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Who was this woman who died while giving birth to her first newborn. The history of this Pontianak was never made known to tell her side of the story. Our spiritual journalists have met this spirit of the dead to know about her biography. Read this story of the Pontianak to know what she was all about.
Spirit of the dead is still a mystery to
most of us. What and where they are after they died can never be established as
a fact. The “afterlife” may be a story of fiction to some people, whom do not believe
this universe is created by God. Nothing can become something is more
appropriate to their intellectual ability.
However, we are here not to dispute
about any theological concept. The “afterlife” has more to be understood.
Science of today will agree that “energy” can never be destroyed. So the
question about our “sentient being” which we have made to become the identity with
the person on what we are is still outstanding. Our consciousness and memory of
“life” on board the body during our living period will not disappear into a
thin air. This is not how our eco system works. Nothing is put to waste and
energy can convert to change form.
This “energy” is somewhere and remained
intact as an “entity” of our identity. It can never be erased or destroyed.
Energy can only change form, and we are here to explain about this amazing
“energy” of the dead. Before we could do just that, we have to give our readers
a rapid crash course about “spiritual science” to embark on this interesting
journey of the unknown. This subject can never be taught in any classroom or
college. Let us step a little further to where the real action is.
This story of the “Pontianak” is one
that I will use as our empirical study. The hypothesis we will scrutinize is
our energy of “desire” and “belief”. Every human in this world needs to use
these two energies to live on this earth. The energy of the “desire” will
always gravitates to sustenance for the biological body with feelings we feel
in our heart. The energy of the “belief” is where we think and understand about
the information we receive into our brain.
The energy of “desire” will become the
deoxyribonucleic acid of our ancestral element in the biological body. The
energy of “belief” will become the identity of the person; what we are in our
consciousness. The word “soul” is easier to say than it is to really understand
its true meaning. Before I can tell you about the real “soul,” I have to start
with the basic energy of the “spirit” we were given during birth on this earth.
is the source of our “life” energy that drives the “desire” and “belief” to be
the substance of its own nucleus on the biological body and consciousness of
its identity. The making of these “spirits” began on the sixth weeks of the
living foetus. The spirits of the “desire” and “belief” will begin to rotate
the forces of gravitational “pull” and atomic “push” from its basic energy in our
“instinct”. These are the forces that turned the rotation of time on our “lifespan”,
and in the stem cell that starts the heart beat to pump its blood circulation
throughout the biological body, with the afferent and efferent forces to send
the synapses of the brain consciousness for the “belief” and the feelings at
the heart for the “desire”.
These “spirits” of the “desire” and “belief”
must evolve to become the real human being upon maturity, and the start of this
odyssey is when we reach the age of puberty. The “dopamine” sparks the
electrical charge in our pre frontal cortex to the brain to inspire our
conscience, and the neuritis of “heat” that burns the chemical reaction in the
insula cortex and amygdala to inspire the emotional feelings at the heart.
There will be so many rules and
regulations to follow before we could graduate to become the real “human
being”. Now our readers can use their own body as a specimen to test it for
their own empirical study. The hypothesis of this spiritual science is now
brought upon the real scientific lab of our real body to understand this message
of information.
We human were made with the basic
“animal nature” during birth equipped with “natural instinct” to stay alive. A
newborn baby would know how to reach or search for its mother’s tit to get some
milk for sustenance. The standard moral values will soon emerge to lead us
about right and wrong with the “weight” of some “guilt” when we reach the age
of maturity upon puberty.
This was when we started to be
rebellious and use the privilege of our “free will” to make “choices” and take
“chances”. Making “choices” will always be the token of our energy of “desire”
and taking “chances” will be the token of our energy of “belief”. With these
two basic energies, we began to create our own identity with the person of what
we are. Now we have reach to a point where we could compare and differentiate
this “knowledge” that we have just learnt, to test it with our own body of ourselves
for their own empirical studies to know the “evidence” of fact.
Let us step back into where this story
is supposed to begin. The “Pontianak” is the “spirit” of the dead and she was
one of the most notorious of the walking dead. The word “walking dead” may
sound supernatural and mysterious to some people who think “death” is the end
of everything of what we are. Now follow us closely where we will discuss this
issue of the “walking dead” with some “knowledge” of spiritual science.
We exist when we lived upon this earth
as an “entity” of the person of what we are on “birth” and that “life” has an
expiry with duration of time that we called “dead”. “Birth” is a sacred event
that we all usually celebrate with some cakes on our “birthday” but “death” of
a body will always end with a funeral to be put in a memorial site to be
forgotten in our absence. This absence from the evidence of fact is what some
of us kept as a “faith” to remember those who have perished.
Now this story of the “Pontianak” is a
remembrance of such an unfortunate event. She was once a beautiful young woman
with pleasant viewing pleasure. Her misfortune has made what she had become.
She rose from the dead due to some unfinished business which she needs to
rectify. When “death” is an expiry to the duration of “time", that time
can be “borrowed” that she lent from the devils.
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Let us begin our mystical journey and
see for ourselves how this can ever be done. Satan, devil and demon are the
“unseen” that we should know about. They are part of this universe that we have
come to live in the same atmosphere. They surf in the frequency of
electromagnetic field where our “thoughts” and “memory” stayed in the broadband
There is much for us to know about the
mystery of living. Our “lifespan” on board the biological body needs to be
explained. The “earth” is where our biological body has its origin. The force
of gravity keeps it intact and conserves it as an “entity”. Without gravity,
nothing will remain in its actual form. It will disperse or perish. So gravity keeps
a body intact. Besides gravity, there is dark matter, a cosmological constant
and quantum mechanics of atomic nuclear energy.
All these are the driving forces of our
existence. The start of life explosion on earth or this universe can explain so
much to do empirical studies. The abiogenesis and spontaneous selection of evolution
and mutation of some species we have seen today. So hybrid mutation and
surrogacy are part of nature’s reserve. Our deoxyribonucleic acid can mutate
with other genetic carriers. This universe works on recycling eco system. Our
respiratory system require oxygen to be recycled from the carbonize gas that we
breathe out.
So we exist from the activities of
everything around us. The “earth," “air," “fire” and “water” is the
substance of our real self. Breaking them apart into pieces may sounds strange
to some people. We have to live and learn to accept that we are not alone,
having all the ability to stay alive. We are using some of the universe
“energy” induction to stay alive. This was how the “Pontianak” was made to
become the walking dead.
She has become one of the lost “souls”
and her “spirit” lingers to stay in touch. The connection to step into the
space of reality was what she had tried to accomplish. During the time of her
reign in the early days of our great ancestor, she has shown how she could do
it and stay back as a “living dead”. We hope our reader will follow us closely
in this interesting story of the “Pontianak”. She has become a demonic beast when the devils
came to offer its expertise. The devils “baryonic” energy is how it was made
possible to rise from the dead.
The bacteria and germs of deadly viruses
are the commodity that these devils trade. They can cause our biological body
to mutate with their genetic genes and hybrid to become sub-particles of the
universe. The devils have a longer “lifespan” until the end of the world. Their
time is not measured. They have the ability to create and destroy like we do.
They can make our body to have cancerous growth and they could also make our
body move with their atomic energy of electromagnetic field. They are the sole
proprietor of speed.
So, “Vampire” and the “Undead” are not
science fiction after all. They are genetic mutation from a different
abiogenesis hybrid. The “Pontianak” is a vampire of its own nature. She can
breed with her deadly virus to spawn on its victims. The deadly virus spreads through
the blood of its victims and is contagious. The victim becomes its descendant whom
we called the “Langsuir” or “Vampires”. Let us find out what this is all about.
There are many versions of what most
people think about these notorious creatures of the dark. The Pontianak and
Langsuir are quite similar in nature but have different outlook in their
features. The Pontianak was the first and only “walking dead” during her reign.
She was the one carrying the first deadly contagious disease of this virus to
spread it among its victims. This was where Langsuir came about to be her
To know how she became one of the most
notorious of the living dead, someone took the risk to ask for her consent to
hear her side to the story. Locating her where about was a chance of a
lifetime. Approaching her and get her to tell how she became a legend is
something that was done in great perseverance. We are here to share that with you.
Find out how she became the most notorious among the living dead.
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There was such a woman who died in horrible death. She was detained by
the local people because of her fierce destruction. They hung her neck with a
rope on a tree and both her legs were tied to a raging bull. When the bull was
made to charge away spinning her neck to twine on a rope to a tree, her body
was torn apart pulling her intestinal organs out with her head dangling on the
tree. Her decapitated body was dragged away by the bull all over the village
where the people shouted with vengeance to watch her painful death. The head
with intestinal organs were left dangling on the tree and was found missing the
next day. That was the night when the villagers were haunted by this horrible
demonic creature of the Penanggal.
Read the full story.
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The Water Spirit lives in the wide ocean space as their domain. They are
supernatural being puts on a curse for their past mystical deeds. Not many of
us could see them physically, unless they really want to face us in close proximity.
They are very curious “being” behaving rather strangely trying to get our
acquaintance. They can imitate or even disguise to look like anyone of us to
impersonate our behaviour. They have no face as a feature and no genital part.
The civilizations
that lived long before human exist, have never been fully explored. We may have
known some of which, science has found traces of their existence from the
fossils that were discovered deep beneath the ground of this earth. But some
were left hidden deep in the abyss of the sea. Creatures with biological vessel
will always leave their characteristic resume to declare their ancient history.
Not all life on
this universe has a biological vessel. The microbial life that lives in the absence
of reality is not in any part of mythology. Our human optical disability is the
real weakness of our own visual impaired to see in the absence of reality. If
only they would enhance their ectoplasm to match our optical visibility
spectrum in the electromagnetic field. They were made to hide in the darkness
to secure our own human emotional, mental and physical stability.
The secrecy of
their esoteric occult remained hidden among the ambience of nature. They could
really show themselves to surprise us with the stun of ambiguity. They are
particles of “anti-matter” with strong and weak energy that gravity used as a “cause”
to bring their “solidified photon” of matter into reality. They have a purpose
to be there with a motive. More frequently than ever before, we will be tested
with the skills and knowledge to tease our great conscience of belief from our
understanding. The mind may not be able to digest the empirical metamorphosis
of spiritual nucleus that resides within the biological vessel to hide the
aperture of their apparition.
Spirits communicate
with their real conscience by itself. They show their real emotional and mental
status of their own energy. The craving of “desire” and the conscience of
“belief” is what they show to tell what they are. It could either be hostile in
ugliness or friendly in pleasantness. They never lied with their deception.
They showed the truth of their real self. They are “shape shifter” from their
emotional and mental apertures. Understanding them is where we human failed to
establish the fact about what they really are.
Every “particle”
that existed in reality will use the basic energy of the “desire” and “belief”
to choice and take chances. This is what we human will always do to take action
and that is what they were doing with the energy of “desire” and “belief” to
confront the making of reality. This energy of “desire” and “belief” is what
will be put on display when human and the “unseen” world came into contact to
express and communicate. Our human emotional and mental output is what they see
and respond with their energy of “desire” and “belief” to show us the truth of
what they really are in that moment of time. To show a sign of expression without
any words to communicate, will rely so much on the “shape shifter” that they
Our human optical
vision relied so much on the brightness of light to capture the visual impact
of sight. The radical source of the sun will show the origin of any matter but
the reflection of ray from the moon may tell a different story from its side.
The shadow of doubt could create imaginative views for our psychological
choices to tender. Our emotional fear and mental confusion may lead us to
nowhere but in total inapprehension. Our understanding is what they hoped for
but when we failed, the danger begins.
To tell a story of
faith which relied on the absence of fact, requires the basic truth of logic to
explain the phenomena from its reality. The possibility to bring the symmetry
of any conservation into existence, the abstract display of sight on its
convergent may reveal the dual impact of visibility. They may show themselves
in analogue and even granular of digital images in their apparition. The
aperture from the senses of their “desire” is the fusion of “heat” to do the
work in thermodynamic. The cause for such “particles” to form and come into reality
is the chances of choice puts on demand.
The energy that
prevails and the gravity on demand from the choices of “desire” is where the
chances of “belief” were found to come into existence. These choices of any
“desire” and chances of any “belief” from any “entities” on any “spaces” are
the fundamental energies that created reality.
Reality is the result of what has been demanded by the cause and effect
from its surrounding space. Things do not exist in reality with no real purpose
for it to be there. It happens from what has been chosen as a choice for it to
come into reality. The chances are what have been provided for it to exist.
The “desire” makes
the choices and the “belief” takes the chances from what has been shown from
the thoughts of the “mind.” The cause for it to happen in reality came from its
own inspiration. The energies of these “desires” and “beliefs” in the same
vacuum of space will create reality from each contribution of their preferences.
How strong is your will power to see it in reality, is the cause of such
existence. For example, we may want to choose white to exist in reality but
some other forces there may wish to choose black and with the two choices
together, the result will turn out to be light or dark grey. Your choice will
turn out white in reality if there is no other interference to intervene on the
progress of cause and effect.
Spiritual science
has made some empirical studies on the substance of their nucleus from the
cytoplasm that they usually used to show their apparition. The four elements of
fire, water, earth and air are the fundamental substances. Fire and water are
the two main forces that convert into heat and gas to spawn with substance of earth
and gases of air. These are the stem cells of biological vessels. Mutation,
genetic breeding and surrogacy are some of their biological science to use as
“temporal host” in the spawn of their bio chemical species. Gravity and dark
matter in the cosmological constant of this universe is where they serve in the
electromagnetic field to activate their energy of movements. The energy they
use to form themselves with the particles that spawn with the cause and effect
of nature itself are rather vague to scrutinize in reality. They are parts of
the electron, proton and neutron that we have known about. They are microbial
life that we human have not come to learn about.
The spiritual
entities that lived among us, have shared this universe with the same equal opportunity.
They were there breathing in the same atmosphere that we do. Our universe has
many civilizations that we have not come to learn about. We always assumed that
this planet earth is for our human race to live. Spirits of the dead and the
un-dead are ectoplasms. They emanate from the source of their cytoplasm of
their former self. The protoplasm of their former self is what has been shown
to tell what they usually are. Electromagnetically they could show themselves
with any images on display to imitate the prototype of nature.
Biological vessels
of any kinds that we have seen in reality may be part of them. They can be seen
like any other creatures on land to come near us as a disguise. This will give
human a better reception from their normal self. “Shape shifter” is not
impossible with “solidified photon” of their kind. Impersonating any creatures
has been their basic apparition to show itself in reality.
Our planet earth
has gone through many civilizations before human existed. To believe we are the
only living intelligent beings in this universe is an unproven assumption of
material evidence before the fact. Possibility of the unknown should be given
beyond reasonable doubt. Microbial life is an open subject that is studied till
this very day. Only those who have not seen the circumstantial evidence will
deny it. Evidence of these spirits has been seen by many people on this earth.
Ghosts, devils and spirits are entities of the unknown. They are intangible
elements which we are not fully aware of. We are living in this world full of
illusions. Nothing can be definitely assumed to be real. Something is still
holding us back to reserve the element of surprise. It may be a fact today but
not tomorrow. Things change with the time and this is why we should keep an
open mind on the possibility of chance. Chance is an intelligent design that could
change everything.
When we have some
fundamental reasons to believe that they exist, we should give them some
benefit of the doubt that they deserved. Supernatural entities remain hidden
with reasons of their own to avoid the element of surprise which is beneficial
to our psychological well-being. They don’t have the same feature like us.
Their feature may not suit our general perception of pleasant viewing pleasure.
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A man who had a face that was too ugly to be loved by any women. His manhood was badly insulted by the feminine gender and his desire to lust was repeatedly denied. This story is about sexual lust of a man made into a beast and was given a task to rape 40 nubile females. The libido inside him demand a better respect and he pursued to seek a remedy for his impotency from a mystical guru.
The great mystical guru who aged a hundred over years had spent most of his life in seclusion to advance his mystical achievements. The man was made to be his test of a century when he was mutated genetically with a sea creature to recuperate his diagnostic. His manhood was stimulated to function at its best and was given the task to test its performance. His body was boiled with chemicals formula to enhance his body biochemistry. He was turned to become a dark oily figure of an Oily Man.
His victims were mostly found near the shore line of the archipelago where the nomads and fishermen lived near some of the islands. Their ancestral heritage and cultural antiquity made them become vulnerable to be exposed to the vengeance of the dark oily figure. Clad with only batik sarong for an attire, these women would become the potential victims during night falls. To describe the actual tragedy that happened during those days, we have to put it in its actual sense of what the beast and the victims were going through. The drama which was put on display was the beast owns vengeance, to hurt these women moral standing.
Fright was only when you were fully aware, but the mystical spelled the beast used to cast on them made them drifted into a dream on a fantasy world of sexual orientation. Find out what happened when rape turned into a willing partner. These women willingness was what the beast was all about.
The Oily Man was given a task to fulfill his lust and he had to rape 40 nubile females. This story was about violent sexual assault which may not be suitable to some readers. The writer suggest his readers to use their own discretion. The rape which we were about to describe were outrage of modesty that led to sexual abuses. Their femininity will be exposed to the fullest for the beast to enjoy the test of the century.
These victims were women who have reached puberty and were full of sexual desire. Their actual naked body and accessories were described to give our readers some imagination of the reality on site. Their feelings during that moment of time was the motive of our inspiration.
Excerpt from this story of the Oily Man
The sexual “desire” is an energy that erupts at random and was never a choice to make. The “heat” in sexual libido on a human body was a sensational tendency. The libido where the “heat” flows in the blood veins can disrupt our mental judgment to perform as its best practice. Fright and fear could diminish when the “heat” was burning in flame. The amygdala of the brain can also arouse the stimulus of sexual desire in the same package to enhance its libido for the excitement. The sensational feeling of sexual anxiety came when the friction of “heat” was produced on the victims naked body. The vital parts of libido on the victim’s body could be activated when they were repeatedly harassed to submit in total reception. Fondling on their matured breasts and sucking on their hard pointed nipples, the beast seduced the victim to surrender without resistance. This is the sexual drama of the Oily Man.
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