Before you get ready to swim into this ocean of words, the depth of this water is so deep you may find yourselves having some difficulty staying afloat. Floating on the surface is not why the ocean was made to be so deep.
The water which is keeping you afloat is hiding something inside deep in the ocean floor. Staying afloat and breathe the oxygen on the surface would only give you the excitement of living. But staying underneath is where you will find it at the last moment of time. The depth is where the treasure was hidden.
Our quest is meant for you to dive under to the abyss and explore the depth without any oxygen intake. We need you to experience death and swim with us on the ocean bed, staying as long as possible to feel the mystery of losing your breath.
If you could not dive under and have the stamina to breathe without any oxygen intake, we suggest you keep yourself afloat and stay on the surface of the water until you have that ability to explore the depth of death.
Your fear to face death is so scary when you could not anticipate the deep silent of darkness. To deny that breath of oxygen and feel the absence of any refuge, we should stay under in the deep abyss to face the coming of death.
Life is given in the sea of water and we could live without any source of oxygen. Oxygen is only an element which has nothing to do with living. It is for the body deoxyribonucleic acid of the earth four elements of substance.
Life is an energy spent to keep the body deoxyribonucleic acid alive for the infiltration on teh "gravity" of “desire”. The “desire” needs the earth rich protein of nutrient, the mineral of water, the heat of fire and the oxygen of air. The chemistry of these elements was for the body chemical energy.
The “life” needs the host of a body as a substance to feel and experience from the senses of “desire”. The nucleus of “life” in the body is the “desire” which craved on its temptation of materials. Hunger, thirst, depression and sleep would come every now and then.
We human died when the gravity of “desire” is terminated from the body. "Gravity" was denied or terminated from the earth of the body. This is the deity that ruled the sacred monument of our body. The “life” is made to experience greed, lust, pride, anger, envy with gluttony and sloth.
The body died when the “desire” source of feeling expires. The “life span” of this “desire” is only an exchange of air. We would breathe again for some breaths. We would feel hungry again after taken some food. We would feel thirsty again after quenching with some water. We would feel tired after using some strength. We would soon shutdown for some sleep.
The period is short and that is the “life span” of your body four elements of earth, water, fire and air. The gravity of “desire” would spend most of it energy to replenish it. The question of getting enough supply is the element of risk.
This is when the element of “belief” is needed to revitalize the gravity of “desire”. Without the “belief”, the “desire” will be at lost. “Belief” is where our thinking was. To think and imagine is what the “belief” do to become our “conscience”. This is the real "consciousness" of ourselves. What you "think" is what you are.
From this conscience of “belief”, we begin to find the source of energy needed to feed the hunger, to quench the thirst, to energize the body and to wake up from a sleep. The working system of our human body is an evolution of chain reaction like a centrifugal force.
The cycle of orbiting sphere of our “life” is from the gravity of “desire” with the feeling, to the thinking of “thought” and “idea” on an imagination to become the conscience of “belief”. The “belief” is what makes us search to find the source for the “desire”.
This area of imagination is only a possibility to look for “knowledge” from the “mind”. When the conscience of “belief” gets some “knowledge” from the “mind”, it became a “faith” of possibility. To believe in the absence from the evidence of fact, “faith” is an impending energy source that supports the making of reality.
The trinity of “desire”, “belief” and “faith” are the three elements of kinetic energy to generate a body movement. It is like a scale of weigh to balance the energy molecules at a precise level of weight to produce the velocity of speed.
“Fate” and “destiny” hang in the balance between the evidence of fact from the “fate” of the past and the possibility of “destiny” for the future. Our “life” is the center of a point in the sphere of orbiting cycle. The wheel of “fate” and “destiny” will turn around until we made a choice of “faith” with a belief. Because what we did yesterday is the result of today and what we will do today will be the result of tomorrow. So the "life" of today is the result of "death" tomorrow.
The risk of having to balance on the scale of supply is the real hazard of death. The precise balance must not exceed or recede on the scale of health. The chemical balance must be adequately consistent and any distortion would be fatal on the brink of death.
This is what “life” is meant to be for the body with the “desire”. Death is for the body and the termination of the “desire” had nothing to do with the “life” of a human. This “life” is what we would like to find out more when death is at the door.
Edit 12.1.2015
The moment we step into the realm of death, what we have is only our "identity" on the person of what we are to introduce ourselves. This is the only "consciousness" of ourselves to begin this quest of death. This is the result of yesterday from our "life" of the past to be the answer of our death. We create our own "destiny" in this "Odyssey of Death from the "identity" of our "life" from the past. Our well trained "experiences" of "life" is the only "knowledge" we have to deal with the situation of death.
There will be some "communities" to meet during the odyssey. What we have learned from our "experience" is the only "language" to communicate. What you "understand" is what you "communicate" to the open public of these communities. The "gravitational force" of your "desire" is the "feeling" and the "conscience" of your "belief" is the "faith" that will influence your "consciousness" on what to do. You have created your own "identity" from your "life" with the "choices" you made with your "desire" and the "chances" you took with your "belief" and that "experiences" is the "knowledge" of your "consciousness" to face in the afterlife.
The afterlife is a place where you spend in "jeopardy" of your sins and in "purgatory" of your wisdom. Every deed you made either in good or evil will have an identical "twin" to face each other as a companion. The right will describe the wrong to show the differences. The good will show the evil and the truth will show the false. These identical twins are the tokens your "desire" and "belief" will face to clarify and verify until the Day of Judgment. These are the "evidence" to tell the "fact" of what is wrong and what is right from the "choices" you made with your "desire" and the "chances" you took with your "belief". The afterlife is where you see the two sides of everything.
This is where you can see the "male" of a "female" and the "woman" of a "man" to tell the difference of what you are. This "identical twins" will tell the other side of what you are and you will spend your time in the afterlife facing that other side of your real self. The bad side of you will stay in the domain of hell and the good side of you will stay in the domain of heaven. The "spirit" of your "desire" and the "spirit" of your "belief" will face their own "soul" to tell their sides of the story. What you "feel" and what you "think" is not alway the real picture of your "self" where the "soul" watch to tell the difference. Your "soul" is where your real "self" stand witness to everything your "spirit" of "desire" feels and "spirit" of "belief" thinks. Your "soul" will be the judge of your real "self" to bear witness of your deeds. God puts the "soul" inside us for us to answer to our own self. So the "soul" is the real witness of our own doing.
We can never cheat ourselves when whatever we have done has been witnessed by this "soul" on the the real truth of what we are. So no one can ever questioned God's intelligence when He has put a spy on us ever since we were born on this earth. Your "soul" knew what you did or if you cheat and lie. So Judgment Day will be the day when no one can ever deny anything on what they did. Only the "soul" knows who, how, when, where, and why you did something in your "life span". Your "spirits" can give all the evidence to show the fact. Meeting with your own "soul" is the day you find yourself facing the real "you" when the "identical twins" will show you both sides of the story. You will face your own "lies" with the "truth" on the other person of yourself. This is what they called "sijjin and illiyin" in an ancient holy scripture. God will prove to you how fair He is to let you make your own decision to be what you are.
When your "desire" was given the "choice" to make, God would have to provide "fate" with all the opportunities for you to choose and let your "belief" to take the "chance" with all the possibilities to create your "destiny" with your own "life". So "fate" came from the "past" with all the benefits to choose and destiny" came from the "future" with all the privileges for you to take. Without "fate" with all the opportunities and without "destiny" with all the possibilities, "life" will be a blank piece of paper with nothing to read to tell a story. This shows how clever and genius God is to let us draw our own picture of ourselves. So this "identity" is something that we have to show in the "afterlife" for everybody to see and watch.
What we have showed now in this "life" is not the real "self" of ourselves. There are so many deceptions and lies to imitate the real you. The "pseudo" person that we have shown as "ourselves" are full of flaws. We cheated and we lied to our own "self" to make everybody to believe in it as the real truth. When we deceived all those people around us about the real person of "ourselves", God will have to prove it to tell the truth. So this "afterlife" is where all these outstanding issues need to be addressed. Nothing will be left unturned and unsolved. That real person of an "identity" must be revealed to show all the evidence of facts.
This is part of the "symmetry of conservation" for all "particles" to show itself in reality. The "space" and "energy" of the "mass" and "matter" will have to be "observed" and "measured" with the "time" and "speed" on its "lifespan". So we exist from "nothing" to become "something" from that "particle" who made a "choice" from "0" to be "1" and exist to show "ourself" in reality. We made ourselves from "0" to become "1" with an "identity" on the person of what we are. The "space" that give us this opportunity to exist was the "chance" given when we made that "choice" to use the "energy" around us. We created our own "self" and show "ourselves" to this world and try to make everybody "belief" that we exist as a person and make them recognize us to be that person. Somebody must stand as a "witness" to recognize us or we would not exist and be that "shadow" that we think we are.
So this "shadow" of the real person of "ourself" must be recognized with an "identity" to tell the real "us" that we are still not sure who we are. This "life" is an "illusion" of a dream that will soon become real in the "afterlife" to show the fact. What and who we are has still not been verified and clarified. This "afterlife" is the time where we meet our real "self" and try to get acquainted with our "spirits" and "soul" to do the introduction. This "body" of a vessel that we have is just an "attire" we put on display to play a part as a show. There are so many roles to play and we try to make it as real as possible to convince everybody but not ourselves.
So this "life" is about to impress people around us with our "shadow" that we exist as a person. The reflection from the mirror of the "eyes" that sees "us" is only an image that we project to tell an episode of a play that we put into "action" with a script from our "desire" and "belief". There are two sides of a different roles that tries to impress each other within us which people around us stand to watch. We are always talking to each other between our "desire" and "belief" to show ourselves. We have to rely on the spectators of all "witnesses" to convince them on what we are.
Kembara Maut
Sebelum anda bersedia untuk berenang di lautan perkataan, dasar peraiaran ini terlalu dalam, anda mungkin mengalami kesukaran untuk terapung. Terapung di permukaan bukan lah lautan ini di jadikan begitu dalam.
Air yang membuat anda terapung telah menyembunyikan sesuatu di dalam dasar nya. Untuk terapung dan bernafas dengan oksigen di permukaan air hanya akan memberikan nikmat kehidupan. Dasar lautan adalah dimana harta karun itu tertimbus.
Penerokaan kami adalah untuk anda menyelam dan jelajah dasar nya tanpa pernafasan oksigen. Kami perlukan anda merasai maut dan berenang dengan kami di dasar lautan, menetap selama mungkin untuk merasa misteri kehilangan nafas kita.
Jika anda tidak berdaya untuk selam dan mempunyai daya untuk bernafas tanpa sebarang sedutan oksigen, kami cadangkan anda terapung di atas dan hanyut di permukaan air sehingga anda mempunyai kebolehan untuk menjelajahi ke dasar maut.
Ketakutan anda menghadapi maut terlalu ngeri bila anda tidak dapat menjangka jarak nya kesunyian kegelapan. Untuk menafikan nafas oksigen dan merasa kelenyapan naungan, kita perlu menetap di dasar untuk berhadapan kedatangan maut.
Nyawa di beri di air lautan dan kita boleh hidup tanpa sumber oksigen. Oksigen hanya anasir yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan kehidupan. Ia hanya untuk tubuh jasad deoxyribonucleic acid bumi empat anasir bahan.
Nyawa adalah tenaga yang di gunakan untuk menjana jasad tubuh dengan tenaga kimia deoxyribonucleic acid hidup, untuk di resapi “nafsu”. “Nafsu” perlukan khasiat bumi dari nutrien, mineral air, haba api dan angin oksigen. Chemistry semua anasir ini adalah untuk tenaga kimia jasad tubuh.
“Nyawa” kita adalah penaja tubuh jasad sebagai bahan untuk merasa dan alami dari deria “nafsu”. Zat dari “nyawa” ini dalam tubuh jasad adalah “nafsu” yang inginkan dengan keghairahan. Lapar, haus, murung, tidur akan datang setiap kali dan sekejap lagi.
Kita manusia mati bila kuasa tarikan graviti dari “nafsu” di tamatkan dari jasad tubuh. Graviti nya telah di nafikan dari memijak bumi. Ini lah dewa yang memerintah gedung keramat jasad tubuh. “Nyawa” yang di buat untuk mengalami, tamak, berahi, angkuh, marah, iri, rakus, dan malas.
Bila tubuh jasad mati, sumber perasaan“nafsu” di lupuskan. “Jangka hayat” dari “nafsu” ini hanya lah penukaran udara angin yang di salurkan oleh “iman”. Kita akan bernafas kembali dengan beberapa nafas. Kita akan lapar kembali setalah makan. Kita akan merasa haus lagi setelah minum. Kita akan merasa penat setelah berkerja. Kita akan di padamkan dengan lenyak tidur.
Jarak nya sekejap dan itulah “jangka hayat” pada jasad tubuh empat anasir bumi, air, api dan angin. Graviti tarikan “nafsu” akan mengunakan tenaga untuk di tambah nilai. Soalan untuk mendapatkan secukup saluran adalah anasir risiko. Ini lah bila anasir “iman” di perlukan untuk suburkan graviti “nafsu”. Tanpa “iman”, “nafsu” akan tersesat. “Iman” adalah dimana fikiran kita berada. Untuk berfikir dan bayangkan adalah apa yang “iman” lakukan untuk di jadikan “ingatan” kesedaran.
Dari ingatan “iman” ini, kita mula mencari sumber tenaga yang di perlukan untuk suap kelaparan, tegok kehausan, salur tenaga jasad tubuh dan untuk bangun dari tidur. Sistem kerja jasad tubuh kita adalah putaran bersangkutan reaksi seperti kuasa lonjakan.
Pusingan putaran benua “nyawa” adalah dari graviti “nafsu” dengan perasaan, kepada fikiran “ingatan” dan “ilham” di imaginasi untuk menjadi kesedaran ingatan “iman”. “Iman” adalah apa yang membuat kita jelajah mencari sumber untuk “nafsu”.
Ruang imaginasi ini hanya lah satu kemungkinan untuk jejaki “ilmu” dari “akal”. Bila ingatan “iman” mendapat beberapa “ilmu” dari “akal”, ia menjadi “keyakinan” kemungkinan. Untuk percaya keghaiban bukti fakta, “yakin” adalah sumber tenaga yang mengalakan untuk sokong mejadikan realiti.
Ketiga nya “nafsu”, “iman” dan “yakin” adalah anasir tenaga kinetic untuk pergerakan jasad tubuh. Ia seperti timbangan untuk imbang molikuil tenaga pada tahap tepat untuk menjana deras kelajuan.
“Qada’” dan Qadar” tergantung di imbangan antara bukti fakta dari “Qada’ masa lampau dan kemungkinan “Qadar” dari masa depan. “Nyawa” kita adalah pertengahan pusat di benua pusingan putaran. Roda “qada’” takdir dan “qadar” nasib akan berpusing sehingga kita membuat pilihan “yakin” dengan “kepercayaan”.
Risiko untuk mengimbang di timbangan saluran adalah ancaman sebenar kematian. Imbangan yang tepat tidak boleh melebihi atau kurang di percatuan kesihatan. Imbangan kimia perlu secukup nya kekal dan sebarang percangahan akan menjadi tenat di ambang maut.
Ini lah apa “nyawa” itu di maksudkan di dalam jasad tubuh dengan “nafsu”. Maut adalah untuk tubuh jasad dan terputusnya “nafsu” tidak ada kena mengena dengan “nyawa” manusia. “Nyawa” ini lah apa yang kita ingi tahu lebih lanjut bila maut di ambang pintu.
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