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The ancient scriptures of spiritual science was never from the origin of English language and was not in our mother tongue to put it in its actual words. The terminology of some spiritual forces are rather vague to describe it in full comprehension. Cognitive dissonance is one area of the mind where this literature could cause a major breakdown of understanding. Unless you could compromise some flexibility to argue for the right usage of interpretations or having some basic knowledge of spiritual science. We have to spell out some words to tell the energy of these "spirits" to describe the mystery of supernatural events. The "desire" (naf) is the real energy in this main character of our own doing and our "belief" which store all our "knowledge" is the result of such understanding.

This literature is not about the use of English language to its full perspective or to promote its usage as a medium. We are trying to share the "knowledge" of spiritual science with some readers to explore about the unknown frontiers of supernatural event. You may be an expert in your your own mother tongue to command for the right perspective but you should also give us the same respect to interpret it in our own words. The philosophy of linguistic words has no jurisdiction to claim for its own superiority. We should not command "words" to be the only source of understanding. The metaphor of understanding came from your own ability to produce intelligence in its real meaning.


Spiritual Science, Mystical Adventure, Pontianak, Penanggal, Oily Man, Water Spirit, The Morgue, Demonic Disturbance



A woman who had a face with the most magnificent viewing pleasure that was created by the "soul" was changed by the devil to be the most horrifying sight for people to see. She became a legendary creature in a part of the Malay Archipelago because of her fierce destruction. No one had ever known how and why she became one of the most notorious among the walking dead. We are here to tell you how it happen.

This is a legendary creature of a lost soul. She was once a beautiful young woman falling in love at the wrong place and time.Her misfortune had made her what she had become. I dare anyone to read this to challenge their courage to face an evil rampage. This story of the Pontianak is highly mystical and should be read with extreme caution. We have to open up some secrets door that you have not entered before.

Spirit of the dead is still a mystery to most of us. What and where there are can never be established as a fact. The afterlife may be a story of fiction to some people, whom do not believe that this universe is created by God. Nothing can become something is more appropriate to their intellectual ability.

However, we are not here to dispute about theological or theoretical concept. The afterlife has more to be understood. Science of today will agree that energy can never be destroyed. So the question about our "sentient being" which we have made to become the identity with the person of what we are, is still outstanding. Our consciousness and memory of "life" on board the body during our living period, will not disappear into thin air. This is not how our eco system works. Nothing is put to waste and energy can changed form.

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Now available= Pontianak, Penanggal, Water Spirit, Oily Man and The Morgue.

We are spiritual journalists on a fact finding mission. We explore the spiritual world of intangible elements. Particles of the unknown that hides in the darkness of this universe, could come into reality with a "cause" from its energy of choice and chance. They have a very good reason to hide behind this darkness because "light" is what makes them disappear from our sighting.


She was born in a barbaric society that rules the land like scavengers. She had a face that only a mother would love and both her parents were killed when she was thirteen years of age. When there was no pleasant viewing pleasure to claim for an affection of love, the despicable scorns and abuses thrown at her became her living nightmare. The hatred people shove at her could bleed her heart with deadly vengeance. 
She has a very good reason to terrorize the land. When love could not be given, the only thing left in her heart is hatred to share it around. 

This is where you are looking at the first few words of this story to make your mind wondering to know what it was. The writer is now trying very hard to paint a clearer picture to make all his readers to understand what he was writing about. Not all of us can catch the real meaning of these words and some of them do really need to be given sufficient clues on what this is all about. To make people in all walk of lives to come together on a single screen of papers to share their ability to understand, the writer must begin with a simple explanation for all to realm. The imaginative plane of the mind can stray away from the real subject of discussion.

A human head should always be attached to its own body to show it distinguish identity on its face. The human head is like a computer screen to show the face puts on display. It is the only medium to present your own self to the open public. It is the original trademark of your proto type on the person of what you are from the real authentic manufacturer of your “soul”. A face should be presentable to be shown to anyone around us.

Any discrepancy to distort the main character’s role of a human body will cause great muse to our concern. The benefit to have a pleasant viewing pleasure for everybody to watch must prevail to demand the privilege for an affection of love. But not all of us do really have a nice looking face for everybody to watch. Some are horrible enough for the eyes to quickly look away to end the displeasure.  When this girl has a face that only a mother would love, this face of hers is the subject of scorns and abuses thrown at her to make a nightmare on her waking period.

The despise they prescribed on the diary of her life was a designation to pursue for the horrible nature of reality. If love was never intended to be given, the only feeling left in the heart was hatred to be shared around. The scorn and hatred thrown to despise the horrible feature could bleed her heart in deadly vengeance. Losing the benefit of a pleasant viewing pleasure for an affection of love will make you retreat in seclusion to solace your grief. The scorn and hatred on those watchful eyes must be rebutted with wrath of anger.

This face is not a mask where you can take it off to change it with another. Maybe in today’s modern technology, you can apply some cosmetic solutions to imitate an artificial beauty as a mask and use it to deceive all those who wish to share your complexion.. But, when you are stuck with a face that caused great misery, the only solution was to retaliate and make it even worst for them to watch in horrible nightmare.

This was in the medieval time where only devils and demons were the only scientists available to seek for medical advice. The chemistry of these medicines are the only remedy to cure their chronic illnesses. These devils and demons were never sincere to offer such expertise. Vengeance and rage are the therapy they used to cure their mental and emotional despair. Her horrible face was enhanced to create fear and terrible fright.

When a human head has a horrible feature to show around and cause great distress, the death of this body will make it even worst. This was the time when her human head was taken away by the devils to recuperate her diagnosis. The conflict of horrible feature on a face was made to become the Penanggal for their mystical adventure. This is the time when the head was separated from the body.

You should read this story and find out what this mystery is all about.

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When our Great Creator who is the beginning of everything watch to see the emptiness in its presence, the loneliness to recognize the need to have some ectoplasm for a vision, began the first sign of event. The first bright "light" of "knowledge" from the vision took form to begin its "audience". The throne of "arasy" with its pedestal of "Qursi" took the seat for an interesting event.

A single drip of water made the first step to create an ocean to flow a few million years apart to be the ink of written "knowledge". The "light" was separated to be the Pen or Mind, then Tablet or "Knowledge" then Heaven and its attributes of Angels with Hell and its attributes of civilization when the first "fire" was lighted. The radioactive decay of the "light" and "fire" descended down to open up an expansion of empty space.  

When the "light" introduced the brightness to the empty space, the dark matters and the civilization of the Jinn took over to stay on the lower universe with the gravity of its forces. The cosmological constant rules the darkness facing the brightness of "light" to take notice on each other for the "knowledge" of recognition. The radioactive decay from the "light" and "fire" created the gravitational forces of dark matters and now rules the universe for the making of everything.

The "light" of "knowledge" and the "gravity" of "dark matters" came in unification with a spiral to begin the first click of "time". This is where the "fate" and "destiny" took over to move the speed with a duration from its period of "life span". The chemical and electrical energy conducted the first nuclear explosion with the nebula of particles in the masses. 

Apabila Maha Pencipta yang Awali melihat untuk memandang kekosongan pada kewujuban, kesunyian untuk mengenal keinginan pada jelmaan pandangan, memulakan tanda pertama peristiwa. Cahaya "nur" pertama dari "ilmu" pada pandangan itu mencorak wajah untuk wujudkan "saksi". "Qursi" dan "Arasy" mengambil tempat untuk satu persembahan.  

Setitik air menitis, memulakan langkah pertama untuk menjadikan lautan mengalir sehingga berjuta tahun jarak nya seperti dakwat pada tulisan "ilmu". Cahaya itu di pisahkan menjadi Pena atau "akal", dan menjadi Kitab atau "ilmu" dan menjadikan Shurga dan wakil Malaikat nya dengan Neraka dan wakil tamadun nya bila "api" pertama di nyalakan. Haba radioaktif dari cahaya "nur" dan "api" menjunam turun untuk membuka lapangan ruang kekosongan.

Apabila cahaya "nur" itu memperkenalkan sinaran nya pada ruang kekosongan, anasir gelap dan tamadun Jin mengambil alih langit di bawah dengan kuasa graviti nya. Kosmologikal tetap memerintah kegelapan bertentang muka dengan cahaya "nur" untuk perasan satu sama lain bagi "ilmu" mengenal diri. Haba radioaktif dari cahaya "nur" dan "api" menjadikan kuasa tarikan graviti anasir gelap dan sekarang menerajui pemerintahan alam maya untuk jadikan semua ini.

Cahaya "nur" dari "ilmu" dan "graviti" pada "anasir gelap" datang bertemu dengan putaran untuk mulakan detik pertama saat masa. Di sini lah di mana "takdir" Qada' dan "nasib" Qadar mengambil alih untuk gerak kan kelajuan dengan tempuh jarak masa pada "jangka hayat". Tenaga dari kimia dan elektrikal menjadikan satu letupan nuklear dengan debu zarah di sebaran massa.


The E=mc2 that we have learn to know in the plank time and length was governed by the mass as an observer. Energy and mass are the same. Mass can convert into energy and energy can convert into mass. Gravity and radiation in the cosmological constant are the masses of dark matters. The symmetry and conservation are the two optical illusion that we are interested to know. Somewhere in between that space, the spiritual dimension existed.

The three dimensional zones of space and time could leak to another wormhole of the fourth. This is where the secrets were kept hidden to protect the integrity of its truth. Facts and evidence is not where we term our rule of acceptance. Truth and logic are never solicited. We play a different game in this plane. Material and spiritual planes are related but also separated. Where they divides is where we took noticed.

Spiritual science is an odyssey that we should explore with extreme caution. The ambiguity of holographic images may lead you to the unknown world of no return. Our empirical studies and hypothesis are done with our consciousness and intelligence. The mind is the satellite to receive the transmission from the soul. Our desire and believe will be the pawn on the empty space. Success and failure will be the result of our expectation. Trial and error is where we pick our clues. Both will benefit us to step ahead in the future. Reality may be an illusion to deceive us with the fate about our destiny. Past, present and future is a prophecy of our soul. Today is the result from yesterday and tomorrow is the result of today. 

E=mc2 yang telah kita pelajari untuk mengetahui acara plank dan jarak masa di kuasai massa sebagai pemerhati. Tenaga dan massa adalah sama. Massa boleh berubah menjadi tenaga dan tenaga boleh berubah menjadi massa. Graviti dan radiasi di kosmologikal tetap adalah massa anasir gelap. Semitrik konservasi adalah dua pandangan illusi yang kita berminat untuk mengetahui. Di sesuatu ruang di antara nya, wujud nya dimensi kerohanian.

Tiga zon dimensi ruang dan masa boleh bolos ke satu "wormhole" yang keempat. Di sini lah di mana rahsia itu tersimpan untuk menjaga ketulusan hakikatnya. Bukti dan fakta bukan lah di mana kita menentukan terma dan syarat penerimaan kami. Logik dan kebenaran tidak pernah kami tuntut. Kami memainkan permainan yang berbeza di lapangan ini. Lapangan material dan kerohanian sangat berkaitan tetapi tetap terpisah. Di mana mereka terbahagi adalah di mana kami ingin ambil tahu.

Sains kerohanian adalah pelayaran yang kita jelajahi dengan penuh cermat. Kesamaran holografi bayangan boleh membawa kita ke dunia ghaib yang sesat. Kajian empirikal dan hipothesis di lakukan dengan kesedaran dan kebijaksanaan. Minda adalah satelit untuk menerima transmisi dari roh. Nafsu dan iman adalah buah catur di ruang yang kosong. Kejayaan dan kegagalan adalah apa yang kami jangkakan. “Trial and error” adalah di mana kami mengutip tanda kunci. Kedua dua nya akan memberi manfaat untuk melangkah setapak lagi di masa depan. Realiti mungkin sesuatu illusi untuk memperdayakan kita dengan takdir Qada' tentang Qadar nasib. Masa silam, masa kini dan masa depan adalah ramalan roh kita. Hari ini adalah jawapan dari hari semalam dan esok adalah jawapan dari hari ini.


We have explore the mystical world where some mysteries of the unknown have stamp a mark on their existence. They have made their presence felt. Their apparition came in many shapes and sizes. The way they interfere with our life was why we pursue further to track their diabolical plot. We may not realize that they were behind the misery of our suffering. We humans are totally responsible for any action of our deeds. But the opportunity of choice and the possibility of chance that was placed upon us, is where we made our move in the motion of speed.

Our human body is always the subject of their interest. Satan, devil, demon, jinn, pixie , imp, sprite came in many definitions of shapes and sizes. Our "life" which is the source of our energy has two separate energy levels of the "desire" and the "believe" which the "mind" came to serve with the knowledge of knowing. Consciousness and intelligence are our only tools of the trade. Our human body puts on display is only a subject of our mind. The "thought" that moves the body is an investment that we are going to make. The taste of joy and happiness or pain and suffering is for the body to feel.

Not many people wanted to look within themselves to explore the energy of our "life". The symmetry and the conservation are the two, mass and energy that is interactive in any constant. Gases could become moisture and liquid. Liquid could become solid and conserve in any formation. The dark matters that kept them compact in the vacuum of space keeps the formation intact for stability. The velocity of speed from kinetic and potential movement, was observed in the oscillation of motion. Somewhere in that dark space, the baryonic energy interfere to make a change.

The "desire" and "believe" are the chemical and electrical energy. The biological body need the chemical supplied by the "desire" and the "soul" need the electrical energy supplied from the "believe". The human "mind" is the satellite to receive the reception. The transmission however need to have the basic ingredient of "knowledge" to tender any service. Our consciousness and intelligence are two separate aperture of energy levels. The neuron synapses of efferent and afferent in our brainwaves between the pre frontal cortex  of the "believe" and amygdala of the "desire". Our human "life span" of a single breath has so much to carry its weight. Gravity and quantum mechanics play an important role to keep us alive. The spiritual anatomy of energy aperture from the biological body of our auras came with its spectrum of colors. This universe is full of waves bands. The atmosphere of electromagnetic field to transmit the aperture of energy to reach its destination.

Fate of our free will that the "desire" choose as a choice would always come from the past of designated  path. Destiny of our faith that the "believe" prefer from the possibility of chance would come from the future.  These two forces will meet on impact to create reality. This is what we need to understand to get the precision. The calibration of time and energy that the mass observed to create reality is still a mystery to many. When time is the speed with the pace of its motion, reality need to obey the rules of nature from "cause" and "effect".  Choice and chance is where we placed out token for a bet on this big gambling table.  

We human can never claim that we are the only superior being on this universe. The civilizations before human exist was left unnoticed. This is where we spent some times to track them down. The spiritual world of the unknown has been declared by some silly scientists that they do not exist just because they could not locate their where about. Scientists took the easy way out to deny them. They took the convenience to end the subject. This is what made them said "God do not exist" and challenge anyone of us to prove what they can't. prove. Then "evolution" become a subject they offer as an alternative. They quickly put the evidence before the fact for everybody to swallow. It is a sleeping pill they gave to put us to sleep. Our mind will be distorted with the facts and some believe it with a faith. Human are made to become animals and the society at large became rebellious. The human body was the only matter that concern them and the "desire" was put in charge. The "believe" was badly tormented to relinquish its faith on the spiritual plane.This is where the diabolical plot started. The devils dance on the street to celebrate the victory. Prostitution, drugs, music, casino, pub, nightclub, free sex, homosexual, pornography, abortion etc; become the commodity of trade. Human were made to become animals. The devils are having their party. We can't stop the party but we could at least tell the music that they are playing. Modernization came in a package of good and evil. When they let the "desire" enjoyed too much fun, the "believe" was left unattended in hunger without a faith.

We human need to know more about what this "desire" inside us is all about. The "believe" needed the reception of inspiration from our "soul". Knowledge is only an information for our conscience to receive. But the intelligence to understand came from the "soul" who offer such privilege. The "desire" is blind, the "believe" is mute and the "mind" is deaf. Together they share to create the energy which we called "life". To understand the chronology of the spiritual anatomy, the "mind" must stand to face its own self. making the "mind" stay at a spot for some period of time is a challenge. because the "mind" flirts like a butterfly.

Kami telah jelajahi dunia mistik di mana misteri ghaib telah melakar tanda kewujuban nya. Mereka telah membuat kehadiran mereka di rasai. Penjelmaan mereka datang dengan perbagai bentuk dan rupa. Cara mereka menceroboh kehidupan kita adalah di mana kita teruskan untuk menjejaki pakatan kedujanaan mereka. Kita mungkin tidak sedar mereka sebenarnya di sebalik segala sengsara dan keazaban. Kita manusia tetap bertangungjawab dengan apa yang kita lakukan. Tetapi peluang pemilihan dan kemungkinan nasib yang di letakkan di hadapan kita, adalah di mana kita bergerak di hayunan laju.

Tubuh badan manusia akan selalu menjadi tajuk minat mereka. Syaitan, jinn, jembalang, toyol, hantu, peleset, saka, kadam, datang dengan banyak definasi bentuk dan rupa. Nyawa kita adalah sumber tenaga dan mempunyai dua tahap tenaga yang berbeza yaitu dari “nafsu” dan “iman” di mana “akal” datang melayan dengan ilmu pengetahuan. Kesedaran dan kebijaksanaan hanya lah perkakas kemahiran kita. Tubuh badan manusia yang di pamerkan hanya satu subjek minda kita. “Ingatan” atau "lintasan" yang mengerakan tubuh adalah pelaburan yang akan kita lakukan. Perasaan riang dan gembira  atau sakit dan merana adalah untuk tubuh badan merasai. 

“Nafsu” dan “iman” adalah tenaga kimia dan elektrikal. Tubuh biologi perlukan saluran kimia oleh “nafsu” dan “roh” perlukan tenaga elektrikal yang di salurkan “iman”. “Akal” manusia adalah satelit untuk menerima resepsi. Transmisi itu bagaimanapun memerlukan bahan asas “ilmu” untuk tuntut layanan. Kesedaran dan kebiksanaan kita adalah dua pancaran tahap tenaga yang berbeza.  Synapsi neuron di “efferent dan affarent” di gelombang otak di antara “pre frontal cortex” dari “iman” dan “amygdala” dari “nafsu”. “Jangka hayat” manusia dari nafas yang seteguk mempunyai banyak keberatan untuk di pikul. Graviti dan quantum mechanics memainkan peranan yang penting untuk membuat kita hidup. Susunan tenaga kerohanian yang pancar dari tubuh biologi kita dari aura datang dengan anika warna nya. Alam maya ini penuh dengan gelombang belang. Atmosphera ruang elektromagnetik akan salur tembusan tenaga untuk sampai pada destinasi nya.

Takdir dari  kuasa memilih atau free will  yang “nafsu” pilih sebagai pilihan akan selalu datang dari masa lampau yang telah di tentukan. Hala tuju keyakinan kita yang “iman” inginkan dari kemungkinan nasib datang dari masa depan. Dua kuasa ini akan bertembung untuk jadikan realiti. Ini lah apa yang kita perlu faham untuk dapat kepastian. Imbangan masa dan tenaga yang massa perhatikan untuk jadikan realiti mash menjadi misteri pada kebanyakan kita. Bila ini adalah kelajuan dengan lajak pergerakan, realiti perlu mematuhi peraturan alam dari “sebab dan musabab”. Pilihan dan nasib adalah di mana kita letak tekaan janji di meja judi dunia yang besar ini.

Manusia tidak akan boleh menuntut bahawa kita hanyalah mahluk yang paling agung di alam maya ini. Tamadun sebelum manusia pernah wujud, masih belum di ambil tahu. Di sini lah di mana kami mengambil sedikit masa untuk menjejaki mereka. Dunia kerohanian alam ghaib telah di istiharkan oleh berapa saintis bahawa mereka tidak wujud oleh kerana mereka tidak dapat mencari kedudukan mereka. Saintis mengambil jalan mudah dengan menafikan mereka. Mereka dengan selesa memutuskan untuk tutup perkara ini. Itu lah yang membuat mereka berkata “Tuhan itu tidak wujud” dan mencabar kita supaya membuktikan apa yang mereka tidak dapat buktikan. Lalu “evolusi” di jadikan mata pelajaran yang mereka hulurkan sebagai altenatif. Mereka dengan cepat meletakan bukti selepas fakta nya untuk semua orang telan menerima. Itu satu ubat tidur yang mereka beri untuk lenyakkan kita. Minda kita akan di pesongkan dari fakta dan ada yang percaya semua itu dengan penuh keimanan. Manusia dijadikan seperti binatang dan masyarakat umum menjadi pemberontak. Tubuh manusia hanya lah bahan yang paling di titik beratkan mereka dan “nafsu” di letakan sebagai pengarah. “Iman” di belenggu supaya melepaskan keimanan di lapangan kerohanian. Ini lah di mana pakatan kedurjanaan di mulakan. Hantu jembalang berjoget di jalanan untuk menyambut kemenangan. Pelacuran, dadah, musik, judi, club malam, sex bebas, sex sesama jenis, gambar lucah, buangan anak etc. Menjadi bahan komoditi perniagaan. Manusia di jadikan seperti binatang. Hantu jembalang berpesta di sana sini. Kita tidak dapat hentikan pesta itu, tetapi kita setidak-tidak nya boleh memberitahu musik apa yang mereka mainkan. Kemodenan datang dengan bungkusan buruk dan baik. Bila mereka biarkan “nafsu” mengecapi terlalu banyak hiburan, “iman” di biarkan tidak di layan dengan kelaparan tanpa keyakinan.

Kita manusia perlu tahu tentang “nafsu” ini, di dalam diri kita semua ini. “Iman” perlukan sambutan inspirasi dari “roh”. Ilmu hanya lah informasi untuk daya ingatan menerima. Tetapi kebijakasanaan untuk memahami, datang dari “roh” yang menghulurkan keistemewaan itu. “Nafsu” itu “buta”, “iman” itu “bisu”, dan “akal” itu pekak. Bersama-sama, mereka kongsi untuk mencipta tenaga yang kita gelar “nyawa”. Untuk memahami kronologi susun cara kerohanian, “akal” perlu berdiri untuk bersemuka dengan dirinya, membuat “akal” tetap di satu sudut untuk beberapa jangka masa adalah satu cabaran. Kerana “akal” merayau seperti rama-rama.