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The ancient scriptures of spiritual science was never from the origin of English language and was not in our mother tongue to put it in its actual words. The terminology of some spiritual forces are rather vague to describe it in full comprehension. Cognitive dissonance is one area of the mind where this literature could cause a major breakdown of understanding. Unless you could compromise some flexibility to argue for the right usage of interpretations or having some basic knowledge of spiritual science. We have to spell out some words to tell the energy of these "spirits" to describe the mystery of supernatural events. The "desire" (naf) is the real energy in this main character of our own doing and our "belief" which store all our "knowledge" is the result of such understanding.

This literature is not about the use of English language to its full perspective or to promote its usage as a medium. We are trying to share the "knowledge" of spiritual science with some readers to explore about the unknown frontiers of supernatural event. You may be an expert in your your own mother tongue to command for the right perspective but you should also give us the same respect to interpret it in our own words. The philosophy of linguistic words has no jurisdiction to claim for its own superiority. We should not command "words" to be the only source of understanding. The metaphor of understanding came from your own ability to produce intelligence in its real meaning.


Spiritual Science, Mystical Adventure, Pontianak, Penanggal, Oily Man, Water Spirit, The Morgue, Demonic Disturbance

Friday, 21 December 2012

Walking Dead

Death is still a mystery that can never be unraveled. The legal and medical communities have determined "death" through the end of bodily function of respiration and heartbeat.  But this observation is not conclusive to cease an individual person to be dead. A person with no respiration and heartbeat or other external signs can be resuscitated. Organs transplantation and donation is part of this hasty conclusion to declare a person dead.

Walking dead may not be a supernatural event. We have wrote many stories about these amazing energies of the walking dead. Resuscitation of respiration and heartbeat can be interpreted in many ways. Medical ability to sustain life has so much to do with electrical energy that they used. Our consciousness is an electrical activity. This energy of our "life" can never be destroyed.

Resurrection of a dead body is not a myth or science fiction. Spiritual science of our studies have found many clues of its possibilities. The theological and theoretical concept of this amazing "energy" need to be fully declared. The "sentient being" which we have made to become the "identity" with the person on what we are is still outstanding. Our consciousness and memory of "life" on board the body during our living period will not disappear into thin air. Nothing is put to waste and energy can convert to change form.

Most of us are still at a lost on the "life" that was given to us as an energy to live on this earth. The "tree of life" on our body has not been fully understood. The "leave" that grows and falls has a lot to do with our chemical energy of "desire" which is responsible for the sustenance of the body and electrical energy of "belief" which is responsible for the well being of our "soul" for the "identity" of ourselves. This "aura" has not been taken noticed by us to give special attention to it.

Our "life" was given with a "single breath" and need to be recycled or exchanged at every interval with our respiration for the heartbeat to pump the blood circulation through out the whole body on the "tree of life" with the oxygen intake. That blood carries the "qursani" or iron for us to stand on this ground of earth with a stable balance or "vertigo" on a perfect equilibrium. Now, our body was made from this earth as it nucleus or origin. What keeps the body intact from falling apart is the gravitational force of the "desire" chemical energy and what keeps it moving is the quantum mechanics of the "belief" electrical energy.

Inertia of this body or entropy of its energy will result to the body to be pronounced "dead" with no respiration and heartbeat. Resuscitation is a real subject to discuss.
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