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The ancient scriptures of spiritual science was never from the origin of English language and was not in our mother tongue to put it in its actual words. The terminology of some spiritual forces are rather vague to describe it in full comprehension. Cognitive dissonance is one area of the mind where this literature could cause a major breakdown of understanding. Unless you could compromise some flexibility to argue for the right usage of interpretations or having some basic knowledge of spiritual science. We have to spell out some words to tell the energy of these "spirits" to describe the mystery of supernatural events. The "desire" (naf) is the real energy in this main character of our own doing and our "belief" which store all our "knowledge" is the result of such understanding.

This literature is not about the use of English language to its full perspective or to promote its usage as a medium. We are trying to share the "knowledge" of spiritual science with some readers to explore about the unknown frontiers of supernatural event. You may be an expert in your your own mother tongue to command for the right perspective but you should also give us the same respect to interpret it in our own words. The philosophy of linguistic words has no jurisdiction to claim for its own superiority. We should not command "words" to be the only source of understanding. The metaphor of understanding came from your own ability to produce intelligence in its real meaning.


Spiritual Science, Mystical Adventure, Pontianak, Penanggal, Oily Man, Water Spirit, The Morgue, Demonic Disturbance

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


The "energy" of our human biological body came from the chemical and electrical molecules that we produced with the nucleus of our "life" sources. The stem cell of our genetic molecules has been made to function on a dual carriage way that begins with a heart beat and respiratory system. "Life" would usually be described by the respiratory system that drives the "heart" and the "brain" to function. The "breath" we took with the oxygen inhalation and the exhalation of carbon dioxide in the "air" must carry the primary "ingredient" of our "life" energy. 

Are we that certain what we have is the only biological body that came from the "dirt" of this earth. The organism that produced our biological body could not rely solely on the "dirt" of earth by itself. "Water" is the main component for the "dirt" of earth to flourish and would badly in needs of "fire" for the "energy" with the "air" supply be equally prominent. So we are not totally made of "flesh" with the blood that concentrates to the "heart" but we are also biologically required to have some "water" and the heat of "fire" to maintain it with some "air" for our respiratory system.  This "air, fire, water and earth" are the primary components of our biological body to claim for the full resources of "life" on board the body. 

"Water" is the "energy" source to stabilize the "earth" with the "fire" and the "air" to breathe for the growth. The "sacrosanct" in the blood is a strange language to understand. The fundamental "energy" of these components will become the "spirit" from its former material body. These "electron, proton and neutron of the "spirit" is an "energy" of its former self. It is an "identity" of what we are from the deoxyribonucelic acid of the body.  Some of us may not want to believe that there is such a thing as an "aura" in the manifestation of our real self. This "aura" has so much to do with the "spirit" of our life "energy" within the body. It is the reflection of our real self from the "energy" of our "spirit" in the electromagnetic spectrum. The "solidified photon" of our body will reflect in the vibration of the electromagnetic field. Our human naked eyes could only see things within its electromagnetic spectrum and the grid of our "aura" is reflected on the next visibility spectrum. 

This "aura" could only be seen during "life" on board a living body and is rechargable. Upon death, this "aura" will lose it gravitational force from its deoxyribonucleic acid and become soluble in its ectoplasm to be the energy of a "spirit" from its former self. This is the "identity" of what we are and can never be revoked. This "spirit" is the substance of our "energy" from the deoxyribonucleic acid of the body. This "spirit" can become the "soul" if it has enough "purity" to claim for a higher dignity.   

To know more about this "energy" within ourselves, we should actually focus on our behavioral pattern. One of this "energy" is the spirit of "desire" that always craves for the sustenance of its biological body. This is the driver that urge to make a "choice" for the benefit of the body. This spirit of "desire" is the sole proprietor of its deoxyribonucleic acid. In another words, this spirit of "desire" only works for the well-being of its body which is the biological vessel. This is where our "feelings" are that was placed in the "heart". The spirit of "desire" depends so much on its "chemical energy" that uses the gravitational force to keep the body intact. Without its gravitational forces, the body will disperse and rot to become rotten or decomposed. Upon "death" the spirit of "desire" will remain near its dead body to grief and solace with its deoxyribonucleic acid. This is the "ghost" that some people may have seen from the dead.

But that is not the total picture of this "spirit" that we should find out more. There is however another part of our identical twin that we should know about. The "energy" from the spirit of "belief" is where we uses our imagination to claim for the token of "chance" with our thinking brain. This is the "electrical energy" that triggered the brainwaves in the electromagnetic field. This "energy" from the spirit of "belief" is where our moral compass should be. This is the spirit that always tells us to be good. This is the real "identity" of what we are and kept all the memory of the person on our "mental" conscience. 

The bridge between the spirit of "desire" and the spirit of "belief" is where our "emotion" should be. The afferent and efferent of the "brain" synapses to the "heart" is our "emotional" stage to tender the body movement with an "intention" or "motive" to do something with our "conscience" and "feeling". This is how we make a "choice and take a "chance" in reality of our living period. Upon "death", this spirit of "belief" will stay higher above the gravitational force of this atmosphere. This is the "spirit" that leave the body when we are asleep. The Odyssey of Sleep is where our "spirit" of "belief" left to claim the "lifespan" for its body and identity. This odyssey is where the rendezvous of our "dream" was made to become.

Our "consciousness" does not have a total reception of the "mind" in session. This "mind" will flirt like a butterfly. It will depend on the gravitational force of the "desire" to claim for its awareness. This spirit of "desire" is blind and will have to rely so much on the spirit of "belief" to hitch a ride on its imagination stage. The substance of "weight" is what the spirit of "belief" will have to find on the "knowledge" of understanding. The gravitational force of the "desire" and the "weight" of the "belief" is where our "emotional" stage was made between the "heart" and the "brain" of the body. Our "emotional" stage is where they share the sight of reconnaissance. This is where the "choice" and "chance" was made to become reality.   

There is always the two sides of us. The feeling of "desire" and the conscience of "belief" will have to agree upon a common understanding of an "intention" to claim for the fact of reality. This is how we become good or evil. The body is just an "attire" to wear for some occasions. The "face" is a distinguish mark of body identity to show around. But the real person is not the body that we showed. The "spirits" inside is what we are. The character and behavior of these "spirits" is the real "actor" on stage of reality. We can choose to be the crook or the hero. 

That is why the "entertainment" business is booming. These people could use their bodies to play a certain role to act and get some attentions. They showed their real faces to represent their bodies with "pseudo" personality. Some even "disguise" themselves with some cosmetic solutions to inspire an artificial beauty for a better reception. When the "face" on a body of a person is not its real "character" of its own personality, but only a "screen" to show a presentation, the real "actor" is behind the scene. The human "face" is full of deceptions to hide its "intention". This "intention" has a different "motive" with a special "purpose" to display its role. This "motive" and "purpose" came from the spirits of "desire" and "belief" to choose its roles. The "mind" is just a "witness" for every episode of our doing.     

Edit 13.1.14

The real person of what we are has never aged with the passing moment of time that has been measured. Check yourselves out and find out for yourself.  We are that same person no matter how old we are. Our consciousness to realize ourselves has nothing to do with the body. Our body is just an attire of our spirits of "desire" and "belief" where our "life" was having a session with our "soul". The components of this "soul" that gave us this "consciousness" has been divided into its own convergence. The craving of our "desire" and the conscience of our "belief" projects their own perspective through the five senses of our body. This is where our "aura" was made to be. Our emotional state is where our heart and brain shared their biological molecules. The chemical energy of our "desire" and the electrical energy of our "belief" gave us this consciousness to react in reality.

The gravitational force of the "desire" and the "weight" in the substance of the "belief" is the "legal tender" of our "lifespan" to create reality. The "tactile" substance of our "desire" and the confidence level of our "belief" is the "faith" of a disciple on the information of "knowledge" from the "mind" in session. The "choice" made by our "desire" and the "chance" taken by our "belief" is the real "magic" which was put on display to become reality. The dedication and ambition we sponsored from the body to achieve our goals is the real "mantra" of our "spells" to charm everybody to obey our command. The voice we made with some vocal incantation is the real "spells" to make people to grant our wish. The miracle of this magic demand for our patience. This "patience" is the price we have to pay to show our obedience. 

We are not a king that could give some commands and expect everybody around us to obey like a servant. Our "soul" has not reach to that level of dignity to qualify for an instant result. As a real human, we should stay as a commoner and apply "patience" as our "tools" of reception. Only demons and devils provide us a quick result to lure us to their domain. As long as we maintain our eugenic purity as a human, "time" is a factor we human have to observe. Getting an "instant result" is not what GOD made us to be a human being. Our universe is observed by the masses where "time" and "speed" is measured. The "cause and effect" of the masses is not something that we could command with some supernatural "spells" and incantations. The speed of sound can never outrun the speed of light. One light year is about 9.5 trillion years. Miracle can only happen on coincidences.  

Unless we get some help from the demons and devils to assist us in our predicament. Their "time" is not measured. Getting an "instant result" is what some people do to break all the rules of our moral compass. These demons and devils have a lot to invest on our human behavioral pattern. Our "soul" will be repeatedly tarnished to lose its own dignity.  But this "soul" has a special privilege. It is the "light" that could travel beyond the speed of light. This is the electron that can be at two places in one moment of time. This "soul" is "tachyon" and is "timeless" in any situation. This is the "energy" that we human should preserve with some "patience" and obedience. We can never command the "soul" like a servant but only the "spirits" of our "desire" and "belief" to be manipulated. This is why "black" and "white" were separated into the darkness and the brightness.                                    

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Mystical Mate

This is an excerpt from our story of The Morgue which we have published on our website The hidden secret of the dead have not been fully known. The "curse" of the dead body is something we have to find out more. Why was there a sudden surge of "fear" when we saw a dead body in front of us. What is the "source" of that energy trying to touch our inner self. What trigger the amygdala in our brain to produce such a biochemical reaction. Our "sentient being" seems to be very disturbed when we saw a "corpse" of a dead body. There may be a spiritual link for us to do some reality check here.

Before we step into this dark alley of the dead, we have to make it clear to our readers, the real scenario we have to pass through on this mysterious plane. We will bring you along to the moment  of death when "life" departed from its body. A situation of mystery when "life" slowly fades away leaving its own body. What do the body feels when its breath was not enough to fill its lungs for the heart to beat. Definitely the "mind" which holds on to its consciousness will be mentally confused and the emotional feeling inside the heart will begin to be afraid when the conscience of its "belief" has no "knowledge" in its memory to explain the about the current situation. This will be the mystery to every "soul" living on this earth. Each and everyone of us will face this moment of death sooner or later.

When a body has loss all energy it has to function and freeze with a pale face losing all its breath to breathe, the "life" which has been separated from its body has just been declared a dead corpse. When a body has become a "corpse", the gravitational force on its body will cease immediately. This will make the body to rot and decompose to be a dead smelly carcass. In that surrounding space of the aperture will soon emerge the "curse" of the dead body. A dead "corpse" has many of its mysteries. The nitrogen gases of the dead body will release the "curse" to put us under strong mental disability. Something that was once before, an "entity" with great moral standing and dignity has now been renounced to become a waste to be disposed.  This disposal may be a waste that can never be reused but its "identity" which has been placed in historical record cannot be erased and can always be used as a character reference. 

This "identity" can never be erased and will soon become a freehold title deed for its copyright forever. Today modern science has declared that deoxyribonucliec acid or DNA is the primary genetic engineering of a body that can never be destroyed. So the dead "corpse" will always have a "secret affair" with its "identity" for its restitution. If we flip some pages in the spiritual scriptures, we will find some explanation on its hereditary to the "spirit" or "soul"  from the body.  What is the "spirit" and "soul" if we care to find out more. And if we seek to know more from its real meaning, the revelation would only declare about the fundamental energy of the "desire" and energy of the "belief" for every behavioral and characteristic pattern of its body.  Every human being will create its own mark on this earth to record its own history. Absence of evidence cannot deny the fact of its existence. This "spirit" of the dead will declare its existence with the absence of its real body. The energy of "desire" from this dead body which is the deoxyribonucliec acid will remain an active "particles" to spawn an intervention. Atheist may think that God the Creator is like them with full of flaws. This universe has not been fully discovered by "science" with only about 4% of its knowledge when 96% are still unaccounted. Should we jump up with joy to claim we are smart enough to make some conclusions with the lack of detection. 

These two spiritual energies of the "desire" and "belief" were frequently used for us to give some attention to it on the body. But "soul" was kept hidden far away from its secret for us to know more but a little bit. So the only lead we have is the spirit of this "desire" and the "belief" where our behavior and characteristic pattern was made from the body. But when the body is dead on its expiry to become a "corpse", what is the real use of these "spirits" that have its own characteristic behavior of its "identity" from its body. Is this what science call it "bosons" and "fermions" where the "electron", "proton" and "neutron" was in the body. This "curse" is the grievance of the "spirit" of "desire" who was denied entry to its body. The body which has long before been the place of residence has been closed and locked shut. The sorrow and grievances to solace for the loss of the only refuge will become a "curse" that is greatly feared to every living "soul" on a body. 

Whoever was there will suffer the sudden attack of this "curse". This is the part when there will be some strange feeling creeping inside our body to make our mind become extremely confused like something was holding on to our sanity, not letting our thinking mind to have some sense of intelligence. The memory flash of what will become of us tomorrow or the day after without that "life" will deteriorate our mental ability to a minimum. Something inside us was in total distress and feeling really frightened.

The Morgue where dead bodies were kept is not a pleasant place to be. The dead corpse is not something for us to see and watch with pleasure.  Whoever is standing next to a "corpse" will feel the "curse".  The energy lapse on a dead body will demand for some energy source from any living spirits around to get some sympathy. This "curse" will surge inside our living "soul" and touch it to get some attention. The cold chill is the sign that our soul is having a difficult period adjusting itself in that situation.

When someone has died, that departure is a sacred moment that demand some respect from a living body. This "spirit" is in solace and should be given some sympathy by the living body. "Spirit" of the dead will be there to watch over its body which has been its recent vessel of residence. The memory it has with the body will always be displayed on its "identity" on the person of what they are.

The episode of living has ended. An expiry without any notice to tell in advance. The decision has been made to end a very strong relationship. The abrupt end will definitely need some adjustment to stabilize the sudden invasion. This "spirit" of the dead will mourn in sadness of grief not knowing where to leave. This blind "spirit of "desire" will grief near its body as its sacred monument. This is the most stressful moment that every "spirit" will  feels with its body. They were now in the past which will not be allowed in the space of the present future. There will be no more thrilling activity to experience except for the tremendous dosage of feel.  The body was left lying as a stiff and the "spirit" chase away in confusion. For not letting it to enter its own body with any reasons whatsoever, and not knowing where to go and what to do, they were separated in a sudden moment of time. After they have spent so many period of time together, that denial is a great suffering to the "spirit" when it really happen.

This is where those who are still living should spare some thoughts about what this "death" is all about. This is what every "soul" would feel when the time has come. The body is the biological vessel of our "life". This "life" has been totally misunderstood by many of us. The "soul" which was given with a single blown of breath, has many meanings to tell in the theory of facts and evidence of reality. The unproven assumptions that we were given some space to make some comment. The "soul" which was mentioned has always been packed with a strong seal for not to be revealed. 

The only thing left here is the spirit from the feeling of "desire" and the spirit from the conscience of "belief" that will be used as a reference to read these scriptures of the "sijjin and illiyin". Are we totally barred from reading these scriptures to get some knowledge? Was it not that the secrets of "death" should be our sound knowledge to be known? Are we damned if we ever take some notice into it? Wasn't it that this living period is for us to know about this afterlife? Was it necessary to close it shut and sealed it for not letting us to take a sneak? Life after death is not a myth to make a mockery out of it. We will be there one day and we should get some clues of its living conditions. Wasn't it necessary for us to prepare ourselves now during this living period.

There is a need here to know about this dead corpses. The body can never be put into questions. What is left is the "spirit and soul" that we should find out more. "Spirit" and "soul" are two different "entity" of its own. Many scriptures have revealed about these amazing "spirits" of "desire" and "belief" that we should not take as a denial. Only "soul" has been declared "sacred" with some secrets of its own. We are totally confused with the terms used to reveal about this mysterious "entity". Taking into consideration that "life" has always been said as "spirit and soul". To explain about this anatomy of "life" by itself, we should separate it and see how they unite and depart. There is a need to tell the difference here as this story rely so much on its infiltration. 

Is it possible for a living body to have some "affair" with spirit of a dead body? This is where we will reveal mystery of the dead. You may not want to believe it when you do not know the possibilities of the unknown. We will tell how this could happen when these "energies" came to make the connections. Our "conscience" of "belief" in the brainwaves of the "mind" could reach out in the broadband frequencies of electromagnetic field to find the right "address" of the proto-type in astral projection. When that energy of "spirit" of the dead is still in the space within our reach, the "seance" to meet with a proper protocol can be achieved without so much due diligent. The "desire" is an "energy" that have strong gravitational force. When two separate "entities" having the same energy induction to meet at a specific point of time and space, the probability is something beyond our wildest imagination. If we could speak to another person with telecommunication gadgets from far away, science has proven beyond reasonable doubt that this is not something supernatural.

The meeting of this rendezvour will take place in a "secret affair" that only both of them could enjoy.   


Monday, 2 September 2013

Moral Compass

Do we have a moral compass inside us to do good without having to believe in a God? This question will then lead to another question about cosmological argument. Let us stop there and see whether we have that basic drive to be morally obligated. Lets not try to be theological at this moment and see what we have in store. What make us to do evil things that has been disapproved by the moral institution of our own virtue. To answer this we have to do an autopsy on our sentient being.   

Evil and wrong doing basically came from the inspiration of our "desire" which is the real devil inside us. This is the driver that cause "anger' greed, pride. lust, sloth, gluttony and envy." Most horrible things in life happen with these deadly sins. This is the animal nature of ourselves that will not see the consequences of its own doing. This energy of "desire" is blind that uses its tactile mode of gravitational force. This is the "particle" that chose to be seen in reality with the formation of a vessel for its body. This is the deoxyribonucleic acid of our "instinct" from the genetic chromosome of our ancestral heritage. This is the character's role that we are going to perform during the birth of our body.

The spirit of this "desire" is an energy of its ectoplasm that could change form from natural selection of its environmental condition. The chemical energy that it requires came from the very dust of earth that its biological body was created. When gravitational force is its fundamental force to get the sustenance to its vessel of the body, the motion of speed in time is centrifugally driven with an entropy. This will leave the energy of "desire" having to get the resources at every interval of time. Our human body will have to sleep and rest after spending some energy of waste, and satisfy our sustenance momentarily.   

This energy of our "desire" is the consciousness to observe before its energy becomes "particle" of matter in reality. The inspiration of our "desire" which is blind could not observe its environmental condition and would then just inspire to "intend" for its energy to behave inside the vessel of its body. "Intention" is an observing consciousness to bring "particle" or matter into reality. So this energy of "desire" inside us is the "spirit" that observe in the darkness to bring that "particle" or matter into reality. This observing energy or "spirit" of the blind "desire" cannot bring material into reality with its consciousness or "intention". Reality should come from "cause and effect" of environmental condition and the mechanism that observe the situation in the electromagnetic field where the unified forces of nature posit the rule of "cause and effect" in the spectrum of space and time.

Energy is a "spirit" in theological concept. It is an energy which can never be destroyed. It can only changed form. The induction to look for the "cause and effect" is the "heat" of friction on its chemical energy to burn its neutrinos on the vessel of its body. When gravity keeps the body from falling apart, this energy or spirit of "desire" will strive to make the body behave on its animistic nature. This is where the seven deadly sins become potentially motivated. Making "particles" or matter into material of reality can only be done with the energy or "spirit" of "belief" where the consciousness of "knowledge" could be gravitated by the spirit of "desire" from its essence and substance. This is the weight that the "belief" will have to carry as a load from the gravitational force of the "desire". 

Our consciousness of "belief" is the observer in the environment of the electromagnetic field. The unified forces of nature where "energies" of the mass from everyone of us could be observed to make that "choice" of our "desire" and take the "chance" of our "belief" in the mass of unified forces. This is the place where the "cause and effect" of nature environmental condition will have to deliver from the energy of the people around the space of time. Your "choice" and my "choice" will have to be unified to produce the result of reality. The "chances" we provide from each of our "belief" will come from the "knowledge" of our understanding. This is the consciousness of nature to bring things into existence.    

Before any "particle" that was hidden in the dark empty space of reality, this "particle" would need a "cause" to exist as a material or matter. This substance of this "cause" would have to begin with the consciousness of its "intention" to change its behavior with a "choice" and look for the "chance" for the "particle" to exist materially. A "choice" is always an inspiration of "desire" with an "intention" to look for an opportunity of "chance" to exist in reality. Reality is what you designed and formed to function as an "identity" of its own nature.

The consciousness on the "spirit" or energy of "belief" is the substance from the "cause" to look for the "effect" of reality. This "chance" is an opportunity that was found in the unified forces of nature where the energies of the masses were observed. This is how speed and time become the motion of events and moral compass becomes the distinction to create order from the chaos. Decency is a behavioral pattern of stability. This universe will be disastrous if planets and stars distributes destruction. The hospitality of this earth came from the decency of this universe. It doesn't happen by accident of chance. "Some" mechanism is making the planets to behave in such a way to let "earth" to be hospitable. Why was "earth" the only planet that is safe? This is not a random selections of chance. Our moral compass is the basic capacity that drove us to be good until environmental conditions changes our behavioral pattern. We humans are always peaceful in nature until the situation we are in drive us into the genus of adversary that posit it. Look at every child that was born into this world. They are such a glory to be loved until something changes its behavioral pattern. A child will imitate what it saw in its surrounding.     

The consciousness to recognize things around us gave us that ability to approach nature with confidence from its hospitality. We treated nature with innocence and wanting to get acquainted with its friendliness. This is the core beliefs of harmony and morals of nature. But hostility sometimes arises to change its basic harmony. That is why we need some contingencies to suppress it. This is what religion is all about. Out of order is the adversary we human should take serious view. Rules and regulations are made to put things on the right track. That basic moral inside us will always want to abide with the peaceful harmony but something is telling us otherwise.      

Thursday, 8 August 2013


Talent don't come cheap without any motivation to claim for its trophy. All humans start with a basic neutral platform of a baby or an infant. We were born naked and naive to understand anything except for the natural instinct of our own survivals. We grew up to make choices and take chances to change for the better. We were given the preferences to choose from the wide varieties. The skills and knowledge we have learnt came from those around us that have share their abilities for our understanding. The vast density of information technology gave us the resources for us to choose from. We usually will take any of it to test it for a joy ride. Sharing it with our companions is a natural way to show our interest and get their attention. It is part of a competition to have something different from anybody else. We show off what we do best and hope to impress them with our performance. Each of us has a different way to impress someone to be together. 

Developments from a silly infant to a clever person came from many trials and errors. Something inside our genes is not matching up until we find a suitable interest to suit our "desire" and satisfy our "belief" that we have the potential to be that special person of our own. Schools and colleges taught us everything to give a head start and decided on which way to follow or to lead. We always begin as a follower and started to show some interest to take the lead. A leader is someone ahead from the rest of us. There must be something special to make him qualified as a leader. The followers behind could just be a shadow that will not pass ahead and could also be a competitor that is pushing to reach the finishing line. Taking the lead is not a comfort zone for our complacent. The power of persuasion is a "weight" of our "belief" and to those who have listened to tag along. The "substance" to make them follow or agree to submit with their interest depends so much on the ability we provide with some senses. 

When two or more persons meet, the only token they apply came from their "desire" and "belief" to make "choices" and take "chances" to stay in touch. There is no obligation to stay "faithful" unless there is a strong interest to share their abilities. Everybody should play a part in this piece of solidarity. When everybody needs to contribute for their participation, the "weight" of that substance will decide the rule of engagements. The events will form the hierarchy to achieve a chain of command. Solving problems and making progress demands a lot of skills and talents to stay on the game. We need to show what we can provide to demand some respects. Those happy faces may not stay smiling when we failed to deliver. How impressive are we to stay ahead in the competition will depend so much on our ability to perform.

Get out from that comfort zones. We must be able to evolve from the last person of what we are. Our mind should fill the tank as we move along and not drain away as we passed. The past is an investment for the future which is ever changing. The future should be seen and not predicted with a chance. Our ability is the only commodity that we trade with the people around us. Having something that is appealing to people will make us that special person. There must be a special "gift" that we can offer that other people couldn't provide. People don't just come to us without that special reason.

People get together and keep coming to meet with a special reason. Find that special reason and we can become something to remember. This is the "secret" that we should know about. Everybody in this world is trying to do just that. Check around and you can see why "business" is booming with this special "secret" that they have. They have something that we want or need. If we could offer something that interest them, they will look at us as a special person to meet.       

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Cause and Effect

The attribution of "cause and effect" is the fundamental forces that rules this universe including our biological body. The mathematical precision of these forces will rule this universe with "choice and chance" of "fate and destiny" in reality. These energies of "fate and destiny" were made with legal tender of "choice and chance" to come into reality. We are governed by these rules of "cause and effect" every single moment of our life. We are not having a total say in everything we do. The "choice" we made and the "chance" we took, was never a guarantee to be seen in reality. It can only happen when we have the right mathematical formula of "cause" for the "effect" and leave us hopelessly waiting in anticipation.   

 In reality, we human are actually a handicap person. We need the support of everything around us for us to use to get things done. Beside having legs to walk about, we need to have "shoes" and "transport" to carry us around. Without these "things" around us, we would be a handicap person. There are so many things which are beyond our control. Having to let some other forces or energies to make things happen according to our need and "desire", would need our mental attention and strong "belief" to see it happen in reality. When we are totally dependable of these "things" or equipment, the risk of non-performing is beyond our control. Depreciation of its high performance is unavoidable.

The sun, moon and earth gave us the energy we needed to stay alive. These attributions gave us the hospitality we needed  to live on this earth. The seas that flow and the wind that blew gave us the right temperature to be healthy. The plants and trees on earth need a stable eco-system to give us the nourishment for our sustenance. Any glitch will be fatal to our existence. Do we have the ability to make sure the universe perform as it is?  Animals and creatures of the wild lives to keep the earth soils fertilized for the trees photo synthesis to produce oxygen. The attribution of "cause and effect" is a standard operating procedures  of nature. The forces of "choice and chance" is where our "desire and belief" was use to claim for "fate and destiny" in reality. 

We have to choose with a "desire" and look for the chances with a "belief" and the forces of "cause and effect" will decides with "fate and destiny" in reality. "Cause" is something that came with a "fate" as a "choice" and the "effect" came from "destiny" as a "chance" in reality. Understanding this forces is where we use our "desire" and "belief" to stake a claim in reality. The natural rule of "cause and effect" is the real "religion" of this universe. We are totally in submission to its forces and can never defy the rules of nature. The real subject of "evolution" is not about human having the same genes of the apes. It is about "changing with the forces of "time" which was governed by the attribution of "cause and effect" from mother nature. We have to surrender ourselves to the attributions of nature. The young will become old and the living will soon die. We evolve from a small tiny infant to an old grand person from the period of time. Our fully awake in consciousness will soon fade away to fall asleep in unconsciousness. 

The passing moment of "time" is the "energy" of "cause and effect" of nature. The spin of its rotation will soon stop with an "entropy". The secrets of this "black hole" is where we need to do some extra thinking to understand the available "energy" which was put into "waste" and the "heat" which can do the work on the sustainable "energy" to give us the resources we needed so badly.  

Edit 2.1.14

What we did yesterday will be the result of today and what we did today will be the result of tomorrow. We are making some "legal tender" to stake a claim of "destiny" to be seen in reality. We are guided to take that path which seems to have already been made by "fate" of the past. Everything seems to take into account for the fact of the "past" to create something for the making of the "future" that we are supposed to be. "Cause and effect" will not just happen by chance without any good valid reasons. There must be some mathematical formula that we can actually count to calculate for its precision. Mother nature gave us that privilege to give us fair treatment on level playing field. That is why "choice and "chance" are the tokens we have to use for the "legal tender" with the energy of our "desire" and "belief" during our "lifespan". 

This "lifespan" was never prescribed with its length and time and the "entropy" and "extension" was left for us to stake it as a claim. We choose to live or die when the chances were given as an opportunity. That "choice" we made and that "chance" we took came from the forces of "cause and effect" in reality. These forces came from the "past" to give us the preferences to choose and leave us to take some chances to make it become a reality. When mother nature demonstrates everything with some "doubt", we should response with some "faith" of a believer. So "religion" is not a taboo for us to embrace. It is a natural response for us to use as a "tool" to create reality for the future.           

Saturday, 4 May 2013


The human spiritual ectoplasm of the "desire" is not something we should ignore or taken so lightly. This is the disciple of our animal nature that has been in the institution of our human body. Sexual lust is not an enemy that we should eliminate with disgust. It should be the status of our self esteem on the person of what we are. Sexual lust was never a choice to be made when the "heat" erupted with raging fire but the intimacy is a choice of a privilege to come into close proximity.

Man and woman have a different "musk" to release the chemistry of sexual libido. There is a "scent" of sexual lust that the brain received to electrify the transmission. This "thought" erupted from the sexual gland within our body. Puberty is a natural state of maturity and teenagers are eager to explore the possibility of some excitement for a test drive. Explicit display of their physical body is in a way to attract attention.   

This "heat" came from a secret place where it was kept private from any trespasser. A protected area which was meant to uphold its sovereignty and privacy. Attempt to breach into this private area was done with great pursuance. Not all share this private area with someone in total reception. Sharing a private place with someone is just a privilege given as a choice but the "heat" may not be fully activated as a willing partner. The "meeting" of two separate individual which was done in seclusion is a question of sharing a moment of libido to test the presence of "heat" which was hidden somewhere very secret.

Not all ended as a willing partner with full reception and some was left to be a private limited. Not all prostitutes enjoy its sexual orgy but only offer it as some services for the money and some rape victims do conceive it without a choice with some lust. Making this "heat" burn is what this libido is all about. Forcing an entry has always been the foreplay. This private area is a protected area that should be venture with some force to penetrate the prohibited area. Even a nymphomania will declare this place a private party to attend with an invitation and start somewhere with a break in.

 There are vital parts of the body that should be activated. Tactile on the body is the first radical senses of every "biological molecule" that the "desire" needed to feel the presence of touch. Arousing from the touch of friction the "heat" develop into a burning rage of sexual explicit. Libido is like a flame to set the body on fire with lust. The "musk" of libido must be released with tactile information to the brain to electrify the burning "heat" of sexual "desire" on the human body. Our story of The Oily Man explained much of this experience on the woman body. This book should not be read by any minor below the age of eighteen. It contain sexual explicit which is not suitable to all minor. Check this out at

A woman body is not that private after all. We know that this door is not always closed. The window is not properly latched. The curtain has been left slightly opened. A total stranger would glance to take a look and peek through to seek the occupant inside. A stray visitor could sometimes become an invited guest for the night to be a secret party in seclusion. Making a woman to be a willing partner is not a free trade zone. The "musk" must be released to activate the scent from the body "heat" that we produced. To compete with a strong opponent that demand the skills of a fighter, man must be able to penetrate the prohibited area with a "point" to make. This is not a swimming pool for everybody to jump. It is a tunnel that should be slowly sneak into to explore its slippery walls.

The close tight door must be pushed open. The "heat" must be there to melt the frozen ice. Muscularity is a must to penetrate into the  deep hidden secret valley to meet the queen of love. The king must meet to embrace the solemn scared oath of the queen kind gesture. The kiss of love will tell how the reception would be. Without pouring a drink or two the party would be over in a short while with frustration. This is not a trip to enjoy alone as a visitor. The hospitality must be a grand reception. The "ballroom" of love where the queen demonstrate her maturity must be addressed. The tip of her ice berg where she showed her femininity must be served. Never ignore her pride on her chest. This is where she watch how realistic it was to allow you in to her secret passage. Her motherhood must be appreciated before anything else could be assured for the real genetic presentation.    

The first gesture to "meet" with the gatekeeper behind some bushes, is a greeting to seek an audience with queen. The drape must be slide opened to enter into a reception area. This was lounge where the first drink was poured. The queen will wait to see how grand is the visitor. The queen may serve to pour another drink or two to get acquainted. Once the queen is convinced that the visitor is welcomed, the party will start with the best performance to dance in the night. The queen will see how strong the king will rule her kingdom. Once the queen is fully satisfied she will hold on tightly not  letting it go.

Meeting secretly in a deep tunnel on a secret valley, they hugged each other to give everything they got to show what they have to offer. Pleasing each other with every feeling of touch, they wrestled demanding for the delivery of love. She will at many instances declare her under arm to be appreciated. Share it with her and she will give her consent to spend some moment ahead. This was the moment when she will become wild to demand for a "press" to be present to declare her "announcement" of some sound she made. The burning rage of love will erupt to flow the larva of her real self. The gift of her personal identity will be presented for the king zygote to choose from her sperm. The delivery of love to mate in seclusion has been accomplished. 


Sunday, 24 March 2013


The coccyx is the center of the human skeleton. It is the core of gravitational force. It is the only bone that will not be eaten by earth. The tiny triangular shape of this bone will remain to be the primary deoxyribonucleic acid of a human to replicate him during resurrection. Turning a human back to his former self is not impossible to understand. The DNA is all it takes to do the working.

The belly button or navel is the center of the human body. Human was created in such a way to give a perfect balance of its geometrical structure. That is why we human could balance ourselves in the water and the air and gravity keeps us on the ground.  This ground on earth is our base and the coccyx bone is the core to make us stand with our two legs.

Spiritually, this is where the "desire" is placed in between the navel and the coccyx. The "ego" of our guts brain is where the "desire" took the seat to produce its chemical energy that travels up to the heart and the brain with the five senses. Blood and oxygen is the transporter to send all the supply the body needed through its organs. The lower and upper body was divided for the "desire" and "belief" to manage its own region of the north and south zones. Gravity will always stay down below and electromagnetic force above on a heavenly body.

The chemical energy works within its gravitational force for the "desire"and electrical energy works on its electromagnetic force for the "belief." With the two opposing forces running inside us, the body could move with its "lifespan" with length and time of its entropy. Expiry and duration will be the real battle for the chemical and electrical energy to fight to sustain its energy for the equilibrium. having a perfect balance for the stability is all its take to stay alive. Death will come if such failure occurred.

Every human will choose with a "choice" of a "desire" and explore the "chance" with a "belief" to tender "cause and effect" with "fate and destiny" to be seen in reality. With the chemical and electrical energy of our body, we move to act with a purpose. The "id" of our natural instinct is where the "desire" was made to be where the "ego" of our "belief" will explore the risk and consequences. The "super-ego" of our "mind" will offer some intelligence with its knowledge, There are mathematical precision from its quantum mechanics to set the right formula for the balance of stability. 

We are surfing on a wave bands with our illusions in reality. Making the right "choices" and taking the right "chances" will give us the perfect spot of reality. The past will push us forward to clash on impact with the present to create reality. Yesterday was what make today to create tomorrow. 

Edit 28.5.14

Some may not want to believe that we came from our forefathers that began from Adam and Eve. If the theory of evolution wish to claim that we came from the common ancestor of the apes, that theory is not a actually a fact. Any Tom Dick and Harry can make a claim of any sort just to match their perception of logic, but in fact, "logic" is easy for any human "mind" to understand without having to have some intelligence. We can prove 2 + 2 = 4 and everybody will agree to that. But "science" is knowledge that requires more than that and before the number could become 2, it has to become 1 first to begin the law of mathematical formula and 1 is a number of its own "entity" that could never be erased after the number 2 existed. Because there are two 1 in the number 2 that was multiplied. To say we begin from any of the other numbers but not the 1 is an error of judgment that lack the real intelligent. Should it be the "fact" that we human could exist without having to have the "apes" as our common ancestor.

Some of Adam and Eve descendants have been cursed because of their devilish behavior. So to say human begins from "apes" is rather silly to realm. We can believe in anything that have not become a fact and remain as a believer of any theories. But the "coccyx" is where our primary deoxyribonucleic acid still remain the "fact" of our great ancestors. We are just "particles" that came into reality with a "desire" and "belief" to be somewhere. The science of "surrogacy" can tell the amazing stories of "temporal host" to breed and spawn our descendant. The "chromosome" from where we are still remain a mystery.     

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Old Hag Syndrome

This phenomenon of an Old Hag Syndrome have touched some of us in the past and we could not really tell the mystery when it happened. Science may called it "sleep paralysis" on their own empirical studies, but spiritual science will have to look at it in a different ways to give our views on what could be the probable cause on such a strange encounter. The invisible force that came to suppress us in our sleep and leave us breathless struggling to save ourselves, is rather scary when it happened.

There was some kind of a "presence" on top of us to do such a thing. Some have even experienced strange movement on the bed besides them while they were asleep and the worst was when a strange body odor filled the air in the room to tell of an intruder. This sleeping partner spending a night in bed with us is not something we should leave as an illusion of the mind. This energy of the dark has been around us all this while to share the atmosphere among us where we live.

Why they came near to make their presence felt is what we should find out more. If they could use their energy to disable us without any real substance of "matter" that gravity itself demand the gravitational force of "weight", they must come from the gases of air that we breathe. We have found many clues of their activities using the air in our atmosphere. They do not have to show their apparition to manifest their existence with a physical form. This is where the real danger is. They could push us to make us fall or stumble down on the ground. They could make any horrible accidents happen in a split second.

Items that went missing and appeared in the house is part of their mischievous act of some amusement or agitation. If they were there to amuse or agitate us, there should be some ways to communicate with them to tell our standpoint. This is something that we should find out more to get some clues on what this is all about. Leaving matters to chance is not what we human should use as our survival. Preemptive measures must be made available to ensure our safety.

We have seen many people died in their sleep on cardiac arrest. What makes our respiration to cease functioning on its normal voluntary pace, remain to be investigated. When they control the air that we breathe, they are having the advantage to leave us helpless in any instant.


Friday, 4 January 2013

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty has been shown on any faces no matter how ugly they look like. The beast has also been shown on any faces no matter how wonderful it is. There is always one of these two sides of us to be shown at any single moment of the time. This aperture is the ray of light from within ourselves that we project from our "aura". The color of each spectrum delivers their own image to be seen. The electromagnetic spectrum of waves that come from these lights gave us the visible range on what to see. The projection of ray from this light of our inner self created the images of our real emotional stage. The feature on the face that we show tells what we are during that present moment of time. The beast will create fear and the beauty will create love. 

Most of us will look horrible when we fall asleep. This is because the "beast" is there on the body while the "beauty" left in reconnaissance. Death will make the body to be the worst sight to be seen. The absence of our "soul" will make the body to become the "ghost" of its true nature. Without the "soul" the body will be just the dirt of its origin.The deoxyribonucleic acid of our "identity" can never be destroyed.

The human body is represented by its face and the features on the screen of the face came from the spirits within that made such projections. We see things from the electromagnetic waves of these lights. These particles of "matter" are inherent to its "anti-matter".  What you want to show on your face is very much the same but has a different apertures. It came from the only sides of the identical twin. Your "desire" and "belief" is all you have to show the real sides of yourselves. 

The "inner self" is the real you and not any parts of the body. These body parts can be changed to be replaced with another including this face of ours but the real you will still be inside. So why spend so much time looking at it in the mirror? Don't you think you should look for that missing person of yourself? Doesn't it rather strange when someone ask this question "Proof of God" when they can't even proof their own self? When material fact can be distorted to lose its originality and changed in a matter of time, that evidence lost its credibility.