this literature could cause a major breakdown of understanding. Unless you could compromise some flexibility to argue for the right usage of interpretations or having some basic knowledge of spiritual science. We have to spell out some words to tell the energy of these "spirits" to describe the mystery of supernatural events. The "desire" (naf) is the real energy in this main character of our own doing and our "belief" which store all our "knowledge" is the result of such understanding.

This literature is not about the use of English language to its full perspective or to promote its usage as a medium. We are trying to share the "knowledge" of spiritual science with some readers to explore about the unknown frontiers of supernatural event. You may be an expert in your your own mother tongue to command for the right perspective but you should also give us the same respect to interpret it in our own words. The philosophy of linguistic words has no jurisdiction to claim for its own superiority. We should not command "words" to be the only source of understanding. The metaphor of understanding came from your own ability to produce intelligence in its real meaning.


Spiritual Science, Mystical Adventure, Pontianak, Penanggal, Oily Man, Water Spirit, The Morgue, Demonic Disturbance

Thursday, 24 March 2011


The ancient scriptures of spiritual science was never from the origin of English language and was not in our mother tongue to put it in its actual words. The terminology of some energy forces are rather vague to describe it in full comprehension. Cognitive dissonance is one area of the mind where this literature could cause a major breakdown of understanding. Unless you are willing to compromise some flexibility to champion for the right usage of interpretations. We have to spell out some words to tell the energy of these "spirits" to describe the mystery of supernatural events. The "desire" (naf) is the real energy in this main character's role of our own doing and our "belief" which store all our "knowledge" is the result of such understanding. 

So this literature is not about the use of English language to its right perspective. This story is not about the sole purpose to promote the medium of English words and its usage. We are trying to share the "knowledge" of spiritual science with some readers to explore about the unknown frontiers of supernatural event. You may be an expert in your your own mother tongue to command for a better perspective but you should also give us the same respect to interpret it our own words. The philosophy of linguistic words has no superiority to claim your language for such respect. We should not command "words" to be the only source of understanding. The metaphor of understanding came from your own ability to produce some intelligence in its real meaning.    


The legend of this creature of the Pontianak has been known through out the Malay archipelago. But what is missing here is the biography of this real person. Nobody knows who or what she was and how she ended up to become the most notorious among the living dead. 

No one has ever tried to explain it in great details. We have to dig deeper into the dark society to find her dead spirit. Because only she could tell the real story on what really happens to her. She was once a normal human being like us having a heart to fall in love. But the society that surrounds her deny her that privilege when she met a nice looking man that suit her tenure. They secretly sneak out in the dark night in the forest to be private and found a place that provides them with a pleasant hospitality to stay together. When love is too great to be denied, they touched each other intimately. 

But nature has it own rules to obey. The boyfriend died after being strike by strong lightning in the forest and left her with an opened package to be delivered. She has lost her virginity and found out that she was pregnant. This is the episode that was never told for us to understand. She was caught in a situation that left her no other option but to live in seclusion. She spent her pregnancy days hibernating in the deep forest. She was all alone having to deliver the baby and not knowing what to do. But she was bleeding and having difficulty delivering the baby when the baby emerged. Desperate to push the baby out, she split opened her abdomen   with a hairpin used to tie her long hair, to rescue the baby. She tore her own skin with her bare hands. She was screaming in pain when she held the tiny baby closer to her. But the baby was quiet.

The baby was motionless and she screamed with moan-full tears hoping to have some joy of happiness. But the baby died in her arms when she faded into her last breath. This is the part that has to be told with spiritual science. This "borrowed time" that she lend from the devils is a mortgage to lease her "soul" for the devils to have her "spirits" for its evil adventure. That is the time she rose from the dead carrying her dead baby everywhere she goes.  When her dead baby badly decomposed, she became hostile and look for her lost baby in the near village. This is where the haunting began. 
Spirit of the dead is still a mystery to most of us. What and where they are after they died can never be established as a fact. The “afterlife” may be a story of fiction to some people, whom do not believe this universe is created by God. Nothing can become something is more appropriate to their intellectual ability.
However, we are here not to dispute about any theological concept. The “afterlife” has more to be understood. Science of today will agree that “energy” can never be destroyed. So the question about our “sentient being” which we have made to become the identity with the person on what we are is still outstanding. Our consciousness and memory of “life” on board the body during our living period will not disappear into a thin air. This is not how our eco system works. Nothing is put to waste and energy can convert to change form.
This “energy” is somewhere and remained intact as an “entity” of our identity. It can never be erased or destroyed. Energy can only change form, and we are here to explain about this amazing “energy” of the dead. Before we could do just that, we have to give our readers a rapid crash course about “spiritual science” to embark on this interesting journey of the unknown. This subject can never be taught in any classroom or college. Let us step a little further to where the real action is.
This story of the “Pontianak” is one that I will use as our empirical study. The hypothesis we will scrutinize is our energy of “desire” and “belief”. Every human in this world needs to use these two energies to live on this earth. The energy of the “desire” will always gravitates to sustenance for the biological body with feelings we feel in our heart. The energy of the “belief” is where we think and understand about the information we receive into our brain.
The energy of “desire” will become the deoxyribonucleic acid of our ancestral element in the biological body. The energy of “belief” will become the identity of the person; what we are in our consciousness. The word “soul” is easier to say than it is to really understand its true meaning. Before I can tell you about the real “soul,” I have to start with the basic energy of the “spirit” we were given during birth on this earth.
“Soul” is the source of our “life” energy that drives the “desire” and “belief” to be the substance of its own nucleus on the biological body and consciousness of its identity. The making of these “spirits” began on the sixth weeks of the living foetus. The spirits of the “desire” and “belief” will begin to rotate the forces of gravitational “pull” and atomic “push” from its basic energy in our “instinct”. These are the forces that turned the rotation of time on our “lifespan”, and in the stem cell that starts the heart beat to pump its blood circulation throughout the biological body, with the afferent and efferent forces to send the synapses of the brain consciousness for the “belief” and the feelings at the heart for the “desire”.
These “spirits” of the “desire” and “belief” must evolve to become the real human being upon maturity, and the start of this odyssey is when we reach the age of puberty. The “dopamine” sparks the electrical charge in our pre frontal cortex to the brain to inspire our conscience, and the neuritis of “heat” that burns the chemical reaction of "adrenalin" in the insula cortex and amygdala to inspire the emotional feelings at the heart.
There will be so many rules and regulations to follow before we could graduate to become the real “human being”. Now our readers can use their own body as a specimen to test it for their own empirical study. The hypothesis of this spiritual science is now brought upon the real scientific lab of our real body to understand this message of information.

We human were made with the basic “animal nature” during birth equipped with “natural instinct” to stay alive. A newborn baby would know how to reach or search for its mother’s tit to get some milk for sustenance. The standard moral values will soon emerge to lead us about right and wrong with the “weight” of some “guilt” when we reach the age of maturity upon puberty.
This was when we started to be rebellious and use the privilege of our “free will” to make “choices” and take “chances”. Making “choices” will always be the token of our energy of “desire” and taking “chances” will be the token of our energy of “belief”. With these two basic energies, we began to create our own identity with the person of what we are. Now we have reach to a point where we could compare and differentiate this “knowledge” that we have just learnt, to test it with our own body of ourselves for their own empirical studies to know the “evidence” of fact.
Let us step back into where this story is supposed to begin. The “Pontianak” is the “spirit” of the dead and she was one of the most notorious of the walking dead. The word “walking dead” may sound supernatural and mysterious to some people who think “death” is the end of everything of what we are. Now follow us closely where we will discuss this issue of the “walking dead” with some “knowledge” of spiritual science.
We exist when we lived upon this earth as an “entity” of the person of what we are on “birth” and that “life” has an expiry with duration of time that we called “dead”. “Birth” is a sacred event that we all usually celebrate with some cakes on our “birthday” but “death” of a body will always end with a funeral to be put in a memorial site to be forgotten in our absence. This absence from the evidence of fact is what some of us kept as a “faith” to remember those who have perished.
Now this story of the “Pontianak” is a remembrance of such an unfortunate event. She was once a beautiful young woman with pleasant viewing pleasure. Her misfortune has made what she had become. She rose from the dead due to some unfinished business which she needs to rectify. When “death” is an expiry to the duration of “time", that time can be “borrowed” that she lent from the devils.
Let us begin our mystical journey and see for ourselves how this can ever be done. Satan, devil and demon are the “unseen” that we should know about. They are part of this universe that we have come to live in the same atmosphere. They surf in the frequency of electromagnetic field where our “thoughts” and “memory” stayed in the broadband frequency.
There is much for us to know about the mystery of living. Our “lifespan” on board the biological body needs to be explained. The “earth” is where our biological body has its origin. The force of gravity keeps it intact and conserves it as an “entity”. Without gravity, nothing will remain in its actual form. It will disperse or perish. So gravity keeps a body intact. Besides gravity, there is dark matter, a cosmological constant and quantum mechanics of atomic nuclear energy.
All these are the driving forces of our existence. The start of life explosion on earth or this universe can explain so much to do empirical studies. The abiogenesis and spontaneous selection of evolution and mutation of some species we have seen today. So hybrid mutation and surrogacy are part of nature’s reserve. Our deoxyribonucleic acid can mutate with other genetic carriers. This universe works on recycling eco system. Our respiratory system require oxygen to be recycled from the carbonize gas that we breathe out.
So we exist from the activities of everything around us. The “earth," “air," “fire” and “water” is the substance of our real self. Breaking them apart into pieces may sounds strange to some people. We have to live and learn to accept that we are not alone, having all the ability to stay alive. We are using some of the universe “energy” induction to stay alive. This was how the “Pontianak” was made to become the walking dead.
She has become one of the lost “souls” and her “spirit” lingers to stay in touch. The connection to step into the space of reality was what she had tried to accomplish. During the time of her reign in the early days of our great ancestor, she has shown how she could do it and stay back as a “living dead”. We hope our reader will follow us closely in this interesting story of the “Pontianak”.  She has become a demonic beast when the devils came to offer its expertise. The devils “baryonic” energy is how it was made possible to rise from the dead.
The bacteria and germs of deadly viruses are the commodity that these devils trade. They can cause our biological body to mutate with their genetic genes and hybrid to become sub-particles of the universe. The devils have a longer “lifespan” until the end of the world. Their time is not measured. They have the ability to create and destroy like we do. They can make our body to have cancerous growth and they could also make our body move with their atomic energy of electromagnetic field. They are the sole proprietor of speed.
So, “Vampire” and the “Undead” are not science fiction after all. They are genetic mutation from a different abiogenesis hybrid. The “Pontianak” is a vampire of its own nature. She can breed with her deadly virus to spawn on its victims. The deadly virus spreads through the blood of its victims and is contagious. The victim becomes its descendant whom we called the “Langsuir” or “Vampires”. Let us find out what this is all about.
There are many versions of what most people think about these notorious creatures of the dark. The Pontianak and Langsuir are quite similar in nature but have different outlook in their features. The Pontianak was the first and only “walking dead” during her reign. She was the one carrying the first deadly contagious disease of this virus to spread it among its victims. This was where Langsuir came about to be her descendants.
To know how she became one of the most notorious of the living dead, someone took the risk to ask for her consent to hear her side to the story. Locating her where about was a chance of a lifetime. Approaching her and get her to tell how she became a legend is something that was done in great perseverance. We are here to share that with you.

You are now about to step into the world of another dimension. All these dimensions have a different vibration that we are surrounded by. There is a portal gate where they cross over in a very thin margin. Our world is the only dimension where time is measured. This is a space of “gravitions” and “spheritons” that produce gravity, dark matter, magnet and electromagnetic field and home for our memory and thoughts. Our “sight” is the tool of perception and perception is subjective. The crossroad to step into a conscience of “belief” in an understanding of “knowledge” is where the anchor of “faith” was held. Some assumed that the living dead best refers to people who are dead but are supernaturally animated and they generally don’t heal and exist only as a mockery of former selves. They may continue to rot or degrade and be destroyed by conventional means. They cannot re spawn themselves nor breed. Zombies, living skeletons and the like fit this category. They generally don’t have restriction on what they do or how they are destroyed but things like zombies needing a brain trauma is simply because motor control is concentrated in the brain, not because of supernatural requirement. While not impossible, communication with each other or with living humans is rare and may be limited to what they knew while alive.
And the Undead best refers to beings that transcend from conventional notions of life and death that they simply are. They usually retain their senses of self, can replenish and heal. They may be able to re spawn themselves or breed. Generally they can only be killed by a supernatural means. Vampires and ghosts fit this category. It’s more a case here that the Undead aren’t so much been alive or dead. Often the result of a curse they may have special rules that restrict what they can do and how they can be destroyed. In both cases it is generally accepted that apart from communication, the Undead generally can get by with little or no noise having some ability to dampen noise in their immediate surrounds. This aura of “wyrd” around Undead may also account for anomalies in how they rot, sound, appear, cause things around them to wilt, curdle, sicken, tarnish, become cold, sour, warped or otherwise affected.
But zombies of the living dead are the initial part of the Undead. They can transform to become ghosts or vampires when they can get the right formula to re spawn. The resurrection of the zombies happens when the devils came to share its expertise. We have found traces of such mischief on hybrid of genetic mutation. The demonic culture of the jinn civilization can offer such a remedy. This was where this conflict started. We are amazed to know that our deoxyribonucleic acid has a secret of its own. These are the genetic structure of all the mutated genes that ever merged to be as what it has been today. It will carry on from all the past genetic spawns that had ever been taken from other genetic carrier. This is the genetic spawn of all our past generation linage.
Our ancestral past have never been erased and have become part of us. This was why we human need to find a good breeding ground as “temporal host” for our descendant to come. This was the spiritual past of our former self that has been accumulated. These are the souls and spirits of all the ancestral past. Science may have seen the making of genetic breeding in the theory of evolution, and cloning, mutation was now a scientific discovery. Mutation has always been the source on the making of all species on this earth. So genetic cloning of different hybrid is not impossible to understand.
The enzymes of ribonucleic acid has been scattered all over this universe ever since it expanded to start abiogenesis on the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid. The body of a human carries the same ribonucleic acid that started life on earth. It won’t be that much complicated, if other genetic carrier came to take in tenant as “temporal host”. The subject of “surrogacy” could happen with this “temporal host” and we are going to deal with it in our story of the Pontianak. If surrogate mother is a scientific achievement, it will not be impossible for other genetic carrier to bid for the tender. Because the beginning of stem cell of “life” on board the biological vessel of a body happens with the pulse of “cause and effect”. The genetic gene of zygote to clinch on the female eggs is a matter of chance. And hermaphrodite would still need a “temporal host” to spawn the breeding.
If “life” could grow on a living body, the question is whether it could stay on a dead vessel of a body. If nothing can become something in the theory of science today then, it would not be impossible to understand. Surely there must be some energy behind the scene that is brewing to cause such a robust outcome. But every life form has a “length time” or “lifespan” that was measured by “time” and time will expire without gravitational force of gravity. Gravity will keep the object from falling apart and upon expiry the vessel of life will fall apart or perished. This is where our readers will have to spend some intellectual ability to exercise some empirical studies.
There is a missing gap in between the space of time, when life departed from the body to terminate the DNA structure carried by the dead body. This was the time in question when the dead body was taken hostage for an extension of time. The supernatural events, that science may not dispute to deny the possibility on such a mysterious happening. Executing an “extension” with a borrowed time is a phenomenon that science of today is still at a lost. This formula of a “borrowed time” can only be activated when “life” expires with entropy, and the dead body will be given a new energy on its proto type with quantum gravity holographic principles. We do not want to speculate further on how this was made to be done. When the universe is still young and expanding, the production of hybrid mutation on any genetic carriers is part of its growing process.

When the spawn of ribonucleic acid was in the air to take any “temporal host” for its genetic breeding, the mutation of hybrid breeding may happen from the former deoxyribonucleic acid of an abandon host or dead body. It was just like a flat tyre inflated by some air. It may not be oxygen for that purpose and the carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen could be used as an alternative. The compression of air in any bodies or machine is the driving force of kinetic and potential forces. Without air intake to boost the generator of body or mechanical parts, the combustible energy of these gases could not apply the induction of force. So air intake is the fundamental element of moving parts besides the atomic energy of quantum mechanics to generate the kinetic and potential energy.
The atmosphere has four main gases of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide that we have known about. If all living things need oxygen to live or breathe, maybe the dead can breathe with other gases which were abundant in the universe. This is what we are looking into to establish the gases that these demons and devils breathed. They were known to be made from the origin of “fire” and carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen may be their air to breathe. The 21% of oxygen and 79% of nitrogen in the universe gave them the advantage to rule us. Bacteria and germs can spread inside us and cause our tissue to become cancerous growth on any parts of the body. They were the virus of foreign elements which are not suitable to our living body and they could spawn as “temporal host”. But some bacteria are harmless to human body. Some may act as curing agent to enhance healthier growth of the human tissues. These germs and bacteria came from demonic culture in the atmosphere of the jinn civilization. They are the couriers.
Some of us may want to believe in “alien” and “UFO” that will make them feels a bit more educated in a way rather than believing in ghosts or devils which may sound supernatural and mystical. So no matter what we want to think and believe is not an issue here. If “alien” and UFO are some reason of proof that there are other “intelligent life form” on this earth, so referring to the Jinn civilization is not superstitious. These are the mysteries that came from the Jinn civilization for us to know about, because they have shown something when we humans used their energy for health, strength and also beauty. What we meant here is the subject of “charm” or “susuk” used by some for that purposes and “black magic” or “sihir” to bring miserable suffering to human body.
We human will need oxygen for our living body and recycled the carbon dioxide around us after using it. That surrounding air that makes such an exchange from the plants may carry some of our residues from our former self. We are environmentally equipped to sustain a living of our sacrosanct to build the DNA structure. But when the dead body was no more in use for that purpose, the body becomes part of nature as an ownership hand over to be recycled or use as a “temporal host” with a tender of a lease. This tender of a lease will be explained later on the subject of “borrowed time”. This was where the mystery started. The resources that gave sacrosanct of life to the former body are still active in the air to use it as an opportunity.
The law of thermodynamics that govern the conversion of energy from one form to another, the direction of which the “heat” will flow, and the availability of energy to do work. This is not a supernatural event of superstition. Mystery of the unknown has so much to do with this universe and they are part of it. The spiritual science of this nature may not impress the intellectually prepared persons of objective reality. We have to put all the pieces together of this happening on genetic breeding of the dead body. But evolution of nature can be distorted by intelligent design.
As we know that gravitational force of gravity can puts things together from falling apart with the cosmological constant of dark matter. The dead body which has become part of the masses of this universe may now belong to the property of mother earth as the “temporal host” of life deoxyribonucleic acid. Having a perfect proto type available putting into waste is not what nature eco system is all about.
Mother earth will retrieve its property once “life” was terminated from the biological body to be recycled or use as “temporal host” under tender of lease. But when the electromagnetic field in the air intend to use it for an adventure, the mystical rendezvous become part of this legend. The perfect body was now vacant without an occupant. We have seen man having a body of a woman or vice versa. We are not protesting against homosexuality but making references to indicate the source of occupier. But when life ends on expiry with the source of former self to close the episode of its deoxyribonucleic acid, that dead body becomes a vacant room for mother earth to recycle.
Recycling would be best described as new formation for genetic breeding. Ashes of dead body could be made to become new plants or even creatures of the wild. But when the former body was taken to mutate with a new outlook of a feature with a demonic culture, the human form may be distorted. We human have not learnt everything there is about this universe. There are many secrets of the unknown that have not been taken noticed. As the “caliphate” of this earth, or the “governor” of nature, we human should know how to deal with this universe or at least observe the element of destruction. We need to know our adversary.
We now have to make some spiritual anatomy to give some breakdown of the ectoplasm inside the human body. The spirit of “desire” that craves for the biological body needs was a chemical energy that came from gravitational force of gravity in this universe. This energy is blind without any knowledge to understand the infiltration from the five senses. This is the atom inside our body that has been touch by fire, and the bio chemical of our emotional state. The spirit of “desire” was known to come from the origin in the heat of “fire” which is the same origin from most devils and demons. This is the spirit that gravitates for the biological body animistic nature to crave for food, drink, sex, which was strongly ruled by the ‘ego” of the gut brain of the “desire”. This is the “heat” in thermodynamics that flow in the available energy to do work, because the biological body needs the “heat” to dispense its chemical energy.
But there was another part of the energy from the conscience of “belief” where the mind resides to explore the “knowledge” of our “life” with some understanding from the infiltration of the five senses. While the “desire” is blind, the “belief” is mute and the “sight” for both of them is the understanding from the “knowledge” of our “life”. Recognition and realization of any “knowledge” is the substance of our real selves to be the identity of the person that we are. The “mind” is an independent agent that serves both the “desire” and “belief” with the choice and chance of our “free will”. The “desire” will choose to be what we think we want to be with its “instinct”. The “belief” will search for the possibility of chance on how to become what we think we want to be with the “understanding”. The “mind” will provide the risks and consequences with some “instinct” from its basic “knowledge” of what we think we want to be from the satellite of the “soul” as a reminder to finalize the making of reality with an “intention”. This is the moral value that was placed inside us to be good.
That “intention” is the seat taken with our consciousness to experience the making of reality. That driver on the seat of our consciousness may be the “desire” using the basic instinct with the craving and temptation or the “belief” using its basic conscience of understanding with the reminder of risks and consequences. This was where we human become good or evil.
Ignoring the risks and consequences from the “mind” which is the satellite of the “soul” may result in the body losing the guardian of the “soul”. This was where we human were left alone on its own to test the taste of trial and error of its own “free will”. Choice and chance will come with “cause and effect” of “fate and destiny”.
But what we are trying to suggest here is that the spirit of “desire” which is blind was having the same nucleus with most of the devils and demons. That gravitational force inside us to crave and the temptation to get what has been chosen as a choice, is the energy that could merge with the devils energy. This is the mystery of the unseen that may merge to converge with our human energy.
The demonic culture of the Jinn civilization is something that has been found to pick human as its choice. This is the civilization that was part of the universe eco system to recycle the earth resources. The nitrogen to fertilize the earth nutrition and reprocess the secretion and carcasses of dead things was part of their expertise.  They can pick and choose any of the earth left over to take as their own. Faeces, bones and dead bodies are part of their food chain.  They are free to use these dead things to use as their own. They breed germs and diseases in their backyard to become deadly virus.

This story is about that cross breeding between two separate genetic carriers. The demons atomic particles were cloned with the human chemical energy to induce the gravitational force of kinetic and potential energy of movement upon the death of human body. When “life” could never end but “pause” on hold to a standstill, without the substance of the body, the energy that prevails on its consciousness of former self is still very much active.
This was where the devils came to play its part. The dead body was now left to decay for the eco system to take over on its roles. The former self will always be there to solace for its monument of reality. The gravitational force of the “desire” which has been terminated to end its episodes of living on the body, will grieved in jeopardy somewhere very near.  The devil will come to stand in as “attorney at law” to solicit for an extension.
Now let’s be cleared about this. The termination of “life” upon death of the dead body was never disputed. It was in the full authority of God inner circle that “death” is mandatory. But the extension on a “borrowed time” is on the dead body. This was the conflict that the devils had with mother earth. Using a dead body is the real conflict that we should look into with great interest.
This was the “borrowed time” which has been misplaced. Our human “lifespan” is very short compare to the devils which could live outside the measured time of this universe. Having a former self in anguished to resume its own identity, the devils may have some diabolical plot to be put in place. A merger was made to be done. As we know that energy can never be destroyed and could convert and change form, the hybrid mutation of genetic breeding of the biological stem cell is not impossible.
We human have used these devils energy a long time ago. During King Solomon times, the demonic energy was used to do most of the heavy duty on this earth. In the period of time when human chose to claim the land they owned, and built architectural building which was far beyond our human physical strength. Heavy duty works were mostly done by these Jinn civilization. We have seen in today historical sites from the ancient years that most building constructions are far beyond our human abilities.
These are the time when human and the demonic beings works hand in hand. Human could use them to lend a hand in doing such physical task and took them as our counterparts. But today’s technology does not warrant such assistance when we human have progress with heavy machineries. So their workmanship is not relevant in today’s reality. So these demons and devils will have to adapt to the changes of time in need.
But what are their retirement plans? This was where the jinn civilization has to adapt to the priority of time in session to offer their expertise. Some were use as “couriers” of black magic and some took their own diabolical plot to create their own adventure like what we are going to tell about in our story of the Pontianak.
Demonic possession has taken placed while the human body is still alive until this very day. But it had happened before when the demon took over the human body after it has died during the past medieval time. These are the times when science was still at the stage of infancy. The time when this universe was evolving to test some specimens, to spread their genetic spawn to recruit new species. Our universe was expanding ever since the beginning of time.
We have seen many species became extinct from this universe with some traces of fossils found scattered beneath the earth. But this Pontianak was one of those legendary creatures that we have heard about. Science has taught us to be intellectually prepared. Evolution is a scientific theory accepted by many intellectual able persons. But to close the door on some spiritual theory of demonic culture is an insult to our intelligence. We have not discovered every part of the universe. There are so many things we need to learn about.
Spare some space for our minds to wander along this dimensional spectrum. We may not want to swallow this up in whole or raw but to give some taste of it is good for empirical studies to widen up our horizon of thoughts. The air we breathe has not been seen but felt by our sense of touch. Surely we could give some benefit for such a missing visual impair to reserve an exception on demonic activity.

Sight is a tool of perception and perception is subjective. A stream of photon imprints an image on a film. The film exists in objective reality, and it contains a picture that reflects objective reality based on the origin of the photon that created the images.
When that film happens to be our retina, that image is sent through neurons to a biological computer, where it is finally “seen” by the sentient being: ourselves. Our perception of that image is subjective even if it happens to accurately reflect objective reality.
The writer wished to advise his readers to exercise caution. The Pontianak was a dead woman lost soul wandering on our side of the world, to look for an opportunity. Readers are advised not to mention its name once too often. As the spiritual dimension is near, the name calling could be meant as an invitation, for the beast to stage a visit.
We hoped none of our reader will disguise themselves to be some kind of a spiritual medium to embark on a séance to call for any spirits of the dead. This spiritual realm is strictly reserved for specific mystical journalism done by great guru. The devils out there may want to impersonate them to lure us into their domain. Keep out from this mystical pane.

The unseen world is different from our side of the world. They wander in the atmosphere using the frequency of light and sound to travel about. They could hear us in this cosmic atmosphere, because the air we breathe was where they came from. We should not take chances to allow them to be somewhere very near. When they do, our life will never be the same again. Our mental and emotional status will be altered. Our heart will begin to beat faster.
We had ventured deep enough into their world to know how they move and react. The signs of their presence could be known with flash of bright light in the sky and a soft blowing breeze sending a cold chill of fear that went up our spine. The smell of flower fragrance would fill the air and a fade sound of a woman voice singing from afar was the signs that the Pontianak was here.
The hair on the back of our neck will rise, filling us with the chill that went up our spine. Fear emerged deep within our heart, to make us wonder in confusion. And when the beast made its presence felt, that fear will turn into fright. Making you shiver in the cold chill, sending your mind out from your brain, leaving you scared not knowing what to do.
When it came to claim its lost hope on someone whom had what has been the purpose of its entry, the demon would try very hard to stake its claim in the night that seems to lose all signs of life and left the open space with emptiness for the demon to wander.

The victim will be left with fear and fright to deal with the horrifying rage and vengeance that the beast was made to become. The smell of dead flesh would stale the air around you and a cold chill of fear would creep inside you making you freeze with horrifying fright. Fear is like a comical theatre for them to watch with great joy.
The emotional feeling of “fear” is a special chemical reaction inside the body. It has a very strong doctrine that should only be given to God. No other “entity” on this universe deserves to enjoy it like a master. That is why the devils work very hard to taste the pride of seeing us in fear. Fear will make us to become slaves. They wanted us to become their slaves and they become the master.
The demonic figure came in many forms of swan like bird flying in the night or a beautiful young woman smiling in the dark. The real demonic face of the demon would only be shown, when its rage and vengeance was at its highest peak. Never ever dreamed to face it physically, our own soul doesn’t have the strength to look at its real image. The dead and the evil beings are entities which have no similarity in any form of our wildest imagination.

The devils can mutate to imitate any sub-particles on earth to declare an apparition. When they have no biological body made from this earth, they can take any formation to manifest their presence. The ribonucleic acid may be the tools of the devils trade. They are the engineers to spawn any deoxyribonucleic acid. Their hybrid mutation can only offer the worst and horrible sight as a feature. Only God can create something with a magnificent viewing pleasure.
The dark of its secret were kept away from our living soul, to hide their horrifying image for our own survival. The demonic beast would always disguise itself, but when it does show, we should hope that life would end immediately to erase the sight forever. Only those who had the strength of a strong spiritual doctrine and the purity of a holy soul could ever watch it face to face and deal with its savaging rage. Good Luck.

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1 comment:

  1. assalamualaikum...
    can u pls look for a nice bgm (sound) to generate more mystical environment...tq
