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The ancient scriptures of spiritual science was never from the origin of English language and was not in our mother tongue to put it in its actual words. The terminology of some spiritual forces are rather vague to describe it in full comprehension. Cognitive dissonance is one area of the mind where this literature could cause a major breakdown of understanding. Unless you could compromise some flexibility to argue for the right usage of interpretations or having some basic knowledge of spiritual science. We have to spell out some words to tell the energy of these "spirits" to describe the mystery of supernatural events. The "desire" (naf) is the real energy in this main character of our own doing and our "belief" which store all our "knowledge" is the result of such understanding.

This literature is not about the use of English language to its full perspective or to promote its usage as a medium. We are trying to share the "knowledge" of spiritual science with some readers to explore about the unknown frontiers of supernatural event. You may be an expert in your your own mother tongue to command for the right perspective but you should also give us the same respect to interpret it in our own words. The philosophy of linguistic words has no jurisdiction to claim for its own superiority. We should not command "words" to be the only source of understanding. The metaphor of understanding came from your own ability to produce intelligence in its real meaning.


Spiritual Science, Mystical Adventure, Pontianak, Penanggal, Oily Man, Water Spirit, The Morgue, Demonic Disturbance

Friday, 17 August 2012


There is something in the heart that gave us the feelings from the conscience of our thoughts. These "thoughts" are actually "timeless" where it could come from the past or the future. The space where our consciousness prevail, surfs on the broadband frequency of electromagnetic field. The "mind" has no control of the memory either to "remember" or "forget" about the information that apply. Our conscience is a substance of "weight" and the "deeds" are the gravitational forces of our "desire" that gravitates on the core of our body which is the heart.

The "action" of our biological body will always become the burden of "guilt" where our feeling and conscience will take notice. Nothing could be erased from the memory of our brain. It can only pass away to accommodate the future event while we sink to "forget" to attend on the current affair. We would soon "remember" due to the "weight" of our conscience of "belief" to evaluate the past action. Memory is a solicited affair of cause and effect like a shadow that follows and only the conscience of our "belief" could drown the "guilt" of cause and effect.

The burden of "guilt" is the "weight" of gravitational force of our "desire" on cause and effect. The weigh of cause and effect on such "guilt" is the justification of "knowledge" from our conscience of "belief". It is not a virtue of right or wrong to justify our action on its real purpose. That purpose has its own reason of our  real "intention". Every affection or hatred carry the "weight" of its own substance. Not all "love" is sacred and not all "hate" is evil. The balance on the scale of that weigh is the substance of our "knowledge" to apply the "weight" of cause and effect.

The equilibrium of "fate and destiny" has been predestined to react on its attributes. "Guilt" is what we think to "belief" to that effect. Some people are proud of their own sins and some do really feel the burden of "guilt" due to its own "weight" of salvation. Making redemption is a way to lift that burden of "guilt" for the sake of our peace of mind. The conscience of "guilt" will come popping up to haunt those who try to hide and run away from paying their dues. No matter where we run or hide, that real culprit is always inside us. That "person" who we called ourselves is not alone to take his own action. There is always another who will questioned our reasons. 

Moral values has been placed inside us as a natural instinct of any human. The proclivity to do good come naturally until the scale was tilted by our "desire" gravitational force with the "weight" of our "belief" in volition of our knowledge to sway away from its natural course. When you stray away from the natural moral track, that "guilt" of cause and effect will come like a shadow to follow us eventually. The "mind" will keep reminding us about our past action to test the "weight" of our conscience of "belief" to relinquish the animal nature of the "desire" gravitational force.When we were born in this animal nature, we have to evolve to become real "human" that we are suppose to be. The basic capacity of moral values inside us must be placed on its right perspective and remain to be seen. 

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