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The ancient scriptures of spiritual science was never from the origin of English language and was not in our mother tongue to put it in its actual words. The terminology of some spiritual forces are rather vague to describe it in full comprehension. Cognitive dissonance is one area of the mind where this literature could cause a major breakdown of understanding. Unless you could compromise some flexibility to argue for the right usage of interpretations or having some basic knowledge of spiritual science. We have to spell out some words to tell the energy of these "spirits" to describe the mystery of supernatural events. The "desire" (naf) is the real energy in this main character of our own doing and our "belief" which store all our "knowledge" is the result of such understanding.

This literature is not about the use of English language to its full perspective or to promote its usage as a medium. We are trying to share the "knowledge" of spiritual science with some readers to explore about the unknown frontiers of supernatural event. You may be an expert in your your own mother tongue to command for the right perspective but you should also give us the same respect to interpret it in our own words. The philosophy of linguistic words has no jurisdiction to claim for its own superiority. We should not command "words" to be the only source of understanding. The metaphor of understanding came from your own ability to produce intelligence in its real meaning.


Spiritual Science, Mystical Adventure, Pontianak, Penanggal, Oily Man, Water Spirit, The Morgue, Demonic Disturbance

Sunday 3 April 2011

Spiritual Enhancement of Breathing Exercise

Breathing exercise is a spiritual technique to improve or enhance our spiritual self. The heavy cloud of lazy eyes could be the causes of migraine and headache that some of us might suffer in silent. Our mental energy need to be replenished with proper breathing exercise, to send enough oxygen into our brain for some electrical energy supply. People who are suffering from low mental alertness is due to some short circuit to their brainwaves that clogged the synapses of dopamine to charge the electrical sparks in their brain neurons to flow into their nervous system by the impulse of efferent and afferent to and from the heart.

Some of us might not have been breathing the full supply of oxygen into their lungs. When some carbon dioxide was caught inside the heart,  it bloated the tissue wall to squeeze the opening valve of artery veins and minimize the oxygen intake from the lungs. We need to push open the air flow to reach at the very end of our nervous system for the brain to receive enough oxygen and release the carbonize gases that stranded too long for a stay. Reducing our oxygen intake at every interval of our breath would cause serious blood circulation problem. Our senses may not work the way it should be. It will affect our sight, taste, hearing, smell and touch.

There is a lot to know about our spiritual anatomy. Our "life" was given with a "single" breath and need to be exchanged or recycled the gas of carbon dioxide to oxygen. Oxygen that we breathe inside our lungs supply the oxygen to the brain to spark the electrical circuit of dopamine in the pre frontal cortex and different hemisphere of the amygdala, insula cortex and thalamus.But our "heart" is a major contributor of oxygen to the brain. The blood must carry the oxygen to the brain from the heart.

Blood circulation is vital to our survival. Consciousness is an electrical activity that was sponsored by chemical activity of biological organs with the blood that carries the oxygen. We must know the energy of our "desire" and energy of "belief" which are the two primary source of our "life" energy. Energy of "desire" is the gravitational force of gravity that sponsored the chemical energy for our body sustenance and energy of the "belief" is the electrical  force of atomic neuron that sponsored our consciousness.

Consciousness is a blank screen of darkness seen by the blind "desire" and the picture seen in realization is the "belief" which is mute. The "mind" is the satellite of the "soul" to give us some understanding and intelligence. The "mind" is deaf and is a neutral party that takes no side from the "desire" and "belief" to tender for any body movement.

Edit 18.11.13
Oxygen is the main source of our "life" to generate the heart beats. The heart is like a motor starter to drive the engine running for the brain to be fully conscious. Without the full supply of oxygen the brain may not have the full consciousness. The blood must carry the oxygen to every part of the body and "lead" is the metal that makes the blood circulates with its gravitational force. We cannot rely on the the voluntary "instinct" of our body mechanism to carry the oxygen to the brain. The brain must be given the supply with the real supplementary force of our breath. Keeping the oxygen inside as long as possible until it dissolved into the waste of carbon dioxide. Our heart may not receive the full supply from the lungs. The lungs can only pumps with its centrifugal force of voluntary instinct on its respiratory system and needs to be enhanced with potential force.

Our heart is the pool of our feelings and emotional state. Emotional breakdown of the heart can cause it to suffer serious depression which can affect the brain. The effect of emotional depression of the heart will cause mental disorientation. The heart is where our "desire" reside and the brain is where our "belief" preside in our consciousness. Voluntary instinct of the "desire" can only give us the basic requirements with its centrifugal force of "hope" with no real delivery from its choice. The potential force of "belief" is where the "will" of our "intention" took the chance to deliver the result of prosperity.  

Breathing exercise should be done with a clear mind to get the "source" of our "life" energy. We can get all the chemicals that the body needs from artificial medicines of today modern science. But "life" is not some kind of a "chemical" substances. That chemical substance is only for the biological body. No matter how great is the achievement of modern science today, "life" will always be the secret of its "manufacturer" to make us seek from the real "source" of its energy. Oxygen is the primary "source" of our "life" an is in abundant free of charge. If we are grateful enough to admit that we really appreciate this "breath" that we breathe, some forms of spiritual restitution needs to be done.                 

Subscribe to us  for a complete tutorial process of this spiritual enhancement of breathing exercise. We give step by step breathing techniques on how we could improve our mental alertness and body senses. Oxygen is our source of life. Lacking it will cause some serious health hazards.

Edit 7.3.14

Our consciousness is where the "mind" took the seat in the screen of reality. The "mind" is just the "projector" for the memory of our conscience of "belief" where the feeling of "desire" gravitates for the substance of "knowledge". The "ego" of our gut brain from the "desire" will never recognize any truth of reality with its ignorance until the cognition of the "belief" found some "senses" from the dissonance. "Intelligence" is not a virtue of wisdom to solicit any truth of reality. It is only a working "tool" to find some senses with its understanding. We can "believe" any lies as the truth from the fact of logic with the proof of reality. But the symmetry of conservation has a different picture to be shown. 

When we were given the option to make a "choice" to choose our destiny, we have no "knowledge" to tell about the real truth of its becoming. It was just a game of "chance" that we have place as a token of "hope". That "hope" is just an appointment we make as a blind date  If we do not share it with a "belief" to be seen in reality, the "will" to find about its truth can never be found, unless we "act" immediately for an opportunity of "chance". Our spiritual ability to find the right clue is very much in need. The search for something in the dark would need a very bright search "light" for the truth. When our naked eyes need "light" to see in reality, our "mind" needs a better "light" to find the truth.

Our "breath" is the only thing we have to reach in the abyss of nowhere.            

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