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The ancient scriptures of spiritual science was never from the origin of English language and was not in our mother tongue to put it in its actual words. The terminology of some spiritual forces are rather vague to describe it in full comprehension. Cognitive dissonance is one area of the mind where this literature could cause a major breakdown of understanding. Unless you could compromise some flexibility to argue for the right usage of interpretations or having some basic knowledge of spiritual science. We have to spell out some words to tell the energy of these "spirits" to describe the mystery of supernatural events. The "desire" (naf) is the real energy in this main character of our own doing and our "belief" which store all our "knowledge" is the result of such understanding.

This literature is not about the use of English language to its full perspective or to promote its usage as a medium. We are trying to share the "knowledge" of spiritual science with some readers to explore about the unknown frontiers of supernatural event. You may be an expert in your your own mother tongue to command for the right perspective but you should also give us the same respect to interpret it in our own words. The philosophy of linguistic words has no jurisdiction to claim for its own superiority. We should not command "words" to be the only source of understanding. The metaphor of understanding came from your own ability to produce intelligence in its real meaning.


Spiritual Science, Mystical Adventure, Pontianak, Penanggal, Oily Man, Water Spirit, The Morgue, Demonic Disturbance

Wednesday, 10 August 2011


“Information” is a great technology for our brain basic “knowledge” of intelligence to enhance the “mind” performance for the well-being of our biological body. Having enough “knowledge” is where we human stay ahead to lead others from the dark side of ambiguity. But this “information” that came to reach our brain synapses will detour to our heart before the “mind” weigh the possibility with the electrical energy of the “belief”.

The “thought” that came from the secret channel of our brain synapses will detour from the heart where the “mind” took the seat of consciousness. The oxygen and blood that flow carried some significant elements of divine property. The spiritual plane of our inner self has been secretly supplying “intelligent information” for the “mind” to explore the possibility. The thinking brain is under the jurisdiction of our electrical energy of the “belief” to inspire the chances of reality.

The brainwaves of our “mind” astral projection of remote viewing may strive to sustain the “information” in the electromagnetic field. Exploring the vast density of spiritual plane in its dimensional space of “time” where the “past” and the “future” are calculated with some mathematical formula. The measurement of “time” to predict the “choice” and “chance” where “fate” and “destiny” decides the reality of “cause” and “effect”. Our chemical energy of “desire” where the “choice” was made for the electrical energy of “belief” to predict the possibility of “chance” will be taken by the “mind” radiation energy to spark the “ringtone” of vibration in the electromagnetic field.

The connection was made by the “mind” with the brainwaves in the broadband frequency. Collecting the data information of the future event could be possible if the range of our satellite in orbit is at a close distant. “Fate” will always come towards us from the past of “cause” and “effect”, while we waited for the “chances” of “destiny to reach us when the two forces clashes on impact. The vibration of the coming “destiny” carried some “information” for our “mind” intelligence.

Making this mental calculation of the thinking “mind” to sense the coming of future event is a great “investment” of our spiritual achievement. Having a few steps ahead of “time” is a great advantage. Psychic ability may seek to explore the past of “cause” and “effect” but having a premonition is about the future happening of “destiny”. We human could see the future ahead of us at a certain range in the near distant of “time”. What we choose as a “choice” of a “free will” is a “legal tender” of our “life span”.

The duration of “time” before it expires could be “borrowed” with a specified spiritual formula. We human can use our “life span” at any cost of “legal tender”. The expense of “feeling” for our biological body is where we human must face the element of risk. The agony of defeat and the thrill of victory are the consequences we have to prepare for reality. The future does not only bring harmony of peace. There may be some horrible things that we should not know in advance. It may cause to spoil the spending reality “time” of knowing what is coming to face us in the next moment of time. Having to deal with the danger and prosperity of the future is where the “conscience of our “belief” have to deal with some “faith” of “intelligent design”.

Information of “knowledge” is always a two sided blade where we human must deal with great precision. Suffer in hardship and joy in happiness is a reality event which we have to experience to balance the recipe of “life”. No human had only tasted the sweetness without having to taste the bitterness of living. The balance of taste would give us some “information” we may need to face the future with better awareness. We human live to solve many problems that came to educate us with some “intelligence”. We must have a well balance diet to make us a better person.

Consciousness is what our human mind needs to get some intelligence for our understanding. Losing that consciousness will leave us paralyse to face reality with emptiness of confusion. That sudden moment of unconsciousness could put us in real danger of death. Intelligence of knowledge and skills of ability could sometime go missing in confusion from the mind. This missing gap in between the moment of time is where we were crippled to be put in jeopardy.

The light of our "life" is the real "tree of knowledge" that was given to every human at birth. Every information we receive from our five senses will ring a bell inside us to deliver the "information" from within. The source of "knowledge" came from inside us and was never from the outside. Reality was created from the past that came with a new inception to tell the tale of a story that has been directed before it was released to be seen. Everything we have seen now is something new and can be predicted with the right precision.


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