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The ancient scriptures of spiritual science was never from the origin of English language and was not in our mother tongue to put it in its actual words. The terminology of some spiritual forces are rather vague to describe it in full comprehension. Cognitive dissonance is one area of the mind where this literature could cause a major breakdown of understanding. Unless you could compromise some flexibility to argue for the right usage of interpretations or having some basic knowledge of spiritual science. We have to spell out some words to tell the energy of these "spirits" to describe the mystery of supernatural events. The "desire" (naf) is the real energy in this main character of our own doing and our "belief" which store all our "knowledge" is the result of such understanding.

This literature is not about the use of English language to its full perspective or to promote its usage as a medium. We are trying to share the "knowledge" of spiritual science with some readers to explore about the unknown frontiers of supernatural event. You may be an expert in your your own mother tongue to command for the right perspective but you should also give us the same respect to interpret it in our own words. The philosophy of linguistic words has no jurisdiction to claim for its own superiority. We should not command "words" to be the only source of understanding. The metaphor of understanding came from your own ability to produce intelligence in its real meaning.


Spiritual Science, Mystical Adventure, Pontianak, Penanggal, Oily Man, Water Spirit, The Morgue, Demonic Disturbance

Friday, 3 June 2011

Sleeping Partner

We have written about this ugly figure of a man we called the Oily Man. Why he was transformed into a beast which was invested with the spiritual energy of demonic culture, has been fully elaborate in our story of the Oily Man. But there was another side of its story that has not been fully clarified. This other side of him has been on the loose in the spiritual dimension. That energy which was created was still having its momentum. The demon that took his form was still tormenting the dark world coming into people houses while they were fast asleep.

Most people will experience a strange body odor around them in the room but some have also experienced sleep paralysis of the Old Hag syndrome. Tracking down this culprit took us several years to understand him better. This “thing” likes to sleep on top of people especially woman for a good reason. Sneaking on human is what it always did. But sharing the same bed is where we need to venture out to seek some answers. To be a night visitor and be a sleeping partner is what worried us.

Women are totally exposed to his adventure. Staying around in the same room sleeping besides or on top us is the danger of an intrusion. When we human sleep, our spirit leaves the body and left it unattended. (Odyssey of Sleep) The gravitational force of our “life span” on the body has its centrifugal force to give us the respiratory induction. “Weight” is always the secrets behind this intrusion. But the forces of the dark have motive of their own. The “purpose of entry” is what we need to find out and what attracted it so much in the chemistry of physic.  

We can take a short cut with temporary precaution by defending ourselves rather than finding out what this “thing” is. The influence of this night creatures of the dark on human should be given some attention. Leaving it unattended and exposing it to the wide open space of the unknown to surrender ourselves is not an intelligent thing to do. Things around us have a significant influence that we breathe in every single moment. The gases in the atmosphere and the cultural activities that our senses connect in the broadband frequency of the electromagnetic field energy influenced us mentally and emotionally. 

We human need to breathe the “knowledge” to feed our sentient being. It is the only way the “aura” of us could glow in the brightest color. But an “eclipse” of dark cloud would always pass to block the shine.

Read about it in Demonic Disturbance
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