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The ancient scriptures of spiritual science was never from the origin of English language and was not in our mother tongue to put it in its actual words. The terminology of some spiritual forces are rather vague to describe it in full comprehension. Cognitive dissonance is one area of the mind where this literature could cause a major breakdown of understanding. Unless you could compromise some flexibility to argue for the right usage of interpretations or having some basic knowledge of spiritual science. We have to spell out some words to tell the energy of these "spirits" to describe the mystery of supernatural events. The "desire" (naf) is the real energy in this main character of our own doing and our "belief" which store all our "knowledge" is the result of such understanding.

This literature is not about the use of English language to its full perspective or to promote its usage as a medium. We are trying to share the "knowledge" of spiritual science with some readers to explore about the unknown frontiers of supernatural event. You may be an expert in your your own mother tongue to command for the right perspective but you should also give us the same respect to interpret it in our own words. The philosophy of linguistic words has no jurisdiction to claim for its own superiority. We should not command "words" to be the only source of understanding. The metaphor of understanding came from your own ability to produce intelligence in its real meaning.


Spiritual Science, Mystical Adventure, Pontianak, Penanggal, Oily Man, Water Spirit, The Morgue, Demonic Disturbance

Monday, 28 March 2011


Before you get ready to swim into this ocean of words, the depth of this water is so deep you may find yourselves having some difficulty staying afloat. Floating on the surface is not why the ocean was made to be so deep.

The water which is keeping you afloat is hiding something inside deep in the ocean floor. Staying afloat and breathe the oxygen on the surface would only give you the excitement of living. But staying underneath is where you will find it at the last moment of time. The depth is where the treasure was hidden.

Our quest is meant for you to dive under to the abyss and explore the depth without any oxygen intake. We need you to experience death and swim with us on the ocean bed, staying as long as possible to feel the mystery of losing your breath.

If you could not dive under and have the stamina to breathe without any oxygen intake, we suggest you keep yourself afloat and stay on the surface of the water until you have that ability to explore the depth of death.

Your fear to face death is so scary when you could not anticipate the deep silent of darkness. To deny that breath of oxygen and feel the absence of any refuge, we should stay under in the deep abyss to face the coming of death.

Life is given in the sea of water and we could live without any source of oxygen. Oxygen is only an element which has nothing to do with living. It is for the body deoxyribonucleic acid of the earth four elements of substance.

Life is an energy spent to keep the body deoxyribonucleic acid alive for the infiltration on teh "gravity" of “desire”. The “desire” needs the earth rich protein of nutrient, the mineral of water, the heat of fire and the oxygen of air. The chemistry of these elements was for the body chemical energy.

The “life” needs the host of a body as a substance to feel and experience from the senses of “desire”. The nucleus of “life” in the body is the “desire” which craved on its temptation of materials. Hunger, thirst, depression and sleep would come every now and then.

We human died when the gravity of “desire” is terminated from the body. "Gravity" was denied or terminated from the earth of the body. This is the deity that ruled the sacred monument of our body. The “life” is made to experience greed, lust, pride, anger, envy with gluttony and sloth.

The body died when the “desire” source of feeling expires. The “life span” of this “desire” is only an exchange of air. We would breathe again for some breaths. We would feel hungry again after taken some food. We would feel thirsty again after quenching with some water. We would feel tired after using some strength. We would soon shutdown for some sleep.

The period is short and that is the “life span” of your body four elements of earth, water, fire and air. The gravity of “desire” would spend most of it energy to replenish it. The question of getting enough supply is the element of risk.

This is when the element of “belief” is needed to revitalize the gravity of “desire”. Without the “belief”, the “desire” will be at lost. “Belief” is where our thinking was. To think and imagine is what the “belief” do to become our “conscience”. This is the real "consciousness" of ourselves. What you "think" is what you are.

From this conscience of “belief”, we begin to find the source of energy needed to feed the hunger, to quench the thirst, to energize the body and to wake up from a sleep. The working system of our human body is an evolution of chain reaction like a centrifugal force.

The cycle of orbiting sphere of our “life” is from the gravity of “desire” with the feeling, to the thinking of “thought” and “idea” on an imagination to become the conscience of “belief”. The “belief” is what makes us search to find the source for the “desire”.

This area of imagination is only a possibility to look for “knowledge” from the “mind”. When the conscience of “belief” gets some “knowledge” from the “mind”, it became a “faith” of possibility. To believe in the absence from the evidence of fact, “faith” is an impending energy source that supports the making of reality.

The trinity of “desire”, “belief” and “faith” are the three elements of kinetic energy to generate a body movement. It is like a scale of weigh to balance the energy molecules at a precise level of weight to produce the velocity of speed.

“Fate” and “destiny” hang in the balance between the evidence of fact from the “fate” of the past and the possibility of “destiny” for the future. Our “life” is the center of a point in the sphere of orbiting cycle. The wheel of “fate” and “destiny” will turn around until we made a choice of “faith” with a belief. Because what we did yesterday is the result of today and what we will do today will be the result of tomorrow. So the "life" of today is the result of "death" tomorrow. 

The risk of having to balance on the scale of supply is the real hazard of death. The precise balance must not exceed or recede on the scale of health. The chemical balance must be adequately consistent and any distortion would be fatal on the brink of death.

This is what “life” is meant to be for the body with the “desire”. Death is for the body and the termination of the “desire” had nothing to do with the “life” of a human. This “life” is what we would like to find out more when death is at the door.

Edit 12.1.2015

The moment we step into the realm of death, what we have is only our "identity" on the person of what we are to introduce ourselves. This is the only "consciousness" of ourselves to begin this quest of death. This is the result of yesterday from our "life" of the past to be the answer of our death. We create our own "destiny" in this "Odyssey of Death from the "identity" of our "life" from the past. Our  well trained "experiences" of "life" is the only "knowledge" we have to deal with the situation of death.

There will be some "communities" to meet during the odyssey. What we have learned from our "experience" is the only "language" to communicate. What you "understand" is what you "communicate" to the open public of these communities. The "gravitational force" of your "desire" is the "feeling"  and the "conscience" of your "belief" is the "faith" that will influence your "consciousness" on what to do.  You have created your own "identity" from your "life" with the "choices" you made with your "desire" and the "chances" you took with your "belief" and that "experiences" is the "knowledge" of your "consciousness" to face in the afterlife.

The afterlife is a place where you spend in "jeopardy" of your sins and in "purgatory" of your wisdom. Every deed you made either in good or evil will have an identical "twin" to face each other as a companion. The right will describe the wrong to show the differences. The good will show the evil and the truth will show the false. These identical twins are the tokens your "desire" and "belief" will face to clarify and verify until the Day of Judgment. These are the "evidence" to tell the "fact" of what is wrong and what is right from the "choices" you made with your "desire" and the "chances" you took with your "belief".  The afterlife is where you see the two sides of everything. 

This is where you can see the "male" of a "female" and the "woman" of a "man" to tell the difference of what you are. This "identical twins" will tell the other side of what you are and you will spend your time in the afterlife facing that other side of your real self. The bad side of you will stay in the domain of hell and the good side of you will stay in the domain of heaven.  The "spirit" of your "desire" and the "spirit" of your "belief" will face their own "soul" to tell their sides of the story. What you "feel" and what you "think" is not alway the real picture of your "self" where the "soul" watch to tell the difference. Your "soul" is where your real "self" stand witness to everything your "spirit" of "desire" feels and "spirit" of "belief" thinks. Your "soul" will be the judge of your real "self" to bear witness of your deeds. God puts the "soul" inside us for us to answer to our own self. So the "soul" is the real witness of our own doing.

We can never cheat ourselves when whatever we have done has been witnessed by this "soul" on the the real truth of what we are. So no one can ever questioned God's intelligence when He has put a spy on us ever since we were born on this earth. Your "soul" knew what you did or if you cheat and lie. So Judgment Day will be the day when no one can ever deny anything on what they did. Only the "soul" knows who, how, when, where, and why you did something in your "life span". Your "spirits" can give all the evidence to show the fact. Meeting with your own "soul" is the day you find yourself facing the real "you" when the "identical twins" will show you both sides of the story. You will face your own "lies" with the "truth" on the other person of yourself. This is what they called "sijjin and illiyin" in an  ancient holy scripture. God will prove to you how fair He is to let you make your own decision to be what you are. 

When your "desire" was given the "choice" to make, God would have to provide "fate" with all the opportunities for you to choose and let your "belief" to take the "chance" with all the possibilities to create your "destiny" with your own "life". So "fate" came from the "past" with all the benefits to choose and destiny" came from the "future" with all the privileges for you to take. Without "fate" with all the opportunities and without "destiny" with all the possibilities, "life" will be a blank piece of paper with nothing to read to tell a story. This shows how clever and genius God is to let us draw our own picture of ourselves. So this "identity" is something that we have to show in the "afterlife" for everybody to see and watch. 

What we have showed now in this "life" is not the real "self" of ourselves. There are so many deceptions and lies to imitate the real you. The "pseudo" person that we have shown as "ourselves" are full of flaws. We cheated and we lied to our own "self" to make everybody to believe in it as the real truth. When we deceived all those people around us about the real person of "ourselves", God will have to prove it to tell the truth. So this "afterlife" is where all these outstanding issues need to be addressed. Nothing will be left unturned and unsolved. That real person of an "identity" must be revealed to show all the evidence of facts. 

This is part of the "symmetry of conservation" for all "particles" to show itself in reality. The "space" and "energy" of the "mass" and "matter" will have to be "observed" and "measured" with the "time" and "speed" on its "lifespan". So we exist from "nothing" to become "something" from that "particle" who made a "choice" from "0" to be "1" and exist to show "ourself" in reality. We made ourselves from "0" to become "1" with an "identity" on the person of what we are.  The "space" that give us this opportunity to exist was the "chance" given when we made that "choice" to use the "energy" around us. We created our own "self" and show "ourselves" to this world and try to make everybody "belief" that we exist as a person and make them recognize us to be that person. Somebody must stand as a "witness" to recognize us or we would not exist and be that "shadow" that we think we are.

So this "shadow" of the real person of "ourself" must be recognized with an "identity" to tell the real "us" that we are still not sure who we are. This "life" is an "illusion" of a dream that will soon become real in the "afterlife" to show the fact. What and who we are has still not been verified and clarified. This "afterlife" is the time where we meet our real "self" and try to get acquainted with our "spirits" and "soul" to do the introduction. This "body" of a vessel that we have is just an "attire" we put on display to play a part as a show. There are so many roles to play and we try to make it as real as possible to convince everybody but not ourselves. 

So this "life" is about to impress people around us with our "shadow" that we exist as a person. The reflection from the mirror of the "eyes" that sees "us" is only an image that we project to tell an episode of a play that we put into "action" with a script from our "desire" and "belief". There are two sides of a different roles that tries to impress each other within us which people around us stand to watch. We are always talking to each other between our "desire" and "belief" to show ourselves. We have to rely on the spectators of all "witnesses" to convince them on what we are.             


Kembara Maut

Sebelum anda bersedia untuk berenang di lautan perkataan, dasar  peraiaran ini terlalu dalam, anda mungkin mengalami kesukaran untuk terapung. Terapung di permukaan bukan lah lautan ini di jadikan begitu dalam.

Air yang membuat anda terapung telah menyembunyikan sesuatu di dalam dasar nya. Untuk terapung dan bernafas dengan oksigen di permukaan air hanya akan memberikan nikmat kehidupan. Dasar lautan adalah dimana harta karun itu tertimbus.

Penerokaan kami adalah untuk anda menyelam dan jelajah dasar nya tanpa pernafasan oksigen. Kami perlukan anda merasai maut dan berenang dengan kami di dasar lautan, menetap selama mungkin untuk merasa misteri kehilangan nafas kita.

Jika anda tidak berdaya untuk selam dan mempunyai daya untuk bernafas tanpa sebarang sedutan oksigen, kami cadangkan anda terapung di atas dan hanyut di permukaan air sehingga anda mempunyai kebolehan untuk menjelajahi ke dasar maut.

Ketakutan anda menghadapi maut terlalu ngeri bila anda tidak dapat menjangka jarak nya kesunyian kegelapan. Untuk menafikan nafas oksigen dan merasa kelenyapan naungan, kita perlu menetap di dasar untuk berhadapan kedatangan maut.

Nyawa di beri di air lautan dan kita boleh hidup tanpa sumber oksigen. Oksigen hanya anasir yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan kehidupan. Ia hanya untuk  tubuh jasad deoxyribonucleic acid bumi empat anasir bahan.

Nyawa adalah tenaga yang di gunakan untuk menjana jasad tubuh dengan tenaga kimia deoxyribonucleic acid hidup, untuk di resapi “nafsu”. “Nafsu” perlukan khasiat bumi dari nutrien, mineral air, haba api dan angin oksigen. Chemistry semua anasir ini adalah untuk tenaga kimia jasad tubuh.

“Nyawa” kita adalah penaja tubuh jasad sebagai bahan untuk merasa dan alami dari deria “nafsu”. Zat dari “nyawa” ini dalam tubuh jasad adalah “nafsu” yang inginkan dengan keghairahan. Lapar, haus, murung, tidur akan datang setiap kali dan sekejap lagi.

Kita manusia mati bila kuasa tarikan graviti dari “nafsu” di tamatkan dari jasad tubuh. Graviti nya telah di nafikan dari memijak bumi. Ini lah dewa yang memerintah gedung keramat jasad tubuh. “Nyawa” yang di buat untuk mengalami, tamak, berahi, angkuh, marah, iri, rakus, dan malas.

Bila tubuh jasad mati, sumber perasaan“nafsu” di lupuskan. “Jangka hayat” dari “nafsu” ini hanya lah penukaran udara angin yang di salurkan oleh “iman”. Kita akan bernafas kembali dengan beberapa nafas. Kita akan lapar kembali setalah makan. Kita akan merasa haus lagi setelah minum. Kita akan merasa penat setelah berkerja. Kita akan di padamkan dengan lenyak tidur.

Jarak nya sekejap dan itulah “jangka hayat” pada jasad tubuh empat anasir bumi, air, api dan angin. Graviti tarikan “nafsu” akan mengunakan tenaga untuk di tambah nilai. Soalan untuk mendapatkan secukup saluran adalah anasir risiko. Ini lah bila anasir “iman” di perlukan untuk suburkan graviti “nafsu”. Tanpa “iman”, “nafsu” akan tersesat. “Iman” adalah dimana fikiran kita berada. Untuk berfikir dan bayangkan adalah apa yang “iman” lakukan untuk di jadikan “ingatan” kesedaran.

Dari ingatan “iman” ini, kita mula mencari sumber tenaga yang di perlukan untuk suap kelaparan, tegok kehausan, salur tenaga jasad tubuh dan untuk bangun dari tidur. Sistem kerja jasad tubuh kita adalah putaran bersangkutan reaksi seperti kuasa lonjakan.
Pusingan putaran benua “nyawa” adalah dari graviti “nafsu” dengan perasaan, kepada fikiran “ingatan” dan “ilham” di imaginasi untuk menjadi kesedaran ingatan “iman”. “Iman” adalah apa yang membuat kita jelajah mencari sumber untuk “nafsu”.

Ruang imaginasi ini hanya lah satu kemungkinan untuk jejaki “ilmu” dari “akal”. Bila ingatan “iman” mendapat beberapa “ilmu” dari “akal”, ia menjadi “keyakinan” kemungkinan. Untuk percaya keghaiban bukti fakta, “yakin” adalah sumber tenaga yang mengalakan untuk sokong mejadikan realiti.

Ketiga nya “nafsu”, “iman” dan “yakin” adalah anasir tenaga kinetic untuk pergerakan jasad tubuh. Ia seperti timbangan untuk imbang molikuil tenaga pada tahap tepat untuk menjana deras kelajuan.

“Qada’” dan Qadar” tergantung di imbangan antara bukti fakta dari “Qada’ masa lampau dan kemungkinan “Qadar” dari masa depan. “Nyawa” kita adalah pertengahan pusat di benua pusingan putaran. Roda “qada’” takdir dan “qadar” nasib akan berpusing sehingga kita membuat pilihan “yakin” dengan “kepercayaan”.

Risiko untuk mengimbang di timbangan saluran adalah ancaman sebenar kematian. Imbangan yang tepat tidak boleh melebihi atau kurang di percatuan kesihatan. Imbangan kimia perlu secukup nya kekal dan sebarang percangahan akan menjadi tenat di ambang maut.

Ini lah apa “nyawa” itu di maksudkan di dalam jasad tubuh dengan “nafsu”. Maut adalah untuk tubuh jasad dan terputusnya “nafsu” tidak ada kena mengena dengan “nyawa” manusia. “Nyawa” ini lah apa yang kita ingi tahu lebih lanjut bila maut di ambang pintu.

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It is not our intention to disturb the mind of any person. We just wish to share it with our reader to evaluate this issue at stake. The devils had written it from the beginning and we don’t even know about it. It’s all over our body and we need to find out more.

To find out about the Satanic Verse that was spelled on the human body when it was made into a prototype during the beginning of millions of years ago. A great angel named Iblis or Lucifer who was entrusted to take the soil on planet earth, for the making of the first human, had his own personal agenda.

There were a few attempts made to take the soil or dirt from earth and most of it failed. Mother earth had repeatedly denied the angels to bring up the soil or dirt for the making of the first human, until the archangel Izrail who is the Angel of Death was sent to complete the task.

We need to open up some doors which were locked and remain hidden deep within the beginning of mankind. To search into this phantom of dark secrecy, the dimensional time zone needed to be reversed. To travel back into ancient historical time and revisit the site of atavistic.

This return journey back to historical site was not a trip that we should take as a sight seeing experience. These places are not for viewing pleasure but for our minds to wander. To be at a place where you had never been before would require you to take a spiritual trip.

To crawl back and dig every single ground of arcane truth, our mind must be crystal clear to adapt to the astonishing discovery which we are about to unfold. Our “mind” could make that journey back and we just need to put in some visionary mission.

Your conscience could not find any reminiscence of such event and we are going to introduce it to you in a different way. This site during the beginning of mankind and the universe is still a myth. Mysteries must not be left unanswered. Let us explore this odyssey and see for ourselves what has been going on during that moment of time.

This moment of time was when our Creator made the first move to begin the making of our universe. To start, there would always be the first creation to begin which was the very most vital for all the other creations to come. This first creation would be the nucleus of all creations.

Our Lord is a genius and had a wonderful plan of His own which was not explained in great detail but scattered it out for our reconnaissance. Evolution is meant to move and respond to each other with no physical force but purely on the possibility of chance.

This master plan started all the other things in life, with a single big bang of a nuclear explosion. The beginning of the universe, where we were miles away, billions of years ago in the milestone of our human mankind after it really happened.

The motive of making this major marvel was to see the standing of our human existence. The species of mankind is to be a human that possessed the spirit of living and search the vast odyssey of universal bloom. 

Edit 2.6.14
The "dirt" which was taken from earth to make the first human has been contaminated with the DNA of some "creatures" that occupied earth before human existed. This is what our "desire" (naf) is all about and has something to do with the gravitational force of "gravity". Nothing could come into reality with shapes and sizes with the force of gravity. Gravity keeps things from falling apart. This is the "devil" that is living inside us all this while which Satan (Iblis) or Lucifer had placed it on our human body to be damned. The spells were written all over our body where the "desire" gravitates to keep it intact.

This is why we humans were made from the "dirt" of this earth. When the human body is animal in nature, our "spirit and soul" must evolve to be the real human being. That is why "religion" is significant when we were given the energy of "belief" where the "mind" came into session to perceive any "knowledge" we learn to be taken as a "faith" of a believer. Even "atheist" has to believe in the logic of science. Without the energy of "belief" we will behave like animals that spells the Satanic Verse of Deadly Sins.

  That "desire" is what our body is all about. Look around you and you can see how proud these people are to show and display their physical body. They will try to make every people worship them like a deity. The human "face" is where the "god" sit as a throne for its dignity and their sex organs is where the "goddess" seduces for its sexual orientation. This is how the "devils" and "demons" breed inside us.

That is why the "Creator" God Almighty made us live in two separate "worlds" during our "lifespan" on this earth. We were made to fall asleep after facing reality for some period of time. The "earth" was made to have the bright daylight and soon will turn into the darkness of night. The sun and the moon are the evidence for the earth to use as a proof. Spiritual science of this nature demand great persistence to unravel the deep secrets of this universe. We "human" was put on this earth to be the "caliph" where we were given the "mind" to build and create. God just watch us with great interest to see how one of HIS creations exercise the skills He provided. HE will answers our prayers in an instant every time we "ask" with our "intention" inside our heart. He is near and always will be there to help when we human know how to address Him. That is why we human could build and create with His presence. 


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Saturday, 26 March 2011


                                   GET YOUR PASSWORD TO READ THE FULL STORY


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This is not a story for you to read with pleasure. What we are about to reveal here is highly mystical. Your intellectual mind will be summoned to realm in its premise. The seat of your consciousness will experience some dissonance to converge in cognition. None has ever tried to explain it in great details. The violent nature of this "ritual" will send your mind wondering to find its true senses. We have to be atrocious in our words to reflect the real danger of death. The ethics of spiritual journalism is now puts into question. We don't play by the rules. We share what we have found in the occult of black magic.


The ancient scriptures of spiritual science was never from the origin of English language and was not in our mother tongue to put it in its actual words. The terminology of some energy forces are rather vague to describe it in full comprehension. Cognitive dissonance is one area of the mind where this literature could cause a major breakdown of understanding. Unless you could compromise some flexibility to argue for the right usage of interpretations or having some basic knowledge of spiritual science. We have to spell out some words to tell the energy of these "spirits" to describe the mystery of supernatural events. The "desire" (naf) is the real energy in this main character of our own doing and our "belief" which store all our "knowledge" is the result of such understanding. 

This literature is not about the use of English language to its right perspective or to promote its usage as a medium. We are trying to share the "knowledge" of spiritual science with some readers to explore about the unknown frontiers of supernatural event. You may be an expert in your your own mother tongue to command for a right perspective but you should also give us the same respect to interpret it in our own words. The philosophy of linguistic words has no jurisdiction to claim for its own superiority. We should not command "words" to be the only source of understanding. The metaphor of understanding came from your own ability to produce some intelligence in its real meaning.    


Nobody could explain death in its true nature. Science of today have proven that our physical body is no more than only parts that could be replaced and taken apart. We could sustain the "life" resources of our respiratory and heart beats with artificial support system. If the heart is still beating on its body and the lungs is still pumping on its mutilated head, although it was separated apart and later reattached, the detachment will not jeopardize the "lifespan" of the body. Scientifically this has been proven possible in the surgical operating theater.  Now let's see how this was done in a mystical way. 

We are not writing a love story to interpret this in sentimental and romantic words. In this line of mystical journalism, the diplomacy of linguistic words is not our top priority. This is not a place for a "gay" person to sneak around. When hostility is in the air, the cozy ambiance of hospitality has been compromised. You are about to enter into a demonic zone where the danger of death is everywhere. Your mind will be put on a stage to test your own ability to adapt in a new environment of mystical event. This is the place where you should seal all your core belief to begin with a fresh start to avoid any confrontation of cognitive dissonance. Devils and demons are "microbial life" forms of "quantum particle" that are still in the dark. You should not wonder alone on your own arms with modern scientific achievements. Spiritual realm is a place of indefinite destination to tell a clue of where you are. This is the place where "time" is not measured.

Genetic mutation is a strange subject to discuss. Biological science could not explain life and death in its full perspective. They could only explain "life" and "death" with the evidence of respiratory and heart beats and science has achieve a tremendous break through in artificial support systems. Human body could be separated and taken apart or change to replace it with artificial reformation. If practically this is not impossible, then reformation is a science that could be done with insemination or even incarnation. To cross over the bridge between physical and spiritual anatomy is in a grey area of anti-matter. The "quantum particle" of this anti-matter begins with an urge of a "desire" to take that "chance" of a "belief" to be somewhere. This is where genetic mutation of insemination and incarnation meets to form a new breeding ground.   

Is there any possibility that a human body could be inseminated and incarnated. Many would agree with the term insemination and some would leave incarnation alone on its own pretense. So the balance of matter and anti-matter in this universe has not been fully comprehended. The link between the body and the spirit is still in the dark space of the unknown. No one should speculate to find the outcome and leave the mystery alone to be cremated in cemetery of myth. Evolution and creation are still demarcated apart to take their own separate ways. 

Should we leave it as it is or can we try to find out more about these possibilities. No one has the right to deny us this opportunity to find out more. Mystery of mystical events have given us some clues of its possibilities. This story of the Penanggal is one of those possibilities. You have to read this with an opened mind to see what this thing is all about. The Penanggal is a demonic creature of mystical event. It was said to come from a real human head which has been decapitated.      

What in hell is this creature of the Penanggal? How it could claim a sight in the history of reality? To tell you the truth, there is so much explanation to do and make you understanding what this thing is all about.  Modern theoretical science can never understand its premise. This has to be explained in spiritual science to know the outcome. If you are an atheist who do not believe in God, I suggest you do not waste your time reading it.  We are not talking about "Pascal's wager" for the screen of imagination that atheist seems to think it was. This is about "particles" that comes into reality with a "desire" and a "belief" to be somewhere. Atheist bias interpretation of reality, lack the means of detection. "Dark energy" is still a mystery to all of us. "Microbial" life can be ambiguous to infer our cognitive dissonance. 

So, we should stop jumping into conclusion to claim the fact, when "nothing" has been shown as evidence and we should keep an opened mind to suggest any possibilities. Evidence of absence and absence of evidence is part of our human understanding. We have spent many years doing research about this mystical creature and led us to a place of the occult. Black magic and sorcery is not a myth. It is spiritual science that we should know about. This has a lot to do with genetic mutation from a different hybrid. The real clue is that we should do, really understand what "life" is by itself. It is an energy that can never be destroyed nor upon death. 

Dead is just an expiry of the bodily functions. That "identity" on the person of what we are can never be erased and deoxyribonucliec acid can tell us that in scientific terms that atheist seems to lean on. Resurrection of a dead body is not that complicated after all. The "science" behinds it is not what we have known about. There are many "possibilities" of its causality. These "particles" of our "fermions" and "bosons" where the energy of our "desire" and "belief" of that "identity" on a person will not demise in thin air. God has left some clues for us to realm and the greatest mystery is the DNA which has a "purpose" for us to understand. If everything should just disappear without a trace after we died, then "What is the purpose of leaving this DNA???" The truth can be very scary sometimes when the facts were revealed.

Now, let us take you where these possibilities are. Matter and energy are the same and they can covert to change forms. Metamorphosis of a life form is not what everybody could understand. Genetic mutation and surrogacy are even complicated subject to fathom. Only specialists with in-depth studies could tell how this could be done. But as an "observer" who watch these amazing discoveries, we should not draw a line what can and cannot be done in reality, when we are not the source of the "cause" to the "effect" of the becoming. In another words, we are not the "Creator" but just as an "observer" or "spectator" of the masses.  We should stay as an intriguing spectators to watch the many possibilities of this universe that we have lived in.  God, mind, consciousness have been denied by many interpretations of theoretical concepts. Should we be the victims of these circumstances?

It is not our intention to infer mythology in a person's mind but this world is still an illusion if we do not want to understand its reality. "Possibility" is not what we should push to aside. To know the "cause and effect" of any knowledge came from this possibility. "Impossible" is not what we should throw at to close the door of our thinking mind. This world is full of ambiguity that we have not known to venture. The cognitive mind will always react with the dissonance when something is not in their core belief. When something is not in the pattern of their intrinsic understanding, the peculiarity and strangeness will cause rational individual to reconcile about the reality. 

"Time" has a different platforms of the past, present and the future. We are now discussing about the past and not the present or the future. We should not measure the "past" with the tools of today. The "past" has been wipe-out from reality of today leaving some traces of yesterday. To go back in time of the ancestral past, our imaginative minds must take the seat with the clues we provide. Put on your safety belts and explore with us on this plane of esoteric occult. There, you will see the strangeness and peculiarity of reality of its inhabitants.   

"Evolution" has given us some clues how living things can changed into something else after some period of "time". But we should know that "speed is a factor of "time" that has its own "length" to be measured. If our human "lifespan" is evaluate at an average of 100 years on its length and time, something that has a longer "lifespan" of 1000 years or more can produce a much different length and time when it occupied the vacuum of space in the mass or matter of a shorter "lifespan". Immortality is a premise that this mystical creature preside. When a body of a human was given an energy with a much longer "lifespan", this body will change into something that we will discuss in this story of the Penanggal.  
There was such a woman who died in horrible death. She was detained by the local people because of her fierce destruction. They hung her neck with a rope on a tree and both her legs were tied to a raging bull. When the bull was made to charge away spinning her neck to twine on a rope to a tree, her body was torn apart pulling her intestinal organs out with her head dangling on the tree. Her decapitated body was dragged away by the bull all over the village where the people shouted with vengeance to watch her painful death. The head with intestinal organs were left dangling on the tree and was found missing the next day. That was the night when the villagers were haunted by this horrible demonic creature of the Penanggal.

She was born in a barbaric society that rules the land like scavengers. She had a face that only a mother would love and both her parents were killed when she was thirteen years of age. When there was no pleasant viewing pleasure to claim for the affection of love, the despicable scorns and abuses thrown at her was her living nightmare. The hatred people shove at her could bleed her heart with deadly vengeance. She has a very good reason to terrorize the land. When love could not be given, the only thing left in her heart is hatred to share it around.

This is where you are looking at the first few words of this story, wondering in your mind to know what this is all about. The writer was trying very hard to paint a much clearer picture for all his readers to understand what he was writing about. Not all of us can catch the real meaning of these words and some of us may need to be given some clues on what this story is all about. To make people in all walks of life to come together on a single screen of papers to share their ability to understand, the writer must begin with a simple explanation for all to realm.The imaginative plane of the mind may stray away from the real subject of discussion.

There must be some serious  attention being given for our mind to ponder on the vast density of knowledge. Never let ourselves to be detained by the authority of conventional notion as an official declaration.Popularity fallacy will arrest our mind to be put in a lock-up that may not have the full view on the real truth. This story of the Penanggal needs more than a sound mind to understand its history.

A human head should always be attached to its own body to show it distinguish identity on its face. The human head is like a computer screen to show the face puts on display. It is the only medium to present your own self to the open public. It is the original trademark of our proto type on the person of what we are from the real authentic manufacturer of our “soul”. A face should be presentable to be shown to anyone around us. 

Any discrepancy to distort the main character’s role of a human body will cause great muse to our concern. The benefit to have a pleasant viewing pleasure for everybody to watch must prevail to demand the privilege for an affection of love. But when she had a face that only a mother would love, the scorns and abuses thrown at her became a nightmare on her living period.

The despise they prescribed on the diary of her life was a designation to pursue for the horrible nature of reality. If love was never intended to be given, the only feeling left in the heart was hatred to be shared around. The scorn and hatred thrown to despise the horrible feature of her face could bleed her heart in deadly vengeance. Losing the benefit of a pleasant viewing pleasure for an affection of love will make you retreat in seclusion to solace you grief. The scorn and hatred on those watchful eyes must be rebutted with the wrath of anger.

This face is not a mask where you can take it off to change it with another. Maybe in today’s modern technology, you can use some cosmetic solutions to imitate an artificial beauty. But, when you are stuck with a face that caused great misery, the only solution was to retaliate and make it even worst for them to watch in horrible nightmare.

This was in the medieval time where only devils and demons were the only scientists available to seek references as a medium. The chemical and electrical energy of these medicines are the only remedy to cure her chronic illnesses. These devils and demons were never sincere to offer such expertise. Vengeance and rage was the therapy they used to cure her emotional despair. Her horrible face was enhanced to create fear and horrible fright.

When a human head has a horrible feature to show it around to cause great distress, the death of this body will make it even worst. This was the time when the human head was taken away by the devils to claim it as their owned. The conflict of this horrible feature on a face was made to become the Penanggal for their mystical adventure. This is the time when the head was separated from the body.

When the face on a human head is the real conflict on a living body, the only solution is to take it off to end the horrible ordeal. Now taking someone head off is not what people would want to do just for the fun of it. There must be some real reason to decapitate it from the body to erase it from the scene of reality. No one should take a human head off no matter how ugly it looks like.

We have to make an exception here in this story of the Penanggal. When the human head was separated from its body, the next line of a question to ask is why it was done and how did it happened. No one will bring a mutilated human head around somewhere to scare everybody out of their lives, unless there is some real reason behinds it. This is what the writer was doing when he wrote this story of the Penanggal and he has a very good reason to do it. 

We challenge you to read the full story of this Penanggal. Find out how and why she became the Penanggal. Go to and read the full story. Our Ebooks come with DNL Reader page turning ebook for PC and  Digital Web Book for Mobile Phone for easy reading pleasure. Register and get your password from our website. Widen your horizon about mystery of the Unknown. We are here to share that with you. Join us on this interesting journey of mystical adventure.


Spiritual science is not what everybody could really understand. This is about the anatomy of our body, mind and soul. The "wormhole" to penetrate into another dimensional space of a separate universe much different than ours has been found long ago by the "dark" society. Witchcraft, sorcery, black magic are the tools of their trade. If today modern science could achieve tremendously on electronic technology and use the "broadband" frequency on "wireless" reception, this electromagnetic field is where the demonic community surf to dwell. Electronic gadgets are tools for human to use as a toy. But these demonic communities are much more sophisticated than that. 

When we human were made with the flesh and blood which they are not in any part of it, they tend to merge as a synergy to share a common goal. "Energy" is what they could offer as a trade which they are having in abundant. Our human body limited resources is where they trade their expertise. Immortality is their greatest commodity. Oxygen which is our vital air to breathe for the body to function could be contaminated by nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide gases. We can't tell the difference when they reduce our air quality. Our heart and brain began to dysfunction on the brink of death. Nitrogen is the main "substance" to deteriorate our biological prosperity. 

They understand "chemical" better than we do when the ground of earth is where they work for a living. They can share any living "things" to be their proxy. Our only hope is for the "mind" to stay in session. We rely so much on our "consciousness". Without it we may not exist in that moment of time. While the "mind" will flirt like a butterfly, the only way to clinch for our survival is for us to have a strong "anchor" to secure it at bay. Our "belief" is where that "anchor" could be held as a "faith" of a believer. This is the "weight" of our "knowledge" for our "desire" to gravitate on the body. Reality is a "time" zones of many instances. It is in some parts of the past, present and the future.       

This story of the Penanggal will lead you to a place of mystical rendezvous that looms into a network of different dimensions. The vibrations in the electromagnetic field will cause the ripples to clash in between the three dimensional zones of the dead afterlife and the demonic dimension that bleeds into our reality world where "time" is measured. The space in between the "tachyon" of their dimensions and our reality world will tear on a very thin margin to manifest their apparitions. The volatility of the dead spirit of "desire" from a human that has a strong genetic mutation on its biological body with a demonic entity will cause a sudden aperture to enrage a strange metamorphosis on a real human body. The "Penanggal" which is highly intoxicated by the demonic energy came to show itself from another side of this world. Blood is their investments to cash on delivery.  The real human head started to twist tearing the skin on her neck that decapitated her head from her body leaving her mutilated body to trembles vigorously, struggling to keep the heart pumping while her head separated  and dangles in the air with its intestinal organs. Blood was bubbling on its severe neck with her hands shaking to circulate the blood flow. It was like a chicken being slaughtered and left struggling to stay alive. This mystical surgical procedures is not something "impossible" to realm. Keeping a severe human body injury to sustain its "lifespan" with a strong demonic energy of a higher "lifespan" that breathe on nitrogen gases will modify the human blood granulation with nitrous oxide. The decapitated head with intestinal organs was breathing heavily with its lungs pumping for its respiratory system. Pain was never there to question their adversary when the human biological body was put on null and void. 

This story is about a legendary creature of mystical mischief. Readers will be exposed to the practices of some strange ritual in the dark society of the archipelago. The black magical ritual was to summon the demonic community of the "jinn" civilization and it was made to be done in a very gruesome way. Not many of us got the chances to understand how it was done. Black magical curse of mystical ritual and the practices of sorcery was done to put the human body under the curse of deadly intention. The  black magical curse of  "sihir" was put on display.  

The use of mystical curse and demonic counterparts was demonstrated to conquer the community they reside and to command for a better respect. This is not a place for weaker spiritual body to venture. The bloody incarnadine of mystical ritual are too gruesome to watch. We suggest those who are strong enough to step inside this mystical dormitory will try to see what has been put for them to ponder. This is about spiritual science. Modern science has no landing rights to land on this mystical plane. Readers will be brought to the esoteric occult from the dark civilize world of great sorcery. 

During this medieval time, the "Penanggal" was made to become the "Abortionist" with what it was made to be the best with. The evil practitioner will unleash this demonic creature of the "Penanggal" to creep on its victims of any women who have reach the maturity state of pregnancy. The fetus inside will be sucked dry and eaten like a steak of fresh meat. The demon must feast at an appropriate time of the month and a clever way to find its supply was made to offer it as a service. This was when the evil practitioner expand its diabolical plot. The local women were given special "treatment" to enhance their sexual orientation. "Magical charm" were offered to those who are willing to test for a trial. Married women were given high dosage of herbal medicinal properties to boost their sexual anxiety. Some came to offer themselves as a "patient" to abort the baby when they cross the line in infidelity. 

They were made to lie down on some banana leaves and placed in a dark room fully naked to wait for the special surgical procedures. What they heard is a loud heavy breathing and grunting sound coming near them touching on their lower body like a leach. The long tentacle tongue of the "Penanggal" slurps on their private area to probe inside their virginal wall. The fetus was pulled out from inside for the demon to feast.    

Here readers will be exposed to the spiritual side of the human sentient being. The "choices" they made with the energy of "desire" and the "chances" they seek with the energy of "belief" where "faith" is the fundamental element for the "mind" to explore in the wide frequencies of the electromagnetic field. The "air", "fire", "water" and "earth" are the substances of our biological body. This is where they manipulate the deoxyribonucleic acid of a human body to mutate with some hybrid genetic mutation. The spirit and the soul of any humans will be cast with some deadly virus of a disease which the devil breeds in their own backyard. 

The metamorphosis of a human body to change into something out of the ordinary. The trick is only on the "time factor" of some happenings. Our human "time" is measured but these demonic entities have a much longer "lifespan" where their "time" is not measured. "Dark energy" is something beyond our understanding. They control the speed in the cosmological constant. We know that "electron" can split and be at two different places at one time. Gravity can be neutralized and "weight" could be lessen when matter changed into energy.

You are reading the real deadly black magical curse that has ever been done. We will tell you how the head was separated from the body and roamed the dark night with its intestinal organs dangling in the air.

We will bring you back in time of esoteric occult when "science" is still at the state of infancy. To say there is no such "scientists" during the medieval time is not a fair assumption. Spiritual science of black magical metaphysics have been practiced during the years of King Solomon. Sorcery is part of its expedition or quest to venture into the dark society. "Dark energy" is one area that science of today is at lost. This "dark energy" has been explored by these spiritual scientists long ago and they have never claimed for any recognition or "Nobel Prize" to expand their glory of success. 

But today modern scientists are much eager to jump into conclusion and grabbed the "Nobel prize" for their achievements. Their theories are sometimes made "before the fact" to force the world society  to swallow it and wait for the evidence to emerge in due time.  So, reality can be distorted with any illusions. This is where the "black magic of sorcery" was made to be done and we are going to explain it in this story of the Penanggal.

Mystical practitioners will usually pursue to open up their "third eye" of their sixth sense. This is not something that could be done with great precision. The fourth dimensional zones where the demonic society dwells on a very thin margin would need a higher electromagnetic spectrum to penetrate. These devil worshippers will have to do specific "mystical ritual" to build strong internal spiritual energy. This "sacred" anointment would be done with a "blood bath" for the cleansing. They would demand the legacy of King Solomon to gain an entry. Spiritual science of this nature is very much in the occult where strictly only members of the same "cult" will be allowed into the inner circle of the oracle. Members of this inner circle have already sold their "soul" to the devils. It was a "religion" that they have chosen as a believer.

The fourth dimension is not a place where we could go for a sight seeing tour. The linguistic words of the demonic society must be in good understanding. The "jinn" civilization may converse in our human racial language but it would be best that we human are fully rich in their facilities of words. Having a close relationship with this "jinn" civilization is not always a free trade zone. They have high interest to secure their cultural heritage which we human will have to compromise some of our own. We will not be the same again forever when we saw two separate worlds in reality. Our "mind" will lose some "consciousness" in between the inception.    
Those who dare to know more, please do so by making a subscription to read this full story by email us at


There lived a woman who was born in a society of merciless killing to savage the weakness of poor helpless people. Tyranny and brutal murder among human beings were rampant in these parts of the earth. She was given a name “Agxxxxxxxxxxx” by her parents who had promised to give all the love they could offer as their only child.
Her parents have lived among the wild to claim some lands as their own. Keeping the land they owned was an ongoing battle that they fought to safeguard their property. They have worked so hard to cultivate the land for their livelihood. Her father was one of the great fighters among the society they lived. It was then that his father had inherited and used some mystical tools to get some supernatural strength.
This mystical tool is a “saka” or demonic “soul mate” that some people have used to gain strong spiritual strength. It was like a “genie” to summon when time in needs.  Having an alliance with a demonic beast was never a way out. This ancestral beast or “saka” taken to be our “soul mate” is a mystical ritual that can never be revoked. It was a necessity back then to use this “saka” to look after their well-being and safeguard their properties and lands that they owned. This was the mystical ritual that some people did to seek spiritual aids. Taking a demonic entity as a “soul mate” is what some ancient people would do as their bodyguard. It was part of their mystical achievement to have an alliance with this demonic beast. This is what the “jinn” civilization would invest to share our human body as a proxy.
This contract or agreement was made in a very mystical way to secure the bond of understanding. There is always a price to be paid. Demonic creature will always invest their cultural heritage to breed among humans. This “saka” or “soul mate” from a demonic beast will use the couple sexual anxiety to spawn their breeding. The mother’s womb will be on contractual “surrogacy” to be used as “temporal host” to breed the demon’s genetic genes. The fetus will be used for the demon to feast........

On the very first night after her missing head, the demon of her “soul mate” took the mutilated head of this bestial hag and search the dark night with her deadly vengeance. The bloody incarnadine of a mutilated head floats in the air looking for some victims. When the power was shared with a “soul mate” during the living period, death of the body becomes the ownership of the devils and demons to own. The spirit of “desire” of this dead body was still having its vengeance, which was highly sponsored by its “soul mate” to fulfill its curse.

A man named Kanjamani, the village headman or Pak Lurah who initiated the arrest of this notorious villain of bestial hag, was sound asleep with his wife Sarkasi on his side. They thought their misery was over and were having a pleasant night sleep. It was a warm night and they slept with the windows wide opened to enjoy the cold night breeze.

People in those days wore clothing with simple cloth of batik sarong as their attire. Most men were bare bodied while their women clad in batik cloth above their breast. The old couple was sound asleep on their cotton bed having a peaceful night sleep. The windows were wide opened to get the full ventilation of fresh air coming from the outside. The Pak Lurah was snoring beside his wife who had got use to the grunting sound of her husband sleeping.

The room was dimly lit with some coconut oil lamps placed randomly on some corners to give them some brightness in the dark night. There was not much to see at night and most of them slept early not to pay any attention to the darkness. But the darkness hides many unexpected things as its secret to surprise us. This sprang of a surprise is what will make these victims to feel the shocking horrible fright of fear.

The Penanggal came in from the window sneaking around with its eyes bulging out and tentacle tongue wriggling. The demon’s fangs were seen sticking out from the side of its mouth watching the old couple sleeping soundly. The heavy breathing of the Penanggal was like a hungry hyena scavenging around for some food. The intestinal organs dangling in bloody incarnadine with blood dripping on the ground as it moved to enter the room. The Penanggal floats above Kanjamani body and dripped some blood on his sleeping body.

It was part of the devil’s killing ritual to drip some blood on its potential victim to put an evil curse on them. The saliva on the Penanggal’s tentacle tongue contain high chemical compound of nitrous oxide that this demon breathe on nitrogen gases. The Penanggal will attack the victim, biting with its sharp fangs and slurping with its tentacle tongue at the jugular vein. The victim’s blood will then be sucked dry until the victim died with the total loss of blood. The flesh will then be bitten to chew like fresh delicious steak.

Biting with its sharp fangs could become nasty sometimes when the demon’s rage was at its highest peak. The Penanggal will tear the face apart biting on the flesh to inflict a more severe injury. Death is usually the end of their fate when blood was fully drained. The victim will feel the traumatic experience of horror to be attacked by the Penanggal. The excruciating pain of the victim’s flesh being bitten is the horror of death.

The Penanggal floats in the air staring above Kanjamani with deadly intention. The Penanggal drips some blood on his face and body. The sharp fangs bites on Kanjamani’s neck at the jugular vein and sucked his blood. Kanjamani tried to struggle to release the grip on his throat but was immobilized by the strong grip. The snarling sound of the Penanggal was so horrible to be heard. He was bitten and sucked to death. Kanjamani’s face became white with the loss of blood and his eyes became wide opened with the loss of breath.

Kanjamani’s dead body lay slummed and was savagely bitten on the face until it tore apart bleeding profusely. The Penanggal’s tongue slurps on the blood like sweet delicious honey. The sound of the Penanggal growling was like a scavenging animal. The demon was thirsty for the blood and the chance will not be left wasted. The sound of the demon’s snarling and snorting could be heard when the Penanggal savage Kanjamani’s body greedily.
His wife Sarkasi heard the commotion beside her and woke up to see the horrifying sight of the demon biting on her husband next to her. Her “mind” immediately ran away to abandon her brain leaving her heart to suffer alone in traumatic fear. She screamed out with horrible fright making the demon's goggling eyes to look directly at her with menacing glare. It was like a binoculars focusing on her at close range.

The word "soul mate" may have been misinterpreted sometimes. It should mean with the real word of it all. Science has taught us that "evolution" is part of nature natural system. Species could breed in between them if they could spawn with its natural environment. We may have known all kinds of species that have lived on this universe. Some may have breed in a rather unique way. Hybrid mutation is not impossible to realm. Germs and diseases could breed in any biological organism. The "jinn" civilization has been kept in the dark. This story of the "Penanggal" will tell one of those possibilities. Genetic mutation is not new in the world of biological science. The genetic mutation between human and the "jinn" civilization has been found to have taken place somehow or rather. We just do not have the real evidence to claim for it feasibility. Our human blood is how it was made to be done. The transfusion may cause some abnormality from its real nature.  This hypothesis has been tested and proven in some of our empirical studies. Immortality on some parts of our human biological body have been proven to be possible using the right chemical and electrical energies. We wish to tell you how it was done.  

Nitrogen is part of the air that we breathe with oxygen. Nitrogen is the gas that this demon use to breathe inside us. It will cause our biological body to lose some senses. The "charm" of beauty could make your face to look ever lasting youth when the red blood cells were killed to sustain its youthfulness. This "botox" has been proven real in this modern society. If plastic surgery is a scientific achievement today, what is stopping them from using the same technique a long time ago. Some have tried to be that "walking dead" in broad day light in today's reality on pretense of artificial beauty. But why can't this demon do it the other way just to make it more horrifying for people to see. Not all prefer "charm" to please the eyes, but there could be one who would do it as a "curse" to give the full impact of fright. 
Welcome to our mystical world.   

The "jinn" civilization is part of our universal society. They have the same purpose to breed like us and evolve to strive for their self esteem. They have the same "belief system" like we human do and this is where they share our common theological concept. When they share the same devotion to a higher power, they were divided into their own clans and communities. "Faith" is where they invest their common interest with us. When we human lack the strong understanding to lead the way, they may took over as a mentor. The "substance" of knowledge between us human and their intellectual ability will clash on impact with a dissonant. This is the part when we human could lose our very own "soul" as a price to pay. When they lead the way, we human will lose all gravitational force of gravity on our biological body. Our human blood will be theirs as sustenance.  Our "mind" will be missing to give them a total control of our human body. Paralysis is how they took over our body losing every sense to feel our nerves. They clog our nerves system to breed their bacteria inside us.

Our consciousness will fade away drifting into the world of their own. Although our body was still breathing with the gravitational force on earth, our sanity will stray away from earth into their dimensional zones. The trance puts us into a world of nowhere. This is how they kidnap us and take us hostage for some period of time.  

In today's reality, people have been using chemicals to intoxicate their brain where the "mind" will lose its gravitational force.  Drugs and alcohols are frequently used to lose some consciousness. This chemical reaction is not much different from what this demon is using to take control over us. The "dopamine" will be reduced to a minimum for the brain to lose some consciousness. The "trance" is equally similar to a drunken mind but this "trance" is fully equipped with holographic "special effect" of granular optic. They are the real expert in digital convergence. The gas in the air is where they came from. Smoke is their breath to breathe. When they are part of the darkness that shows the "light" for us to see from the symmetry of conservation, they could distort our sight to suffer some visual impair. 

Demons can take over us partially or fully owned. Letting us have some consciousness will depend so much on the agenda of their diabolical plot.  Our human body will be used as their attire. They could share it with equal partnership when a mutual understanding has been made. A "soul mate" is a biological contract that enters into a vow of matrimonial agreements of flesh and blood. Our eugenic purity of a human being will be substantially compromised. 

The spirit of our "desire" is actually blind. It has no purpose to serve but only its own body where it gravitates. This is the "entity" that created the biological vessel of the body and wholly owned it. It has a total say on which destiny to follow. The spirit of our "belief" is all we have to seek the real identity of ourselves. These are the identical twins of what we are and they could be separated upon dead and alive.           
Edit 17.5.14        

When we ponder on the dark secrets of the afterlife, we have found that the dead are very much alive without their physical body. The "identity" of what they are, is still very much intact. We have to be very discreet to expose this plane to the open public because their "mind" will be strongly disrupted with a cognitive dissonance. We can never pretend their demise would cease their where about. They have spent a certain period of time to be the "identity" of what they are and the deoxyribonucleic acid that they have left behind is not a waste to be disposed. Our empirical studies on spiritual science have look into their premises to broaden our ambitions on spiritual journalism. When they are in jeopardy and purgatory to look for some remedy, lending some listening ears could ease some tensions in the afterlife.

There are full of grievances and restitution to make amend. Sharing some of their experiences is something that could give us a better picture of what this "life" is all about.    

Edit 31.5.14

To understand "afterlife" better, we should first understand our dreams. Because there is a very thin margin that separates these two planes with our reality. The semi conscious mind can surf into this plane with our living body still intact to the gravitational force of reality. Our energy of "desire" is where the string was attached while our energy of "belief" surf into this unknown territory. Most of us spend so much time stepping into the reality world when our "mind" took the seat in our consciousness. But if we could try to uplift ourselves into the sub conscious mind, the plane can bring you anywhere you wish to wander along. 

This is where some specialists try to bring themselves further into the world of many mysteries. This is the place where the "dead" could be found and where the devils preside. The paradoxical avenues could lead you to a place where a special acquaintance could be met. We can't really put all these into words to give a broader details on how this could be done. The brainwaves to surf into this electromagnetic field must be  accurately precise to lock on our special target. If the subject is a dead spirit, their deoxyribonucleic acid could describe a complete address, but if the subject is an unknown entity of the devil or demon, their "energy" or relic of a symbol could be used as a source of reconnaissance. Entering into this dark world is a dangerous risk to venture. You must be prepare to face the challenge of any hostile encounter.

Some of us may not have seen the apparition of a ghostly figure passing along to catch a glimpse in our real time history. This ghostly figure will never give us the full blown view of their real self. It may be a coincidence in that instant for the moment of time that the vibration clashes in the electromagnetic field. When a person who had experienced this real encounter, the degree of understanding became much more clearer than those who doesn't. They are hiding away from our naked eyes with the very reason when we denied them. But when they have shown themselves to us for a reason, we were actually being given an opportunity to understand them better. Not many would want to venture into this dark world of the unknown. There is no economic values to gain when we do. But the amount of information that could be retrieved from them is tremendously huge. 

When two strangers met accidentally by "chance" in that strange moment of time, both sides will try to understand each other better to assess the situation they were in. Not all prefer to have a hostile mode puts on display but most will try to come to a mutual understand for common good. The ectoplasms of their real energy could be seen when they tried to reveal their true nature. This "entity" was there for a reason and there is so much to be said. We must know what to hide and what to show when we met them in their territory. But sincerity is a sign that can never be forged.  

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When they don't have a body to show, their ectoplasm puts on display is just their real code of conduct. They can change at any moment of time to reveal itself. This is what we must know and not to take them at face value. We have to tell you this to make sure you understand the real subject of discussion. It was known that they are the master of illusion. Deception is their "modus operandi" to lead us in the world of make believe. "Fear" is what they will try to instill to make us feel insecurity. Fear will make you not to become yourself. Fear will disable us and restrict to be the master and become a slave to surrender. Because "fear" should only be given to God and not anything else that was created. This is where your "faith" is much needed.

Without that strong spiritual energy inside you, they can break you down into pieces until you lose your own soul. Spiritual journalism is not a place for any Tom Dick or Harry to wander. This is where you venture out with a purpose and not a sight seeing vacation. Once you enter into their territory, they will follow you to test your fighting skills. Not all are obedient enough to follow some rules of engagement. There are some terrorists out there to cause some harm. Because they see human as a threat. If only we know what "human" is all about. We are given that special privilege to be used. Our "mind" must not leave the premise of our consciousness. Because "knowledge" is the real weapon of mass destruction and "knowledge" is "science" that they do not have.

They preserve their ancient esoteric culture and remain conservative to their living conditions. They see our modern technology as "toys" that we play with. But the real weapon they have are "germs and diseases" that they breed in their own backyard. This is the danger that could harm our human existence. They could spread the virus in the air for us to breathe. This is what make us look at them with extreme caution. They have the ammunition to kill us instantly. This is why we venture into their territory to look for some remedies. Many humans fall sick and become handicap with an unstable chemical balance for the body. The food we consume may taste good for our appetite. But it could kill us slowly with chronic illnesses. 

Scientific medicinal achievements could not compete with their deadly weapons. We are not interested to find a cure but our real motive is to prevent them from spreading it. These microbial life that they breed could spawn inside our biological body and cause serious harms and damages. The breath we took at every interval must be repeatedly cleansed. They could contaminate the air with less oxygen to deny us that privilege of full consciousness. Are we almost certain that there will be no left over of carbon dioxide stuck somewhere inside us. Nitrogen could cause serious psychosis in the brain when the heart fails to supply us with enough oxygen. We really can't differentiate the odorless air that we breathe. 

A well establish breathing exercise could eliminate some gases left over near our nervous system. These toxic gases could lead to serious infection of a cancerous growth. When our human body is made from earth and water, they were made from fire and air. The inflammatory infection will cause great pain for our suffering. We really need that oxygen very badly that came from the liquid of water to stabilize our body temperature. Or we have to get some high density of "light" to kill that fire burning inside us. This "light" is where our "belief" could provide from the "mind" of our soul. Some may call it "faith" of a believer.           

Searching for their where about requires good tracking skills. We can see nature as a disguise when the visibility of our human naked eyes could only see through the electromagnetic spectrum of lower density. To track their "hometown", a much higher photon of ray in the electromagnetic spectrum need to be used. The symmetry of this dimensional zones that separates the "fermion" and the "boson" of "light" of the "real" particles and "force" particles of these objects. They really used this earth as their fundamental objects. They could separate the molecules of raw object from rusty nails and sharp glasses to enter into our human biological body without any real insemination. If solid material objects could be implanted inside our human body without our real notice, germs and deadly diseases are much more easier to deliver. 

Black magic spells and curses could now be made through electronic gadgets. Because the electromagnetic force is what they use to deliver their package. When we human progress with a much higher technology, they tend to adapt with the current developments. They could now use cellphones that we human use as detonator of their deadly spells. (This has been tested and proven effective) It is advisable for us to keep our cellphone number private for safety reasons.

Our human body spiritual energy could be compromised when we answers such calls from an unknown caller. When the electromagnetic field of broadband frequencies could locate our physical body where about, this deadly "package" could be delivered once the call was answered. "Your" voice is the receiver to complete the delivery. Our "voice" is part of the "sound" that travels in the electromagnetic field. Cellphone is now one of the simplest way to locate their victims. They are now looking at the possibility of whether IP address could be used with the same effect. Spiritual science of this nature has been in the empirical studies for quite some times. If "virus" could be sent to corrupt a computer, the possibility of sending this "special package" is almost certain.   

We are sharing all these with you to give our readers a wider perspective of the mystical world that we have ventured. The progress of modern science today has really proven the hidden world of dark matters. The dark energy and the "baryonic" molecules may be a myth to some "intellectuals" of modern science. But we are much more interested in the real "energy" that we could feel and touch with our own understanding. Some may have known about the "aliens" in our universe or other "intelligent being", but this is a very good start to begin our quest to understand reality before it really happen.

We will always be haunted by the "element of surprise" that came to stalk us with the "change of event" in reality. We can only plan to see reality as a "wish" to come true. But "premeditated" event could be an occurrence of reality. Something should never be left to "chances" without the real "cause and effect" of its certainty. It was like aiming an arrow on a target with only a 70% "chances" of hitting it on the bull-eye. Do we really have that special skills to hit a perfect score???? This is the real "science" and we have to be very good at it.  

Where did this "element of surprise" come from???? 

When what we did yesterday becomes the result of today and what we did today will be the result of tomorrow, this "element of surprise" is where we failed to anticipate the "change of event" in reality. Yesterday is history of the past. Today is a "gift" as a present and tomorrow is a "mystery" of the future. Tomorrow is the "mystery" to deny us this "gift" as the present with an "element of surprise", the "change of event" will always come from the rules of yesterday. Something must come from the past to be in the future. The "interim" of time that delivers the result of today and tomorrow may have some outstanding issues to declare yesterday as its history. 

The possibility of "cause and effect" may have its own precision to be measured. That is why "chance" is still a "force" to decide the certainty of tomorrow with the skills of our performance. The "arrow" we aimed on a target is the ability of our skill as a talent, but  the "position" and "speed" of reality is the two sides of one thing to deny the accuracy with the "chance" of the moment. The "reckless" of environmental condition is the real result of reality. We may be cautious to safeguard our interest but the "coincidences" of nature is where we have no control of.  So the future of tomorrow is still a "chance" to be given. Predestined harmony was never a guarantee. That is why God must exist to give the "order" from the "chaos" of society. Without that "belief", this world will be a horrible place to live.

No matter how good we are, we can always become the victim of nuisance, negligence and accidental causes.

Why are we so vulnerable to any hazard of health. When we human compete to advance further in medicinal studies for the well being of our body, the deadly diseases and germs became much more complicated to find a cure. Pharmaceutical achievements is part of the "earth" prosperity that we have claimed relentlessly. But the "earth" generosity has not been totally appreciated. We keep destroying the very substance that gave us that remedy of cure. When "water" is the fundamental resources of our survival, for the chlorophyll on "earth" to flourish and flush away the toxin inside our body, we prefer to light some "fire" to be burned for the energy that we became totally depended on. The "air" we use to breathe is not that pure anymore. Air conditioning could give us that cooling effect. But it is an artificial respiratory system of still air with lack of good ventilation process.  The "air" could have been contaminated with arsenic properties that will kill us slowly.

Are we having the "real" oxygen of air that we breathe every single moment of our life. The carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide have surrounded the "air" in our atmosphere. Toxic chemicals have been dumped on the rivers and seas to give way for urban developments. We humans have been killed by our own greed and ignorance. Clinical drugs could only compensate our pain but redeem it with so much side effects. Food and beverage are not grown the way it should be. We are so arrogant to deny the "earth" some respect its deserve and try to compete with artificial organic developments. We are so obsess with "chemical" wonders that kill so much more than it can cure. 

That is why God let Satan and its followers to answer for our own prayers. Germs and diseases is what they have to offer. We "change" the natural way of nature and we should taste our own medicines that we have created. God did not kill us when we died. We actually killed ourselves with our own poisons. It is our own negligent that killed us slowly or instantly. Don't blame God for the "chaos" we have created. When male and female is part of our human chastity, lesbian and homosexual is our choice to choose and demand for its globalization for the sake of "human right" as a slogan. This "right" has been used to prove the "wrong" side of humans. Our "minds" are not stable anymore. We may be "educated" in a way but not that "intelligent" enough to qualify for any activity as a human.  How can a "crook" try to advocate for some justice with the "wrong" side of the law. They are actually siblings of the devils and demons that have spawned their genetic descendant. We know what these devils and demons are and have seen some inbreeding taken place in our human society at large. This is how the devil disguised themselves to be among us.   

Genetic mutation of this kind could take effect with the chromosome of our "identical twins" which was not born with a physical body. Our "desire" (naf) is not just our natural instinct. This is where the seven deadly sins came from and that is what this "identical twins" will try to accomplish. Every sin will be seen as a natural instinct to be legalized and proud to own it as a characteristic behavior. There will be no conscience of "belief" to hold on as a moral compass. They can breed with any stranger on the street and even with their own flesh and blood.   

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We may not realize that spiritually we are hermaphrodite. That is why "homosexuality" is part of our human sexual activity. During the infancy stage of our biological body on the first 40 days, we are not either a male or a female. The "zygote" that clinch on our mother's eggs by our father's chromosome is actually our own "choice" to choose. The "stem cell" that chose to be seen in reality when we were just a "particle" hidden behind the tiny world of our universe. We made that "choice" because the "chance" was offered as an opportunity. This "chance" came from the forces of  "cause and effect" which is the attribution of predestined harmony. The random chaos of "chance" must be put in order by the "choice" we made. Genetically, the deoxyribonucleic acids from our parents influenced us to make that "choice" to be a man or a woman when the "soul" was blown to give us this special privilege to be born as a human being.

We were somewhere between a "desire" and a "belief" to make that "choice" to be what we are today. A "desire" of a female chromosome to "understand" and a "belief" of a male chromosome to "remember" of what we are. With these two chemical and electrical molecules, we stake our claim to be that person with a personality. We still have that instinct to "understand" and conscience to "remember" everything that happens around us. Our "desire" will always try to "understand" because she is "blind" and our "belief" will always try to "remember" because he is "mute". Together they must engage into a matrimonial oath of a vow in chastity. This sacred marriage inside us has been in turmoil and harmony to claim for that special "identity" of whom we are. Check ourselves out to see whether that marriage is still intact.  

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When the "desire" is "blind" what she could do is just try to "understand" and when the "belief" is "mute" what he could do is just try to "remember" what is going on in our environmental surrounding. There is only two tokens for our great selves to ponder. We have to "understand" and "remember" something about the past, present and the future. Without that understanding and remembrance we will not exist at that moment of time. 

This "earth" has given us all the privileges we needed to live for another day of our lives. Mother earth will give the food of our sustenance., the medicine of our illnesses and the oxygen of our breath.  This is the "extension period" of our "lifespan" that must be spent with the real "time" which will be measured. When "time" is measured, there will be an expiry upon the duration of our "lifespan". In this "lifespan", we have to spend it with some "waiting period" with our "patience" to stabilize the chaos of "chance" in our destiny. There is no "short cut" that we should lend from any "borrowed time" that the devil will solicit for the mortgages with the seven deadly sins. 

This is where our "prayers" comes into effect for the stability of our predestined harmony. God answers our "prayers" every single moment of the time when we made that "intention" to act no matter how good or evil it was for the sake of our given "lifespan" as a promise to spend. But by spending this "lifespan", we should follow the procedures of "time" and its "length" of its own pace as a "waiting period" with our "patience" and "endurance". Ignoring this rules of engagement of our "lifespan", we will have to face the "risk and consequences" from the forces of "cause and effect" which has been the attribution of nature moral compass as the "messiah". Misappropriating the given "lifespan" with a "borrowed time" to shorten the "waiting period" of "patience and endurance" is the risk and consequences we took from the forces of "cause and effect" as the "messiah" of nature. Because "patience and endurance" is why we were given to live on this earth as a trial to test. This is a "training program" for us to take as a test to graduate. This "patience and endurance" is what the "afterlife" is all about. 

The "waiting period" of this "afterlife" before the coming of Judgment day is the real test of the century. If we could not resist the "temptation" to "borrow" for the trill of excitement in this "lifespan", the "afterlife" will be much more complicated than that when the devils and demons were everywhere to share our premises. This "borrowed time" is where we became part of the demonic community. Chastity is our divine vow to take as a man and a woman. The fornication and infidelity  is a part of this "borrowed time" that we have spent to pawn our "soul" to the devils.  Our eugenic genetic descendant of our offspring must not be contaminated with the devil's genetic genes. They are "hermaphrodite" that spawn on a "temporal host" of surrogacy.  Lesbian and homosexuality is their cultural heritage. Our genetic descendant that we spawn on this earth will either cause great misery or salvation to mankind. We are totally responsible for every single thing we did on this earth. To think that it would just vanish into thin air after we died, is just a rather stupid thing to pretend. The "outstanding" issues of this "borrowed time" must be fully paid before the final countdown. Our offspring will carry on our heritage as their deoxyribonucleic acid to spawn. 

The devils and demons could never show themselves in the open public. They have to take other "form" to disguise themselves to be among us. Their ulterior motive and malicious intend are now lodge deep within our inner self. They breed their cultural heritage to spawn within us to take the blame of adversary. Our real sanity will never hurt our fellow human nor even any helpless creature on earth. The "bloodbath"  which was once the aftermath before we human ever exist was never our intention. But "killing" and "murdering" for the sake of survival are the "modus operandi" of these devils and demons to spread among us human. We are supposed to be peaceful and caring to spread the loving care of our legacy. "Battle of the fittest" in the theory of evolution would only fit animals and creatures of the wild. Do we have to behave like them just to join in as some parts of the branches in the tree of evolution?  

When the mind was "set" to believe in a theory of a diabolical plot, human will change to become the animal kingdom that was said they belong to as a common ancestor.  Once we accept to embrace the natural behavior of some animals as our own, the devils and demons won the case without having to argue for it in the state of mind. The legacy of our eugenic genes could not be preserved when sexual orientation have no boundary of demarcation. Human can now breed with any stranger on the street and even with their own flesh and blood. The reproduction population of mankind must be intellectually chosen. We should actually "evolve" from the worse to the better.

"Abortion" is where the devils would want us to be. This is what the story of the "Penanggal" is all about.

An "abortionist" does not need to be a highly trained medical practitioner. It is not a complicated surgical procedure. Our human body has a natural build-in system of waste disposal. It is part of our digestive system to dispose of as secretion. But when there is a need to do it clinically to invade the natural infusion, an artificial inducement could terminate the progress prematurely. The burst of the amniotic sac will drain the fetus to be disposed dead or alive. The premature disposal of the fetus inside a mother's womb, is a "choice" that was made to abandon its progress. This "choice" is not an option to be chosen by any mother to be. The "temporal host" of a mother's womb could be an investment of any interested party in surrogacy. We do not wish to speculate further to upset the stability of any sane minds. 

The occult of black magical curse could intrude our live to create mayhem. The fetus inside a mother's womb is such a great commodity. But when the "demand" was made to abandon it as a disposal, the "Penanggal" was chosen to do it as a "service rendered" during the medieval time. You may think that this story is some kind of a tale in some ancient mythology. We are going to put it into you that this is part of spiritual science that you should know about to understand "life" better.   

The reproduction of any species on earth is a natural orientation when "sex" is not always a "choice" to be made to evolve. We are animal in nature and that is why the "chaos" must be put into "order" with a "belief system" of a believer. There must be a proper ways to do things to ensure its quality for the survival rates. We must follow some sets of rules and regulations as an adaptation. But when we leave it to "chaos" as a "chance" we take for the result, the restoration of an "order" would be needed as restitution. Nature could claim it with its own "choice" to offer as redemption. The "Penanggal" has become parts of its accessory. 

                We may not understand devils and demons from the lack of detection by our own disabilities. Forces from the electromagnetic field do not require a physical appearance to mobilize its energy. They use the fermentation of the heavenly body they intruded. A human body has all the energy they could manipulate and distort. Our "desire" controls every part of our human biological system and "heat" is all it takes to incite its raging "fire" to burn. Kinetic and potential energy of movement needs "friction" of heat to drive the centrifugal and perpetual forces where gravity keeps the vessel intact. Making a human "head" to turn 360 degree clock wise and twine until it tore apart at the nape to break lose, was done artificially on a live black chicken when it was slaughtered with a bare hands to imitate with the mystical "ritual" done to summon the demonic energy on the "relic" of the real victim skeleton skull. The bestial hag who died during the gruesome execution was put on replay to recall the barbaric rage of vengeance that was once put on display. 

The dead spirit of this deadly bestial hag was summoned to perform on sight with its DNA as a "relic" to call for a show. The "saka" or soul mate which holds on to this bestial hag dead spirit, was given the sacrificial feast to awaken the memory on the gruesome moment of death. Every dead spirit will keep the last moment of death as their memorial rites for the ritual. It was their last memory to keep of their living episodes. The "midwife" who initiates to summon the deadly spirit of the bestial hag has lost her "mind" during the sacred ritual. The "saka" who has taken oath from the dead spirit of the bestial hag, will take the lead on the new disciple to be. The raging fury and wrath of vengeance of the dead spirit was the real energy behind the scene. The mystical ritual which was done with a "bloodbath" from the slaughtered black chicken's blood was to inseminate the "saka" demonic energy on the "midwife" biological body. The blood mutation from the genetic descendant of the dead bestial hag was sponsored by the "saka" demonic energy. 

Calling for a replay by the dead spirit is part of the "seance" to imitate the happening. The last memory of the dead spirit is the real consciousness when the "saka" was made to perform on stage. The vessel of the "midwife" biological body was taken apart with its respiratory system intact on its mutilated head and heart beats on its severe headless body. Her hands were shaking vigorously to stabilize her blood circulation on her heart. The intestinal organs attached on her mutilated head pumping its lungs to sustain its respiratory when it dangles above on the air. The "saka" who took her head away with its demonic energy was seen eager to begin its rampage when its snort around in the dimly lit room breathing heavily. The "Penanggal" is now ready to find its victim to quench its thirst for the fresh blood of a human. 

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Samiah was screaming in pain when her stomach was bitten and tore apart to bite the baby inside. Samiah could see the mutilated head on her stomach as she battles with the excruciating pain of the Penanggal’s sharp fangs. The demon tore opened her big belly with its sharp fangs biting on her abdomen to get the baby inside. The growling sound of the demon makes Mulok froze stricken in horrible nightmare. He could not do anything with the sudden horrible savaging beast on sight.

 The baby inside was pulled out with its umbilical cord and placenta attached. The Penanggal bites and drank the blood on the fetus as Samiah body lay slump on the dimly lit floor. The sharp fangs ripped her stomach in bloody incarnadine making Samiah felt the full impact of pain. The fetus was eaten greedily leaving its head slumped motionless. Blood was dripping everywhere while Mulok watched in total fright. It was a rage of hunger to taste the best delicacy. The demon has nothing else to consider. The tiny fetus was eaten like a fresh meat.

New Excerpts!!!!!

Tukijah screamed out from her horrifying fright and tried to run away as the demon floated to swipe her with its tentacle tongue around her neck to bite her on the head. The sharp fangs of the demon took a deep bite on her scalp and looped the tentacle tongue around her neck. Her screamed could be heard by her family members. Manisah who was hiding next to her took the full impact of fear.

The sound of the demon growling in the dark attacking her sister Tukijah was a nightmare in reality. Tukijah was struggling for breath as the demon sucked her blood. The sound of her frightened voice yelling in pain was so eerie to be heard by them. Pak Man and Mak Nani could hear their daughter’s scream for help. But they just stay still shivering in the dark with total fright of their lives.

This is not a fox squabbling in the chicken’s barn to shoo away with a yell. They were definitely clear of the danger inside their house. The few casualties of the dead victims gave them a clear indication of what was going on. The deadly rampage of the demonic beast is not something you could challenge with a fight of courage. The spiritual strength inside must be fully enhanced to stand up against this menacing beast. Without a proper knowledge of evil expulsion, we human should stay away from any confrontation.

Her sister Manisah crawled under a wooden cabinet putting her own self to safety. That is the only refuge she felt safe to stuff herself under it. The Penanggal came back floating around in the dark room sniffing for more victims. Their parents were in another room and heard the sound of their daughters in distress but dared not do anything to save them. They were holding against each other waiting for the horrible encounter.

Manisah lay still knowing her sister Tukijah has been a victim. She was in a state of emotional breakdown knowing she could be the next victim of the deadly attack. Manisah lay flat under a wooden cabinet wide enough to hide her whole body. She was shivering in traumatic fear. The sound of the demonic head grunting near her was the most horrible moment of her life. The Penanggal then floats away to the next room.

When the door to their room was pushed open, Pak Man and Mak Nani were experiencing the most horrible moment of frightful fear. The Penanggal red glaring eyes searched the dark room and could sense someone inside. Pak Man body odor was too strong to hide his where about. Mak Nani urinated on her sarong as the demon flew around above her. Pak Man was too afraid to watch the silhouette of the Penanggal mutilated head near him that he farted with a loud honk.

The old man was too frightened when the demon came near him and the toxic gas inside his turbulence stomach deflated his bowel blowpipe to a sudden burst of a trumpet. The sound of bursting air in the dark startled the demon with a surprise stared. The demon dashed at him as he screamed with fright to escape himself for safety. Pak Man was caught red handed for his sudden bowel burst of explosion. It was a shot he misfired with no real intention to hurt anyone.

New Excerpts!!!!

Hadi felt something wet dripping from above on his bare body. He thought it was raining. He looked up and saw the Penanggal came dangling above him. A sight that caused his muscles to freeze in an instant. The sudden shock of horror surged inside him as he tried to run away but was bitten immediately by the Penanggal on his neck. He screamed with excruciating pain as the demon’s fangs took a hard bite on his jugular veins.

 Gusti and Awae sprang to safety when Hadi was attacked. Hadi was howling in pain of frightening fear. He was shocked to see the sight of the demon and the deadly smells of fresh blood traumatized him. Hadi fell on the floor when his jugular vein was punctured. He lay slumped on the ground with a big gaping wound on his neck. Hadi was seen writhed in pain on the ground.

Gusti and Awae were shocked to see the Penanggal suddenly appeared to attack Hadi out from nowhere. They saw the Penanggal went for Hadi as he was screaming in pain. Gusti and Awae fled away looking for a place to hide. The fishing village was full of sampans placed on the shore line. They thought it would be a good idea to hide under it. The sampan which was placed upside down, were cradled on some wooden blocks. Gusti and Awae crawled under it hoping that The Penanggal would leave them alone.

The Penanggal saw them running towards the overturned sampan, decided not to waste that opportunity.  Gusti could see the dangling intestinal organs with blood dripping when the Penanggal tried to catch them under the sampan. They were screaming with fright trying to avoid the horrifying attack. Both of them were moving away to avoid being attack. In the sudden rush to keep away from the demonic head, the sampan fell side way.

New Excerpts!!!!!

This happened after a few hundred years. The demon was summoned and a transformation was made in a very gruesome way. The fateful day when the bestial hag was executed to face her death was put on replay. A woman, who was an evil practitioner found a secret way to use this demon to express her anger on a society where she lived. The devil dormitory was knocked and the door was opened. This begins when the real human skull of a notorious villain was used as a relic for the demonic ritual.

This woman aged in her late fifties was an evil practitioner. She has used it to summon the demon for its own personal vendetta. She was a midwife and a mystical practitioner. She was about to do a mystical ritual which was gruesome and bloody. This woman’s head turned with a twist around her neck until her head was tore apart from the body. Blood was dripping on her body when her intestinal organs were pulled out from its body. The demonic ritual of this mystical event was made in a very gruesome way for reenactment on the gruesome deadly execution which happened during the day the bestial hag was sentence to death.

The living body of the midwife, who was a mystical practitioner becomes the show of the real execution. It was bloody when her neck was tore apart after being twisted around until its intestinal organs were ripped apart to be pulled out from the body. This thing happens after a few hundred years when she had found the mystery skull by accident. The demon was summoned and a transformation was made in a very gruesome way. The way the notorious villain was punished, was put on displayed by the demon. This woman who was practicing mystical occult has found a secret door to use the demon to express her own vendetta, on the community where she lived in the olden time of the sixteen century. The devil’s room was knocked and the door was opened.

The villagers lived in total fear and fright. Every night the demon came roaming looking for its victims. The victims were mostly women in pregnancy. Their blood was sucked to drain it dry. The tentacle tongue of the Penanggal sucked their blood like a leach while they were asleep. The tentacle tongue was used to probe inside the victim’s womb to pull the fetus inside. The sharp fangs were used to bite the fetus and eaten like a delicacy. The fetus inside is what this demon is looking for.

New Excerpts!!!

An elderly woman named Mak Tijah found an ancient grave in the deep dense jungle when she went to search for some medicinal herbs to stock up her collections. She was a traditional medium of a midwife, offering her expertise to the local community where she lived and served pregnant mother to be with prenatal care. She was resting under a shaded tree to relax her aging muscles, when she stumbled upon a tombstone of ancient years. It was something that caught her eyes to increase her interest. She took a serious looked at the ancient grave to know the mystery.

The rock of limestone to mark the tomb has been buried partially underneath the earth where the large tree shaded the area with wide canopy. This tree must have been planted to landmark the tomb. The huge tree must be hundreds of years old. Mak Tijah made a close surveillance to check for some clues.

A strange looking tombstone which was buried on a deserted dense jungle must be having a mysterious tale to be left far away from the cemetery. An outcast burial would usually carry a mystical curse. Mak Tijah was fated to find it and she took it as a sign of spiritual connotation. She became obsessed with the discovery and wanted to find out more.

To find out the real occupant, she decided to take some soil from the grave to bring back home. She has to perform a ritual to call the spirit of the dead on a séance. Putting the soil from the mysterious grave on a betel leaf, Mak Tijah said some words in the language of ancient scriptures as a tribute to seek permission to bring the soils home.

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In the medieval time, the mystical world used the Penanggal to be the abortionist when time in needs. This was why the Penanggal was kept as a pet by evil practitioner to cater in mystical society. Not all mothers wanted to have their inborn child. Some may want to abort the pregnancy with private reason of their own. The Penanggal must be fed. Blood must be spilled every few nights to quench the demon’s thirst. But not all victims were imposed with deadly vengeance. Some have been used to appease this demon to be an abortionist. This was when the table was turned. The demon was now given a special permit to serve the society.

When science has not reached the rural area, the primitive society will have to find their own spiritual way to make ends meet. The conflict of this interest has always come from between the two sides. The mystical squatters have served the society well in the occult during their times when science has not reach its full maturity. Mystical surgery has been practiced by some practitioners using these demons as their surgeons. Camp along with us and we will tell you more about this.

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This is not an entertainment program to please some spectators. This is a deadly game of mystical event where your life could be at stake. Blood was the currency exchange in the trade and the human body was the commodity to invest. No unauthorized personnel allowed on this premises of mystical dormitory. We suggest our readers to stay as an astounding spectator and not to become an irritating participant. This occult of black magical dogma is highly classified and must not be mentioned on an open scripture. The mantra they used to cast the spell must not be fully exposed. The proxy of demonic oath was taken in the secrets of the dark night. Mak Tijah has taken the oath to renounce her own soul. The demon wanted it in surety to invest their satanic verse. Blood represent the demon’s thirst and the vengeance of “desire” for Mak Tijah to venture.

Mak Tijah dripped some chicken blood on her body and rubbed it vigorously as her trance entered into its final stage. She ate the glutinous rice with the hard boiled eggs that was soaked with the black chicken’s blood. Her body started to tremble like a turbulence whirling inside her. Her face changed into something horrifying. The skin on her face became darker showing a demonic feature.

It was the face of the former bestial hag hung during the execution in the past medieval time. Her neck suddenly stretched out and slowly her head started turning around 360 degree. The skin on her neck twined into a twist squeezing her throat to make her eyeballs to protrude from the sockets and her tongue spill out from her mouth. Blood circulation to her brain was immediately cut off. The skin started tearing on her neck with blood dripping on her body. The snapping sound of bones breaking on her spinal column could be heard as the head twisted her neck to depart. The bloody incarnadine of tearing flesh ripped her neck apart pulling her intestinal organs out dangling in the air with the mutilated head.

This is the most gruesome parts of the mystical ritual that was ever performed!!!


Meanwhile, a young teenage girl who was pregnant came to see Mak Tijah to ask for her help. She was not married and has been raped by a man who lived next door from her foster parents’ house.
 Maria was an orphanage and had to run away when she found out she was pregnant. She was so ashamed and was afraid that people might not believe her when she was raped. She begged Mak Tijah to help her and do something about it. An abortion was what Mak Tijah was specialised in. Mak Tijah was more than willing to take her in as her patient. This is what the Penanggal was all about to be the real “abortionist” of the medieval time.

Maria was in total despair not knowing what to do. She came to Mak Tijah to seek her help. Mak Tijah was pleased to receive her and take her in. She gave her a room for her to stay and take refuge in her wooden shack. Mak Tijah promised to take care of her and told Maria she could help with the household chores as she was in badly need of some help around. Mak Tijah told Maria to lie down as she wanted to inspect her stomach to check the baby condition. Maria was about six months pregnant and Mak Tijah said to her, “You will have to wait for a few weeks for the baby inside to reach full maturity.  I will do the abortion but you must be willing to endure the mystical procedure. You must not talk or discuss this with anyone about it.” Maria agreed with a deep feeling of uncertainty.
Mak Tijah showed her the room where she could sleep. She will prepare a special treatment to abort the foetus when the time comes.

Mak Tijah is an abortionist in her own way and she intended to do it with perfection in her own laboratory. Maria must get herself use to her mystical domain. Mak Tijah has special plan for Maria in the near future. Maria was relieved to know that Mak Tijah was willing to help her in her ordeal. Maria then relayed to Mak Tijah what had actually happened to her. She was raped by her neighbour while she was washing some clothing by the river.  She had ran away to avoid humiliation to her foster parent and afraid to tell people. She had no other places to go. Mak Tijah agreed to take her in and stay with her. Maria was extremely happy and grateful. Meanwhile she has to help Mak Tijah in her work as a spiritual medium.

After a few weeks, Maria was told to get herself ready before night fall, as Mak Tijah was ready to abort the baby and needed to put her under proper surgical procedures. When night falls, Maria was told to sleep in a special room at Mak Tijah house. The room was empty with full of mystical relics scattered around. Maria was told to clean herself up and wait in the room. Mak Tijah got herself ready taking some banana leaves and placed it in the room where Maria was supposed to sleep. Maria began to feel a sudden cold chill of fear creeping inside her. She has no idea what the procedure would be all about.

Mak Tijah puts some banana leaves on the floor and told Maria to lie down naked on it. Mak Tijah then placed the banana leaves to cover her whole body from the head down. Maria lay still under the banana leaves feeling horrible enough to shiver with fear. Her mind was full of horror movies. Mak Tijah gave Maria strict instruction not to move or even say a word during the surgical process. Mak Tijah burned some incense of frankincense and let the smoke filled the air in the room. The strange frankincense smoke gave Maria the nightmare of an evil occupation. Mak Tijah was heard chanting some mystical spells in the other room. Maria was put under a strong hypnotism dogma of a “pukau” to release her mind from any conscience of fear. But the fear in her mind could not be heavily sedated.

Maria lay there wondering in her mind what was going to happen in the near period of time. Is Mak Tijah going to cut her abdomen to pull out the foetus or is she going to put something inside her to remove it? The question stayed in her mind to accompany her during the waiting period with extreme nervousness. Maria was afraid with the suspense puts on her as she lay with a thousand pages to flip in her mind. Maria could smell some frankincense burning somewhere. Her body began to shiver with fear while her mind was fading away gradually to lose her consciousness.

On the other side of the room Mak Tijah was sitting facing her altar of mystical relics. The skull was placed on top of the burning frankincense churn, letting the smoke to release it through the hollow opening of the skull.  Mak Tijah chanted her mystical spell to begin her ritual to summon a demon. The incantation went on with Mak Tijah going on a trance. The eerie atmosphere of demonic crossover began to tear open the dimensional space. The dark silent night began to lose all signs of life. The emptiness left Maria to focus on the real scary event on her body.

Mak Tijah summoned the demon of the Penanggal to possess her partially in this process of an abortionist. Mak Tijah began to fall into a trance and was growling as the demon took over her. She was now possessed by the demon as her face changed into the Penanggal. But her head did not detach from her body. Mak Tijah was fully on herself but having the demonic head of the Penanggal with long tentacle tongue. She crawled over to where Maria was, breathing heavily with a growl.

Maria was in the next room covered with banana leaves all over her body. She was waiting there lying naked on her back expecting something to happen but not knowing what it was. Her heart began to pound on her chest feeling the traumatic effect when she heard a heavy breathing and growling sound somewhere very near. She was half awake and was in semi consciousness, when the heavy breathing came near her. Mak Tijah crawled over to the room where Maria was like a hyena having a demonic head and tentacle tongue wriggling. The growling sound she made with her heavy breathing echoed in the dark silent night. Maria’s mind was battling in her head between the fright of horrible nightmare and the heavily sedated hypnotism dogma that was put on her. The horrible fright of something moving towards her gave her the energy to stay in her consciousness while the hypnotism dogma puts on her, pulled her back into unconsciousness.

Maria heard something moving below her feet but she dared not dare to steal a look. The squelching sound of something moving towards her caused her body to tremble in fear. Then she felt something butting down under her private area. The skin on her under part was licked by something very wet. The saliva of the Penanggal was like an anaesthesia. She began to feel a little numb on her private area as she clenched her thighs with her shaky hands. The heavy breathing began to growl and there was a deep probe inside her abdomen to her womb. She could feel her blood rushing with some turmoil inside her womb.

The growling sound became louder below her while Maria battles with her emotional fright. The saliva of the Penanggal tentacle tongue contained high nitrogen content use as anaesthesia on the mystical surgical area. Maria could not feel the pain on her external flesh with the sudden numbness but she could feel the pain inside her internal womb. Something was probing inside her that cause a sudden painful thrush. She was psychologically restrained with the fear from the growling sound she heard. Her emotional state of fright crippled her to drown into the depth of darkness. The fright consumed her in traumatic fear.

The smell of blood was strong in her room. She was in semi consciousness and was trying to figure out her sudden dizziness. She felt something wet with watery liquid and some heavy breathing below her. She was too scared and her whole body was trembling with fear. The pain in her stomach was tremendously unbearable. Something was pulling her intestinal organs inside her womb. The contraction in her abdomen became extremely painful until she fainted and lost consciousness in a blackout.

Mak Tijah has been taken over by the demon of a Penanggal, crawling near Maria with a special mission of its expertise. The tentacle tongue licked Maria under part looking for its way in to feast its delicacy. The foetus inside was a special diet that the Penanggal loved to enjoy. Pushing inside to look for its meal, the tentacle tongue sucked the blood on the placenta, draining it away. The Penanggal became highly aggressive when the foetus was pulled out to grab it as a delicacy.

The foetus inside was sucked dry until the foetus died. Satisfy to quench the thirst of human blood, the Penanggal pulled out the foetus with the placenta, out from Maria’s womb dripping the blood all over from under her. The growling sound of the Penanggal eating the foetus was so horrible. The tiny flesh of human figure with fresh incarnadine of human flesh was consumed by the beast in gluttony. The Penanggal left the room crawling back after it was over and returned to Mak Tijah’s room. Mak Tijah got herself back when the demon left after a hefty feast. Maria was still breathing but she had lost a lot of blood. Her life may be in danger.

Mak Tijah got herself back and went over to where Maria was to inspect her condition. Mak Tijah puts a spell on her to sedate her heavily. She was left with the bloody mess to let the devils feast on the blood. It was for the demonic ritual to celebrate the victim sacrificial offering.  Demons are like wild animals making a catch to feast together for the whole clan. The blood of a human will be like a serum for them to lick. Maria woke up in the morning in a pool of blood. She was so weak and was having difficulty bringing herself up. Blood was everywhere and all over the banana leaves. She became horrified with so much blood. Her stomach felt empty with a little discomfort. Maria held on to her stomach and she could feel there was some clearance in her abdomen.


Maria who has fully recovered helps Mak Tijah in her domestic and mystical works.   She was willing to live with Mak Tijah and took care of her personal affair. She sat beside Mak Tijah and told her about the man who had done a terrible thing to her. She wanted to get even with him and makes him suffer for the thing he did to her. Maria told Mak Tijah the man’s name is Osman and is the next door neighbor of her foster parent house in another village. Mak Tijah nodded and told her she will do something with her mystical powers in her own ways. “Didn’t I said you have an outstanding issue to settle. We will do something to him later?” Maria listened to what Mak Tijah has said with high expectation.

Mak Tijah then told her, “If you want to fulfil your revenge, I will prepare a strong “santau” (deadly curse) to make his life horrible.” Mak Tijah then told her to give some of her menstrual blood to contemplate on the genetic genes of the perpetrator. The betel leaf that Mak Tijah kept with Maria’s blood stain will be used to track the curse of sin on the wrong doer. Their deoxyribonucleic acid will be verified to look for the perpetrator. Mak Tijah knew what it was because the Penanggal has already eaten the foetus during the horrible mystical abortion on Maria. She told Maria how to prepare for the mystical recipe. She will have to squat during her menstrual period and dripped some blood on a piece of green sugar cane for this project of mystical curse.

The mystical dogma of this curse is quite  deadly to activate. This is to close shut the seven doors of the victim sexual desires to become totally useless. The green sugar cane will be spelled with some mystical ritual to block the man’s ability to function. After the mystical recipe is ready, Mak Tijah will cut the sugar cane into seven pieces with the help of the demonic energy of the Penanggal. Maria will have to visualize the man’s face during the ritual. Two chicken eggs will also be used with the sugar canes.

Maria will have to cant the mystical mantera and the seven pieces of sugar cane represent the man’s genital part which has been cut. This ritual ends with Maria stepping on the two eggs with her right and left foots. This eggs represent the man’s sperm testicles for the victim to lose his reproductive tools. Mak Tijah mystical curse will make the victim suffers in horrible pain.

This man named Osman was sitting inside his room when he suddenly felt a sting of strange burning pain on his testicles. He thought he has been bitten by a bee and quickly jumped up to take off his sarong to check out the sudden attack. His genital parts began to swollen instantly with burning pain. He really thought he has been stung by a bee.  

Osman could not believe what has just happened. The swell became bigger rapidly. He was jumping in pain, crying to scream in horrible pain. He tried to use some medicines to stop the pain but was unsuccessful. He applied some white soft limestone paste to paint it in full whitewash to get rid of the pain. He was now sitting on two rugby balls with his man stuck in between.

Osman has to lie down with the horrible feeling and screaming in pain all night long. His parents were curious watching his strange behavior. But Osman tried to concealed his private affair. When dawn came near the pain subsided and his genital parts disappeared with it. His testicles were stashed inside his pelvic taking his working companion with it. The shrunk genital parts made him lose all sexual desires and caused some intermittence throbbing pain. Osman has a strange horrible dream that night where Maria was seen smiling at him with pleasure. Osman then remember what he had done to Maria. He has to lie in pain on his bed after the terrible incident and could no longer walk. He was now like a sick patient which has been castrated.    

You may not want to believe in any of these episodes. But if you are one of those who have seen the apparition of ghosts and spirits appearing somewhere, your mind will give some thoughts to spare about these possibilities.

We cannot claim reality with what it has been shown for us to see. There are so many particles that were hidden behind the scene before it appear in reality. Mutation is a strange subject to discuss. Our human body is receiving all kinds of energies before we could actually put into action to create reality. These energies are somewhat abundant to sponsor our real human action.

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