Talent don't come cheap without any motivation to claim for its trophy. All humans start with a basic neutral platform of a baby or an infant. We were born naked and naive to understand anything except for the natural instinct of our own survivals. We grew up to make choices and take chances to change for the better. We were given the preferences to choose from the wide varieties. The skills and knowledge we have learnt came from those around us that have share their abilities for our understanding. The vast density of information technology gave us the resources for us to choose from. We usually will take any of it to test it for a joy ride. Sharing it with our companions is a natural way to show our interest and get their attention. It is part of a competition to have something different from anybody else. We show off what we do best and hope to impress them with our performance. Each of us has a different way to impress someone to be together.
Developments from a silly infant to a clever person came from many trials and errors. Something inside our genes is not matching up until we find a suitable interest to suit our "desire" and satisfy our "belief" that we have the potential to be that special person of our own. Schools and colleges taught us everything to give a head start and decided on which way to follow or to lead. We always begin as a follower and started to show some interest to take the lead. A leader is someone ahead from the rest of us. There must be something special to make him qualified as a leader. The followers behind could just be a shadow that will not pass ahead and could also be a competitor that is pushing to reach the finishing line. Taking the lead is not a comfort zone for our complacent. The power of persuasion is a "weight" of our "belief" and to those who have listened to tag along. The "substance" to make them follow or agree to submit with their interest depends so much on the ability we provide with some senses.
When two or more persons meet, the only token they apply came from their "desire" and "belief" to make "choices" and take "chances" to stay in touch. There is no obligation to stay "faithful" unless there is a strong interest to share their abilities. Everybody should play a part in this piece of solidarity. When everybody needs to contribute for their participation, the "weight" of that substance will decide the rule of engagements. The events will form the hierarchy to achieve a chain of command. Solving problems and making progress demands a lot of skills and talents to stay on the game. We need to show what we can provide to demand some respects. Those happy faces may not stay smiling when we failed to deliver. How impressive are we to stay ahead in the competition will depend so much on our ability to perform.
Get out from that comfort zones. We must be able to evolve from the last person of what we are. Our mind should fill the tank as we move along and not drain away as we passed. The past is an investment for the future which is ever changing. The future should be seen and not predicted with a chance. Our ability is the only commodity that we trade with the people around us. Having something that is appealing to people will make us that special person. There must be a special "gift" that we can offer that other people couldn't provide. People don't just come to us without that special reason.
People get together and keep coming to meet with a special reason. Find that special reason and we can become something to remember. This is the "secret" that we should know about. Everybody in this world is trying to do just that. Check around and you can see why "business" is booming with this special "secret" that they have. They have something that we want or need. If we could offer something that interest them, they will look at us as a special person to meet.
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