These are the two tokens we used to make a move in our daily period of living. To use either one of these tokens, we need to use the proper working tools of our “life” which was given to us for that purpose. If “choice” is an entity, it would be “blind” with no source to get the delivery. It would just be a pure “hope” of waiting period in the dark space of nowhere. This "hope" is where our energy of "desire" is all about and become part of our "life" energy induction. "Choice" is why we human were given as a "free will" to choose and "design" something from the chaos of this universe which is known to happen randomly without a designer. This has something to do with "cause and effect" which we assume will happen at random of some natural mechanism.
Now some people may think that this universe exist without a "cause" and it happens randomly out of nothing. There is no designer behind the making of our universe that we know was having a precise mathematical formula to maintain the balance of stability. They prefer to choose as a "choice" to deny the existence of God the Creator. But they will quickly put into a position to claim that "evolution" is a design that happens by "chance" of natural selection. Their "choice" of convenient to choose it as a "belief" that this universe was never created with an "intelligent design" and naturally selected to deny that God did not exist. So anything behind the scene of reality is a null and void of "nothing" to claim for the evidence of fact.
So the question about "cause and effect" was conveniently chosen to suit certain criteria that they prefer to use as their fundamental of "belief" to explain "nothing" for "something" in reality. They claimed the cloud in the sky was design without a designer and it happens at random without taking into account the forces of air and temperature of nature that created it. If the weather in the sky happens by "chance" that could not be predicted with a "cause and effect" of its creations in reality, these people may not understand science that they have studied. Reality that happens have a reason or purpose and anything that forms have its functions. So why do they say the universe existed without a "cause" and no designer necessary. If "intelligent design" is not apply, they could never claim to be that intelligent anyhow. Science could not progress and technology will not prosper as we have seen today.
Reality is what all of us would want to see happens with the "cause" of our "choice" from our "desire" and the "effect" of the "chance" we took from our "belief". When the environmental conditions is a random chaos that must be put in order, our "desire" and "belief" is a designer to put things into places for it to happen in reality. The "cause" for it to happen with our "choice" is the gravitational force of our "desire" to shape things into existence. Gravity itself will need some substances that we have from our "belief" which is the "knowledge" of our understanding. This "knowledge" and understanding is the quantum mechanics of the "chance" we have taken to formulate the happening of reality. The "cause and effect" of environmental condition which randomly and constantly modified must be designed with a purpose. Anything that was formed has a function. This is what we will have to be responsible for every design we created. There will be some risk and consequences and this is what "fate and destiny" is all about. Our universe was made to be self organized with pre destined harmony. So the random chaos must need a designer to put it in order.
This "fate" is the force of "cause and effect" and "destiny" is an "intelligent design" that we created. When we made some choices without any "knowledge" of gravitational force from the "desire", things will happen with the environmental mechanism of "fate" with the chances of "cause and effect". But when we made some choices with some "knowledge" of quantum mechanics to search with a "belief", things will happen with the quantum mechanics of "destiny" with the chances of "intelligent design".
"Knowledge" is the "substance" observed by "time" on the period of "before and after" such occurrence of reality. Where this "knowledge" was positioned in reality is what we need to find out during the coming of "fate and destiny". Getting the "knowledge" on board our consciousness "before" or "after" is how we measure the forces of "fate and destiny". We must understand reality in the making. Watching everything in front of us without knowing the source is where we human failed to realize the exact precision to measure and observe the forces of our "life" in reality.
Making "choices" and taking "chances" is what we will do in reality. The "desire" and the "belief" is our only token to stake our claim in reality. These are the energies of our "lifespan" and it will expires with entropy on the black hole of death. "Cause and effect" is a legal tender that was rendered with "choice and chance" on "fate and destiny" of our "free will". There is a mathematical formula to sum its precision. The quantum mechanics of our "knowledge" in the brainwaves of our mind is where we source for the right precision of "fate and destiny" to be seen in reality.
The "soup" in the vacuum of space is where the recipe of hopes from all these energies will be stewed to create reality. Your "choice" and mine brewing together in that same space is the energy that create reality. How strong is our "belief" to make it happen is the real "cause" for such "effect" in the making.
Edit 31.8.13
It would be rather silly for us to let things develop according to its "cause and effect" of reality. If we do not make that "choice" to choose, other people will and their position is put on play for the "cause" to take its "effect" in reality. We are living in a different period of "time" where miracle and supernatural forces are only in motion in the stage of coincidences. This "choice" is actually our "prayer" that we pronounce to claim for our preferences. We do it in a secret room of our heart in what we call "intention" to deliberate our motive or purpose to the design we intend to form and function.
As a designer of our "life", we create the "identity" of ourselves and this energy can never be destroyed. It is the prototype of our real self and it shall remain infinite as an "entity" on the person of what we are. Now this "sentient being" that we call ourselves will never age or die. Only our biological body will age and decay during its "entropy" on the duration of time. Our energy of "desire" is a personality of its own nature that we created and the energy of "belief" is the other side of its own personality which is our real self that could never be distorted. This is the good part of us that have the basic drive from our moral compass to be good. Our spirits of the "desire" and "belief" is like a coin with two faces and it could split apart to be separated during certain period of time. This is the twin of our split personality inside us. This is what happens when we fall asleep when the "desire" stay on the physical body on its gravitational force while the "belief" left the body to depart on its "official business" during our sleep.
This Odyssey of Sleep is quite a complicated subject to discuss. It is a simulation of death in a frontier of "tachyon" where "time" is not in motion. That is why we were made to live in two separate events of the day and night. We human will have to fall asleep to enter into the next episode. Our "lifespan" is on the rotation of "time" like the sun, moon and earth. The spirit of "desire" is like the sun, the spirit of "belief" is like the moon and the body is the earth. This is the fundamentals of the universe's energy that announce the law of physic. So we should not deny the other part of the missing episode when it rotates to enter into the darkness side of nowhere. Are we claiming that the evidence of fact is only on the living period and leave the next odyssey of sleep with some blank pages? You may think it is some kind of a vacation to take a rest. To tell you the truth, we are actually living on two separate worlds. This is what the "desire" and "belief" is all about. It is about making "choices" and taking "chances" for a living to claim that "identity" on the person of what we are.
The energy of "desire" is the devil inside us that must be fully educated. It is "blind" and can never realize the virtue of moral obligation. This is the spirit that can be possessed by demonic civilizations to invest their cultural heritage. This is the spirit that will stay near its body upon death when its gravitational force was terminated. Spiritual science of this nature will need a good sound knowledge to understand its chronology. We human are environmentally equipped and the heaven and earth is where our two spirits will find its resources. The "desire" will get its chemical energy from the ground of earth and the "belief" will get its resources of electrical energy from the sky of heaven. This is what "fate and destiny" will offer from the two forces of this universe. The strong and weak forces of atomic energy where the up-flow and down-flow of the past and future clash on impact to create reality in the present period of time. This is how the universe functions to create reality.
Edit 16.10.13
Having said all these about spiritual science, we must be able to comprehend the real forces of nature that we are going to deal with. This was where some humans tried to get some "alliances" from outside forces. When our spirits of "desire" and "belief" are totally dependable to the environmental condition and its surroundings, the spirit of "desire" in our body is desperate to get some chemical energy from the ground of earth where its gravitational force was made to influx from the core of the earth. The biological body would need the highest quality of chemical substance from the ground of earth for its stability. This is what deoxyribonucleic acid is all about and the coccyx is where it was placed that will not be eaten by the earth. This is where "mystical" ritual was made to enhance its body performance. To do that, your spirit of "belief" must be able to venture out to the electromagnetic field to get some guidance.
Now getting the right formula from the source of the earth core or the canopy of heaven is not that simple without the right service provider and good reception. Diamond, gold, silver and uranium plutonium of (qursani) are the earth highest quality of metal leads that the human body could use for its immortality. The blood circulation in the body could use some of its substance to enhance its performance. This is where "alliance" with the "dark energy" is very much in use to secure a good understanding for its prosperity. We should know that every heavenly body came with a basic design of its survival package. The ozone layer and the electromagnetic shield on each planet secure its own premise and "dark matter" is still an outstanding energy to realm. Our own body should have the same security shield and the "aura" is where it was made to be. Scientists are sending rockets and satellites in orbits and built telescopes to get some understandings of the universe. These rockets, satellites and telescopes are actually fully equipped within ourselves. There are "other" life forms on this universe and we should know how to communicate with them. These "energies" have been found by many scientists but could not describe it with the right terminology. They prefer to call it with the names of that persons that made that discoveries.
We have written about these "encounters" in our stories of the "Pontianak", "Penanggal", "The Morgue" and "Oily Man" on how that made that "contact" from the outside forces and how it was done with hybrid genetic mutation. Spiritual science of this nature has not been fully exposed. The broadband frequency of the electromagnetic field is where the reconnaissance was made to find the right forces from the universe. The chemical energy that the "desire" needs for its biological body and the electrical energy that the "belief" needs for the "knowledge" of understanding must be found from the right mathematical formula of quantum mechanics.
The "choice" of choosing and the "chance" of making is a "legal tender" that we placed with the tokens of our "lifespan" on this period of time. Reality is what we created to be the person of what we are. Knowing the ""cause and effect" from the source of reality is a great achievements. We must not be a "shadow" that only follows the flow of "cause and effect". We should "lead" the making of "fate and destiny" for it to happen in reality. We must understand its random chaos and try to put it in order. To know what is coming in the next moment of time is a great achievements. Some could even go further beyond to the next days or months or even years to come.
The future can be seen with a few length of its time.
Edit 18.11.13
Remember and forget is the instruments of our consciousness. We may have the "knowledge" and "understanding" in our conscience of "belief" to tow the anchor of our memory. "Thoughts" that came into our "mind" was never our "choice" and it will have to be gravitates by the "desire" for the "belief" to get that "chance" for an imagination. The screen of our consciousness is an advertisement from our "thoughts" that was sponsored by foreign elements of its environmental conditions. The "audience" in that environment of the mass will be the "observer" to watch us for an investments. What we get from the five senses is the "source" of our imagination. Our core "belief" will react with the cognitive dissonance when things are not adequately satisfactory to our intrinsic knowledge or understanding.
The "source" of our living energy came from two separate forces. Our spirits of "desire" and "belief" will have its own scripture to tell its own story or biography. The "sijjin" and "illiyin" is not something that we could read with some words of linguistic languages. It will be the "desire" deoxyribonucleic acid and the "belief" distinguish "identity" on the person of what we are. Resurrection of a dead body is not that complicated after all. The law of physic can never revoked the forces of "neutrinos" and "dark matter". The entropy in the black hole of death can sustain the waste with "thermodynamics" when the "heat" is available to do the work.
Reception of our "mind" must be fully exposed to receive the vast density of knowledge of this universe. When our "mind" was detained in a lock-up of popularity fallacy which may not have the full view of the real truth, the "mind" will never have the opportunity to see the full view of reality. Spirits and ghost were repeatedly denied when they do not have the real understanding. If God our Creator was denied with "false pretense" of "nothing" when they search in the "inception" of our universe expansion, they do not understand what God is all about. A Creator who made the "sun" with tremendous neutrinos of "heat" harmful to our human eyes, they expect to see God with their own perception of understanding. Stupidity sometimes could be seen in oblivion. It was a "choice" they made to deny with a "chance" to know HIM. A Creator who has the highest dignity was asked to kneel before their watchful eyes just to satisfy their curiosity.
Edit 21.11.13
This universe was created with the same token of "choice" and "chance". Our Lord do not have to do anything but just "wish" to see some "audience" it His presence. Every "particle" that wish to come into reality must make a "choice" and take a "chance" to be seen. This was where we are, before we were born into this world. So that "choice" that we have made when we were a "particle" before coming into this reality was a "chance" that was given as an opportunity. Without that "opportunity" we may not be here now to search for the "possibility". So the "desire" to choose with a "choice" from that "opportunity" and the "possibility" of "chance" that was provided came from the "free will" of "cause and effect". This is not an accident that we are here. We have chosen to be here and that "choice" deserved a "chance" that was given to our "desire" and "belief". The "zygote" to clinch on female or male chromosome is a "choice" to choose with the "chance" taken to be what we want to be.
Hostility will end on the other side of hospitality. It is just like the darkness that ends with the brightness of "light" that separated it. A "choice" is hostile in nature that requires a "chance" to end its volatility. This is the "chaos" that must be put in "order". The "First Cause" is a "choice" that was given with a "chance" to be what we have seen today. We should admire our Creator highest supremacy of intelligence. The "desire" and "belief" are the spirits of this universe that can never be destroyed. It is the fundamental energy of everything. The notion of our Creator could create anything by itself. Many of us have really misunderstood the word "free will" which have something to do with forces of "cause and effect" . The forces of "cause" and effect" is the real forces of "free will" that was fully owned by all of us in this universe. This is a free trade zone for everything and everybody. The "free will" is an event of natural selections with no real forces of "choice and chance" from this universe but only "cause and effect". The forces of "cause and effect" gave us that opportunity to make a "choice" and get that possibility of "chance".
The volatile eruption of "desire" to make a "choice" is the chaos when the competition is on in the wide open space of "free will" in natural selection. To survive the hostile environment, there must be a "belief" to take a "chance" and face the risk and consequences. This is the field where everything participates. The level playing field is where the survival instinct and battle of the fittest demands its merit. If there is no power of persuasion to make that "choice" and take that "chance", nothing can be seen in reality. So "nothing" is where we were, and to be that "something", we must make an effort to use our "desire" and "belief" to apply the working tools of natural selection. This "energy" of "desire" and "belief" is the evidence of our existence.
After we have used the token of "choice and chance", and secured it with the seal of our "intention" to take full responsibility of the risk and consequences, that "free will" has been relinquish to be null and void and take over on the driving seat. Our "choice" would now need to have a "cause" for it to take its "effect" with a "chance". This is the survival instinct of nature in its "evolution" process. So the forces of "cause and effect" from the space of "free will" should now be tendered with our "choice and chance" to be seen in reality. A bird was enjoying its "free will" and flying freely in the wide open sky with the forces of nature until one day a "choice" decided to put it in a cage to keep and feed it as a "pet" with a "chance" of survival. This is where our "desire" and "belief" was now put inside the cage of our body. To declare that we have no responsibility to take and face any consequences to live and die is totally unstable of a sound mind.
The cage of this body will soon expires and we will be responsible for that "bird" inside that cage. It was a "choice" to put that "bird" inside the cage and try to give it a "chance" that was once so free to get elsewhere with an instinct. All living things are meant to enjoy its "free will" until a "choice" was made with the "chance" of "cause and effect" from nature. That "pet" may not survive the hostile environment and the opportunity to be taken as a guest of hospitality, deserved to be given a special attention from our due respect and responsibility. Should we exposed it to a hostile environment or in a safe harmonious hospitality. Heaven or hell is a "choice" we chose with the "chance" we provide. That cage of a body can be hell and heaven for that bird while in captivity as a "pet". To set it free and live in the wild, we must make sure it can survive the environment conditions that we have created for it.
Check yourselves out, there is something inside you that wants to make a "choice" and take a "chance" every moment of your time. This "energy" can never be destroyed and will not aged to be erased. Even when the body falls asleep, the "energy" will still be active to do something with its "choice and chance". If we could ever understands its engineering mechanism, we will have a body that knows what to do and how to react in reality. That "thoughts" that came passing by in our "mind" have a few frequencies as a reception. The gravitational force and quantum mechanics of its "energy" could be observed with great precision of knowledge. We are too dedicated to tell the "science" of nature in this universe but failed to really understand the real "science" inside us.
Edit 2.12.13
Modern science could prosper because some "knowledge" were discovered to know the "source" of the becoming. Medicines were created with the right "chemical energy" that the body needs for its stability. This "earth" provide that source of "chemical energy" for its own descendant when the human body was made from it dirt. It would be a "mother instinct" to protect its own offspring. Gravity is the forces that do the work for mother nature on earth to perform its duty. It is the "desire" that makes the "choice" to take care of its inheritance with a well design deoxyribonucleic acid to protect its own history on the making of a body. This deoxyribonucliec acid is not something that was designed or made by any scientists of today modern science. Scientists were just an "observer" that discover the amazing "intelligent" of mother nature that preserved its own making of any forms that functions. Keeping this record must have a purpose. This "sijjin" is a scripture on the spirit of our "desire" who had made some "choices" for its own body that came from this earth chemical energy. This is the history of our daily routine while we were fully awake on this earth.
But we have also used some electrical energy with our brainwaves to search around with a "belief" to get some "chances" on how to become what we want to be and get enough "knowledge" for our understanding to know what we are suppose to do with a better judgment. This "judgment" was made with a "belief" of some "knowledge" we found somewhere from the environmental conditions. The "electrical energy" that do the thinking must surf on the electromagnetic field and face the hostile situation to get the real truth of a right formula for the "chance" of survival. To survive we may sometimes do some unethical conduct of unfairness. This unfair treatment to the "cause and effect" of nature must be put in a record to justify our own action. The "illiyin" is a scripture where this justification has to be made. That "happiness" we had could be someone else "suffering" and that misdemeanour of unfair treatment must be made fully responsible for. This "free will" of nature must be well managed with proper track record. That oxygen we breathe and the carbon dioxide we exhaled in the air of the atmosphere is where the record was made and some of it was made by the photosynthesis of nature.
Every single thing of our deeds will be fully recorded and this is how intelligent is our Creator. We can never denied it when we ourselves do the recording on that scriptures of "sijjin and illiyin" to tell what we are. The quantum mechanics of stability has been balanced to give us that fair treatment to live on this earth. Happiness and suffering is just an instrument of our "choice and chance" for the "cause and effect" of "fate and destiny" in the field of "free will" on this earth of the universe. We changed it with the gravitational force of our 'desire" chemical energy and make it happen with the quantum mechanics electromagnetic force of our "belief" electrical energy. The universal forces of up-flow and down-flow of nature "cause and effect" were constantly been modified to suit our purpose of "choice and chance" in the free trade zone of "free will' to create "fate and destiny" in reality. We have used that "intelligent design" to create reality and should be responsible for our action to take the stand of risk and consequences. This is a level playing field with no rules and regulations or terms and conditions. Religion is just a privilege given to salvage us from this hostile environment.
We can choose to be the "crook" or the "hero" in this living drama of our performance. That "director" is somewhere behind the scene hoping we would perform according to their scripts. It could be your parents, friends, family, employer or anyone that have an interest over your next performance. You can choose to be a leader or a follower. You are either a shadow in that background or the main actor of a leading roles. Everyone of us must be a follower or a leader in some episodes of our life. We are caught in a web of "cause and effect" that has a certain track to lead the path and we can always changed it to another track that may not be the right path. That "choice and chance" we took will be recorded as a statement of facts that can never be denied.